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Eternity Pillars of Eternity + The White March Expansion Thread


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Oh, that Noober playthrough beat Thaos. It took him almost an hour and a half. :lol: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84857-noobers-revenge-a-level-1-solo-challenge/page-6#entry1786761

Its official: Noober > Thaos

Oh dear – this was the hell of a fight. 81 minutes of pure running and terror. Not to forget: Finding the right strategy and the countless deaths during this search – a pure nightmare.

As tanking was no option the only chance for Noober was kiting like a god. The main threat were not only the fast moving statues but especially Thaos „Cleansing Flame“. If he casted this on Noober it was unavoidable instadeath. The only way to avoid this was the help of summons. But - what a pity - this alone was not enough. The main goal was: Get Thaos out of his spell cycle. This happens randomly (?) for instance when the summons are dying. So once Noober saw Thaos approaching him without any spell symbol above his head THIS was the right time to start the running and kiting.

Thanks to the Boots of Speed + the movement resting bonus it was possible to kite the two statues and Thaos alltogether by just running in circles using the whole battleground as kiting territory. Thanks to this running pattern Noober was able to fire one arrow when reaching the eastern side and one arrow on the western side. To avoid any melee engagement he had to fire Lenas Er from maximum distance exactly when the statues moved out of the fog of war. Everything else was instadeath.

With this "simple" method he circled and circled and circled... firing his bow again and again and again. After the spell buffs expired the deflection of the statues (and Thaos) was low enough to hit them quite regularly. Only Thaos deflection of 88 was troublesome and lead to many grazes.

It took nearly an hour before the first statue went down. At this point it was very important getting distance as fast as possible because of the death explosion. I forgot about that so Noober got critically hit for 50 fire damage which brought him down to 13 endurance only.

Ten minutes later Noober killed the second statue and avoided the explosion completly. Now only Noober and Thaos were left. A classical 1vs1 with Noober getting tired and nearly moving into engagement range of Thaos. After this shocking moment Noobers instincts awakend again and he kited for his life like never before. Thaos - once he is out of his spell cycle will not cast any spells again unless you get into melee engagement again - something Noober avoided at all costs. Hit after hit Thaos life bar went to injured – heavy injured – nearly dead. After reaching over 80 minutes of exhausting kiting Noober finally landed the killing blow and brought it to an end. The end of the game. The end of this project. Thanks for reading. Thanks for your support.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
Might affecting spelldamage is not the problem of the attribute system. I actually like that there are no obvious to go stats for each classes such as dexterty for rogues, strength for warriors and intelligence for mages, because those kinda attribute system only lead to everyone maxing out this particular stat and therefor everyones stat distribution gets railroaded, whereas in POEs system you could in theory actually create different playstyles by choosing different attributes.

Where the system falls on its nose is the fact that those attributebonuses have a far too minor effect for it to really matter.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9000 mit Tapatalk 2

Prime Junta

Where the system falls on its nose is the fact that those attributebonuses have a far too minor effect for it to really matter.

This is not true.

Don't believe me? Make an INT 3 caster, and an INT 20 caster, and compare the AoE's.

The other attribute effects are comparable; that's just obviously easy to visualise.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
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PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
What makes it confusing is that everything is too fine grained for people used to thinking in D&D scope. My advice is to think in twos when thinking about attribute scores - +2 to an attribute in PoE feels about as powerful as a +1 in D&D. For defenses values, I think it's easiest to divide by five since they are using a 100-sided die instead of a 20-sided die. So +5 to a defense or accuracy is the same as -1 to AC/saving throw, or THAC0.

Prime Junta is right that a 3int caster would play different than a 20 int caster, but what about a 15int vs 16int. That's what makes it seem there is no difference how you'll distribute attribute points. This fine graining also complicates calculations and makes it harder to gauge which equipment is better and how much better, when you have to compare bonuses of "+15% some defense when under 50% endurance" vs something similar in those lines.

