I have to say, that garrison dungeon, while impressive in how big it is, it's a damn slog. So many god damn fights, pretty tough ones too, and right now I feel the game is just trolling me. Opened a door, in there there are several small demons, a couple of half-demons and 2 freaking minotaurs. wut.
That's a nice one because if you try to open theearly they come out of the next room and there's a trap there if you try to come after them.exit door
Great encounter design.
If it's too tough no dishonor to lower the difficulty until you learn the game.
Wasn't too hard, just exhausting. So damn many encounters, and they all go the same way - spam grease. Seems nothing else really do anything, the only one that does any kind of damage is the rogue with crits. Otherwise it's an endless click end turn for 2-3 damage each turn, many times 0.