I keep catching Wendaug out being traitorous but just can't go through with revealing it due to how strong she is.
if you do, she says she was planning on betraying later and uses a ring to teleport away
You can confront her after she is instructing her army and you have to fight her troops or after you find dryas stash
Path is great both story and mechanics-wise
What are you playin as, if I may ask? Sorry if you already said it but I only make small forays itt to avoid soilers.
PC was martial, respecced a few times around variations of Mutation Warrior / Two-handed Warrior / Rowdy / Thug. Started as a Genderme but mounts were too janky.
Perception 2 gives insane feats for the whole team, but they can't be selected with any bonus feats, so they will burn a lot of them.
Yes, and in general scroll scribing in this game is like tactical nukes manufacturing. I won Wintersun village boss fight basically by casting one DC 35 slow from scroll.If you write scrolls with Metamagic, does that stick when casting them?
Pretty sure the DC is bugged and too high.
Have to test it, but if everything works right it means you could get 24h Haste from Trickster with UMD 2.
Meh, all win more. Nothing other classes can’t do just as well if not better.
The Trickery Dispel is far and away the most meaningful ability along with the Arcanas. Perception 3 may well be worth it. Nature 1 gives each character a random cooking bonus from P:K.
Perception 3 is garbage, you get all the good Rank 1 Tricks.
Desiderius, since you rated my post were I explicitly referred to "a plain fighter" as fake news, I ask again, could you please elaborate on what you mean? I don't consider the later OP martial classes to be plain fighters if that's what you had in mind. Do you play the game as a single class fighter or barbarian?
Plain Fighter is insane. Wend with Dual Throwing Axes and Fighter’s Tactics + Seize the Moment + Greater Snap + Ever Ready is as good as it gets. And yes the Armor Training on that is better than Mutation.
Isn't her AB kinda low though? That was my experience.
Selective can be nice with Grease also.
Selective is great with Web, I used it through all act 2 with great effect. I also tried givin Camellia the favoured metamagic Extend Mythic, since I'm more or less giving her all the buffs and heals, pretty satisfied with the results for now.
Despite being played kingmaker for over 800 hours, I have more desire to re play kingmaker than to do a second run in PF:WoTR. Is not that PF:WoTR is a bad game, is just that getting a nobility title and building a kingdom in a place very close to the feyworld and dealing with ancient curses and other similar mysteries, is IMO more interesting than "go kill demons and save the world".
Only I?
Kingmaker has more of a classical adventure feel to it. Drezen Siege felt like an endgame.Despite being played kingmaker for over 800 hours, I have more desire to re play kingmaker than to do a second run in PF:WoTR. Is not that PF:WoTR is a bad game, is just that getting a nobility title and building a kingdom in a place very close to the feyworld and dealing with ancient curses and other similar mysteries, is IMO more interesting than "go kill demons and save the world".
Only I?
I keep catching Wendaug out being traitorous but just can't go through with revealing it due to how strong she is.
if you do, she says she was planning on betraying later and uses a ring to teleport away
You can confront her after she is instructing her army and you have to fight her troops or after you find dryas stash
If she betrays you, you beat her up and you're best buds again.
Pretty sure if you find all the hints she'll be impressed and won't betray you.
Gutted on the spot as proper LG character should do.What did you guys do to
Nurah? I placed her in jail. Do I place her there forever?
Yes, she's strong, you are weak. Weak should obey the strong.I keep catching Wendaug out being traitorous but just can't go through with revealing it due to how strong she is.
Boy, a mod that would be even better than the Irenicus dungeon would be skip the Shield Maze and Grey Garrison, man, all the fights between the demon dude killing oversized chicken to getting into Defender's Heart are trash tutorial fights, making alts and going through that slog is annoying. It would be nice going from the intro into Defender's Heart with already level 3.
When developers will stop making over long linear intro sections in cRPGs?
Boy, a mod that would be even better than the Irenicus dungeon would be skip the Shield Maze and Grey Garrison, man, all the fights between the demon dude killing oversized chicken to getting into Defender's Heart are trash tutorial fights, making alts and going through that slog is annoying. It would be nice going from the intro into Defender's Heart with already level 3.
When developers will stop making over long linear intro sections in cRPGs?
I keep 2 generals, one being a wizard with 3 stacks limit, which sucks and the other one being also a wizard who for some reason has 4 stacks limit. If I had known the limit doesn't grow with general's level, I wouldn't have developed the 3-limit wizard to level 4. But as it stands, I need a second general just in order to store the stacks which I can't be used by my active general's army.Said someone who keeps 3 different generals in crusade mode pretending it's HoMM.
Don't get why Daeran is considered Neutral Evil. All the conversations with him feels more Chaotic Neutral to me.
I just got curious while getting through that part. It seemed like something perverse enough for there to be an achievement for it.Does anyone know if there is an achievement for not one crusader dying on the hill up to the Chapel in Chapter 2?
Why do you bother so much ? If you did the elemental on core mode in the tutorial youa re already in the 4.5% elite players...
I keep 2 generals, one being a wizard with 3 stacks limit, which sucks and the other one being also a wizard who for some reason has 4 stacks limit. If I had known the limit doesn't grow with general's level, I wouldn't have developed the 3-limit wizard to level 4. But as it stands, I need a second general just in order to store the stacks which I can't be used by my active general's army.Said someone who keeps 3 different generals in crusade mode pretending it's HoMM.
Oh, desiderius ignoring me.
Still pretending you need to change approach. Adorable.change up your approach for different foes
I... am speechless. This dude made a 9! hour 20 minute long video guide about classes and stuff:
“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”
― Mark Twain
Cam gets meta from the Secret Hex. Using Cam for heals is some last level shit.
Cam gets meta from the Secret Hex. Using Cam for heals is some last level shit.
I'm using her as a crit frontliner, not for heals, that's just secondary. What I meant is the DC from her spell is low in my config and I have far better casters so I prepare different spells on her. She can easily crit for 70+ damage on act 2.