Prime Junta

What makes it confusing is that everything is too fine grained for people used to thinking in D&D scope. My advice is to think in twos when thinking about attribute scores - +2 to an attribute in PoE feels about as powerful as a +1 in D&D. For defenses values, I think it's easiest to divide by five since they are using a 100-sided die instead of a 20-sided die. So +5 to a defense or accuracy is the same as -1 to AC/saving throw, or THAC0.

Prime Junta is right that a 3int caster would play different than a 20 int caster, but what about a 15int vs 16int. That's what makes it seem there is no difference how you'll distribute attribute points. This fine graining also complicates calculations and makes it harder to gauge which equipment is better and how much better, when you have to compare bonuses of "+15% some defense when under 50% endurance" vs something similar in those lines.

In most flavours of D&D, attribute bonuses only change for even numbers. I.e. there's no difference between DEX 15 and DEX 16 at all.


Oct 10, 2015
Rolls were planned badly in AD&D, where only the highest numbers provided you with a significant advantage. But those were ancient times and incidentally, munchkinism wasn't encouraged. Today it seems pretty silly that you can't play a Paladin if that's what you want, but back then it was a "premium" class only available to players with a lucky roll. The books say as much.

3ED onwards system seems more rational. Medium rolls provide you with small bonuses. Also, Int 16 is the same as Int 17, but with attribute increases per level, the 17 is potentially closer to becoming an 18, if you so wish. Of course, this led to powergaming decisions, that in PoE have been thrown off the window.

Prime Junta

Rolls were planned badly in AD&D, where only the highest numbers provided you with a significant advantage. But those were ancient times and incidentally, munchkinism wasn't encouraged. Today it seems pretty silly that you can't play a Paladin if that's what you want, but back then it was a "premium" class only available to players with a lucky roll. The books say as much.

Which was doubly stupid because an AD&D paladin is just sub-par fighter with Lay On Hands. It wasn't until those wack kits started to come in that it started to make any kind of mechanical sense.

3ED onwards system seems more rational. Medium rolls provide you with small bonuses. Also, Int 16 is the same as Int 17, but with attribute increases per level, the 17 is potentially closer to becoming an 18, if you so wish. Of course, this led to powergaming decisions, that in PoE have been thrown off the window.

Meh, D&D3 attributes are pretty bad too. Every class only has one way to distribute them so you might as well roll the bonuses into the classes and not have attributes at all.


Oct 10, 2015
Well, part of the rationale behind "premium" classes was the coolness. A Paladin was much cooler in concept than a plain Fighter, also required some specialness (Paladins are holy men of sorts), so there were less of them, and it was harder to play one. The same for the Ranger, which curiously, has been at times one of the weakest classes. The Fighter, on the other hand, was a base class, so restricting it is pointless.

Just as some spells are nearly useless or situational, whereas other are game breaking.


Mar 16, 2015
What makes it confusing is that everything is too fine grained for people used to thinking in D&D scope. My advice is to think in twos when thinking about attribute scores - +2 to an attribute in PoE feels about as powerful as a +1 in D&D. For defenses values, I think it's easiest to divide by five since they are using a 100-sided die instead of a 20-sided die. So +5 to a defense or accuracy is the same as -1 to AC/saving throw, or THAC0.

Prime Junta is right that a 3int caster would play different than a 20 int caster, but what about a 15int vs 16int. That's what makes it seem there is no difference how you'll distribute attribute points. This fine graining also complicates calculations and makes it harder to gauge which equipment is better and how much better, when you have to compare bonuses of "+15% some defense when under 50% endurance" vs something similar in those lines.

In most flavours of D&D, attribute bonuses only change for even numbers. I.e. there's no difference between DEX 15 and DEX 16 at all.
That is a bad example lol, you probably meant there is no difference between 14 and 15 dex.


Sep 4, 2014
Finally finished the 3.00/3.01 playthrough. Motivation died off once I finished WMP2 because even with the high level scaling you steamroll everything. I'm honestly not even sure what the level scaling did because it did not seem to have made any difference. Overall, I'd say the game is definitely better now than when I first played. The expansion(s) was definitely the highlight of the game. I even liked how it gave you legitimate high level content with Llengrath and Concelhaut. There are still some bugs in the game and oddly a typo in the menu screen which you don't see that often. Yet in my first playthrough Durance got bugged and I couldn't finish his quest. Durance lighting himself on fire is definitely a better ending than him becoming a mute. Some bugs are good.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Patch notes for 3.02 are out (finally):
Major Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where some player's game would reset after completing Part 1.
  • Fixed an issue where some players couldn't activate the White Forge or enter Durgan's Battery.
  • Fixed an issue with the final Eyeless SI becoming stuck if you selected yourself.
  • Fixed an issue where some players would get stuck at the Caed Nua End Slide.
  • Fixed multiple issues where some players received black screens on load/transitioning.
White March Specific
  • Iron Flail Front is no longer accessible before returning to Stalwart at the start of Part 2.
  • Foundry map icon appears as soon as you visit the Foundry after activating Part 2.
  • Updated the nav for Whitestone Hollow, Durgan's Battery Exterior, and Durgan's West Tower.
  • Gwyn's Band of Union placed into a container in the Abbey.
  • Fixed an issue with Kaoto not speaking to you at the top of the Abbey of the Fallen Moon.
  • Added an addendum to the Rising Tide Quest regarding the sign of the tide.
  • All robes in the Halls of Silence have had their name updated.
  • SFX now plays during the Eyeless Scripted Interaction.
  • Burning Pitch Trebuchet and Empowered/Heavy Cannon Blast will no longer gain benefit from Might or Intellect and are per rest.
  • Eyeless 'Ray of Fire' no longer deals insane amounts of damage on Story Time.
  • Fixed an issue with Cayron's Scar Frozen Water SI applying status effects to the wrong character.
  • Summoned Crag Ogres no longer drop loot.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Relentless Storm to spam cast in Cayron's Scar.
  • Villagers now comment about you defeating the Eyeless.
  • Fixed an issue in Tealdor's dialogue where he would stop giving bounties.
  • Fixed an issue where Mylla was disappearing after completing the quest 'Lost Child'.
  • Fixed issue with screaming villagers audio persisting after Burning Hut SI.
  • Magma Blights in the West Tower now drop loot.
  • Updated the Skuldrak projectile to be an icicle.
  • Fixed gas cloud VFX in the West Tower gas room.
  • Bleakwalker Ghosts (Summoned during Ryona's Breastplate Quest) will now drop correct loot.
  • Spirit animals Whitestone Cave now drop correct loot.
  • Zahua image now shows during his End slides.
  • Fixed an issue not being able to leave Zahua's vision during Secrets of Tacan.
  • Fixed Zahua's conversations not triggering depending on how the quest was started during Secrets of Tacan.
  • Can now re-enter Zahua's vision without reloading Whitestone Hollow.
  • 'Secrets of Tacan' no longer fails if you speak to a vision after Save/Load.
  • 'Secrets of Tacan' no longer fails if Zahua is killed after completion.
  • Fixed an issue with Maneha only wanting to talk about the Fort.
Dyrwood Areas
  • Fixed an issue with combat not ending in Galawain's Maw.
  • Fixed an issue where some players could not interact with Lord Raedric.
  • Rectroactive fix made for Fragments of a Scattered Faith if the player has already looted the standard but didn't have Eder in the party.
  • Gathbin and friends have been buffed during the Battle of Yenwood.
  • Added more SFX to Yenwood Scripted Interaction.
  • Chancellor Warrin no longer respawns in the Charred Barrel after the quest completes.
  • Chancellor Warrin no longer hostiles the you if you previously killed all the patrons in the Charred Barrel.
  • Corrected Gathbin and Chancellor Warrins speaker tags.
  • Tortured Spirit in Cilant Lis should no longer reappear when returning to the map.
  • Searing Falls will now have enemies when first visited.
  • Angry Villagers and Marshal Forwyn no longer respawn at Caed Nua.
  • Fixed an issue where the Soldier Ghost in Caed Nua Dungeons was not spawning.
  • Retreating from enemies on Od Nua Level 13 will now end combat.
  • Adra Animat in Od Nua Level 13 no longer respawns after Save/Load.
Spells and Abilities
  • Paladin's Liberation Exhortation now works on charmed allies.
  • Rogues can now Sneak Attack off of Stun on Crit weapon effects.
  • Rogue's Escape will now break engagement.
  • Cipher's 'Amplified Thrust' no longer generates focus.
  • Updated VFX for Recall Agony so that the effect lasts until the status effect ends.
  • Adjusted the VFX for the mind wave spell to match the actual size of the spell aoe. Also added a light to it.
  • Mental Binding no longer rolls extra rolls against defenses.
  • Llengrath's Mental and Physical Shields can only be cast during combat
  • Fixed an issue where Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom would give the wielder permanent accuracy and damage bonuses.
  • Llengrath's Blunt Wisdom is no longer Superb, but has built in damage and accuracy bonuses.
  • Necrotic Lance is now listed as a Hostile status effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Minor Grimoire Imprint was stealing Chanter invocations.
  • Druid's Wildstrike no longer applies to spell damage while spiritshifted.
  • Ranger's 'Heal Companion' no longer casts twice.
  • Powder Burns casting cone now locks to a target.
  • Priest's Holy Meditation granted by Spell Defense will no longer grant the bonuses to enemies.
  • Monk's Crucible of Suffering was proccing incorrectly if you also have Weapon Focus: Peasant.
  • Fixed a problem where afflictions from Chanter Phrases were infinite.
  • Updated Retaliate so it will roll against defenses.
  • Fixed an issue where Savage Attack was affecting spell accuracy.
  • Part 2 Soulbound weapons have been switched to universal (All weapon focuses will work with any Soulbound weapon).
  • Fixed an issue where Cape of the Master Mystic was causing invisibility to be permanent.
  • Wearing Boots of Speed now have proper running animations outside of combat.
  • Damage Proof mods will no longer be suppressed by Quality mods.
  • Tempered Helm will not be suppressed by Quality mods.
  • Tomb Fragment no longer deals 25 Health on load.
  • Executioner's Hood now heals the character instead of damaging them.
  • Steadfast final unlock requirement is now 28 Might.
  • Fixed an issue where St. Ydwen's Redeemer would get stuck at 1000/1000 damage.
  • Stormcaller now resets unlocks after unbinding it.
  • Updated St Ywdens Redeemers Divine Mark Proc so it won't also hit the wielder.
  • Vent Pick and Dragon's Maw Shield 'Spellchance' proc now works correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where Firebrand was using current equipped weapons stats instead of its own.
  • Raw Damage Lash on Gyrd Haewanes Stenes increased to 20%.
  • Fenwalkers now takes off 2 seconds from stuck, paralyzed, and hobbled durations.
  • Fixed an issue where paralyze that lasted less than 3 seconds caused wearer of Fenwalkers to become unresponsive.
  • The Blunderbuss 'Silver Flash' blind duration reduced to 2 seconds.
  • Fixed multiple issues with Spider Trap's icon and name.
  • Fixed issue where Elryns Jacket used too many Enchant Points.
  • Fixed an issue where Red Reed Wand could summon outside of combat.
  • Boots of Speed no longer slow down Spirit Shifted Druids.
  • Abydon's Hammer will now get removed from the parties Inventory if a party member takes it and sacrifices themselves.
  • Acuan Giamas Spells/Abilities no longer stolen indefinitely.
  • Greenstained Boots now heal the correct amount.
  • Added VFX for Abydon's Hammer ability 'Ring of the Ancient Forge'.
  • Fixed audio issues with Ring of the Ancient Forge ability.
  • Added duration to Mossy Rocks Summon.
  • Robes of the Tidebringer now have correct name and description.
  • Ray of Pain will now deal damage when triggered from Echoing Misery.
  • Spell Defense: Eyestrike will no longer hit allies.
  • 'Zephy' granted by the poleaxe 'Winds Arm' no longer hits the wielder.
  • Infestation of Spiders Trap will now lower Constitution.
  • Fixed Concelhaut Skull Pet VFX.
  • Fixed positions of the VFX for a few of the weapon mods (Burning Lash, Shocking Lash, Durance Staff Fire, and Slaying Lash).
  • All spells and abilities should now end at the end of combat. There were a few (Watchful Presence, for example) that could extend past the end of combat.
  • Fixed a problem where placing traps too close to each other would remove the previous trap and losing the item.
  • Devil of Caroc now has 78 attribute points.
  • Legendary Recipe now requires level 16.
  • Visitors will now leave the stronghold after you resolve their dilemma.
  • Characters no longer lose health in Story Time after being Charmed/Dominated.
  • AI should now properly target their own animal companions for various spells and effects.
  • Heal Companion has been added to Ranger's AI.
  • Bashing now generates focus and procs carnage.
  • Fixed an issue where items would appear highlighted when equipped.
  • Beam Spell VFX no longer persists after combat.
  • Fixed an issue where the knockout injury System Shock did not lowers defense against prone.
  • Fixed an issue where Soul Essences could detect your party while in scouting mode.
  • Attack animations interrupted by summon weapon duration running out will no longer break Wizards spells/attacks.
  • Fixed an issue with companions not dropping weapons upon death while using a summoned weapon.
  • Buffed Bog Oozes. Fixed an issue where they had the incorrect armor/weapons.
  • Potions of Major and Minor Recovery adjusted to properly lower the duration of incoming hostile effects.
  • You are now able to switch weapon sets while a summon weapon is active.
  • Fixed an issue where spawned enemy units could have multiples of the same immunities.
  • Fixed an issue where spawned enemy units did not have immunities.
  • Characters will now have a bark when casting spells against enemies that are immune to it.
  • Dominated friendlies now use a yellow selection circle.
  • Text format of Soulbound items now display properly.
  • Fixed an issue where white boxes would appear next to the character portrait.
  • Brutal Backlash no longer causes the white square to appear on characters.
  • Fixed an issue where the biography would not display when completing TWM2.
  • Fixed an issue where *Missing Abilities* would appear on the action bar.
  • Phrase duration now displays correctly in the tooltip.
  • Fixed damage calculation of base attack damage in descriptions of Full/Primary Attack abilities.
  • Faith and Conviction values now show correctly based on your dispositions.
  • Second Skin now appears in the DR breakdown.
  • Charmed or Dominated allies will no longer display their defenses.
  • Fixed an issue where the Options menu was not aligned with the Stronghold menu.
  • Removed strange icon behind the Enchantment Anvil in the Enchant Menu.
  • Outmaneuvering now has a proper description.
  • Solitary item mod description was improved.
  • Updated various spells to be marked as a hostile effect.
  • Fixed an issue where some healing over time effects was appearing as red in the console.
  • Fixed attacks doing base Raw damage not showing damage type in combat log summary.
  • Fixed an issue where companion barks were being displayed twice.
  • Kidnappings will now display which companion is sent to rescue the visitor.
  • Updated the ability icon 'Zephyr' granted by the poleaxe 'Winds Arm'.
  • Pearlescent Orb now has the proper icon.
  • Fixed an issue with Spider Web Immunity, Ancient Memory, and Wall of Draining spamming the combat log.
  • Keyboard navigation of ability bar now supports quick items.
  • Fixed an issue where text was overlapping in the Bestiary in German.
  • Fixed French gender issues with ghost villager in Od Nua Level 1.
  • [Mac] Fixed Front End 'buy Part 2' link
  • [Linux] Potentially fixed an issue with the mini map on Mesa 11.0.4 graphic driver.
  • [Linux] Corrected an issue on Linux where water was rendering black in most areas.
  • Fixed an issue with the save files being marked as read-only. This was preventing some players from finding their saves.


Oct 5, 2012
Codex 2014
Not so detailed coverage on the Sawyer's GDC talk: http://www.pcgamesn.com/pillars-of-...ce-in-building-pillars-of-eternity-characters

Known for games with branching, reactive stories that allow players to truly role-play, Obsidian Entertainment’s Product Director Josh Sawyer took a rapt audience at GDC 2016 through a session in which he described how Pillars of Eternity’s character creator and levelling system was designed to reward players no matter how they chose to play the game.

In starting Pillars of Eternity, Sawyer explained that the team at Obsidian had several goals. Some were merely tradition, such as using six attributes as in Dungeons & Dragons - Sawyer explained that “fan feedback hovered between five and seven attributes… so… six?” - but others were to avoid flaws that had become traditional in such systems. Attributes you can decide you don’t care about so you don’t level them up, or “explicit ties” between attributes and abilities that “affect viability,” such as how a Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons requires a high intelligence otherwise they can never cast certain spells.

“We wanted to have no bad builds,” he said. “In practice if you have an idea for a wacky character like a genius barbarian, that should be a viable character. It doesn’t mean it has to be optimal, but it should be viable. We wanted players to come up with the charismatic fighter, or the clumsy rogue.”

Sawyer noted, however, that unusual characters could be very viable in Pillars of Eternity, such as the “perceptive barbarian” who would have a high area of effect.

To facilitate this, the team at Obsidian built a system in which every attribute affects multiple statistics, so all classes rely on a broad range, while also giving room for players to specialise.

“Choice and consequence is important to Obsidian Games,” he said, while still trying to avoid the chance that players would hit mid or late-game roadblocks due to their decisions versus a player strictly “min-maxing” their character’s stats and abilities.

He did admit however that this decision was controversial with some players, with complaints including that leveling up didn’t offer enough of an impact, and that with a much more linear-scaling when leveling, the regular progression gave a “perceived lack of value” for players.

This was seen most particularly in the companions in Pillars of Eternity, who are widely considered to have bad statistics.

“People complain about the stats of our companions a bunch,” he said, “but the companion attributes reflect who they are as characters. they are designed to be more middle of the road. Let’s say you have a Paladin and they’re super min-maxed for damage. Our companion Paladin, Pallegina, is more evenly balanced so you can use them in different ways.”

He stated, however, that while the team “didn’t care” about people adjusting the companion stats, it was still “a bit weird” due to the way that Obsidian views the character stats to emphasise the narrative. Taking Pallegina as an example, he explained that she was “willful and tough,” but had “described failing her physical examination more than once, and was an avian godlike so her eyes are described often in reaction text.”

He then showed a “better characters” mod which massively increased her might and lowered her perception to just three. “This player wanted her to be able to cast lay on hands and tank. And to only be able to do that.”


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Soren Johnson was nice enough to livetweet Josh's attribute panel.

Viable: your character can survive the game; Optimal: how far a min/maxer will push a character.

We wanted to reduce the gap between viable and optimal for Pillars of Eternity.

In basic - 2nd edition of D&D, you rolled for stats and THEN chose your character class.

Pillars' six attributes would be of importance to ALL classes.

Wanted no bad builds on Pillars, everything should be viable.

Three of the attributes had defensive effects, so as long as enemies were attacking those attributes, they were important.

(Actually, the three defensive stats were built from the six attributes, 2-to-1.)

If something is required for viable play, WHY make it an option.

Attributes affect the actions of all classes. For example, Might affects ALL damage, for weapons or spells.

A huge part of balance is player perception.

Fixing dump stats was reality check on our system. Are AoE skills really important if people are dumping that stat?

For some builds, accuracy is more important, for others, damage is more important. THAT determines what attributes to choose

We didn't care about realism. (Why does Might affect gun damage?) Better for the gameplay but does cost us thematically.

Our attributes were not as impactful as in D&D (1d10+24% vs 1d10+6) to keep extremes more balanced.

We fixed a gun that players thought was too weak by making the audio sound more powerful.

We designed our companions to be middle-of-the-road to pair well with player's min/max characters of the same class.

Post-launch, we starting giving positive bonuses from 1 up instead 10 down being negative.

Ideological purity in game design doesn't necessarily mean happier players.

If it were up to me, we wouldn't even have classes, but we were making Pillars for our audience.

For Path of the Damned, we were making the game for the best min/maxers, so it was ok for viable builds to not be viable.

For Wizards, we put a star on the UI next to Might to make sure people didn't dump it just from experience/reflex.

Love that gun anecdote. Also funny how he backpedaled back to his pre-backer-beta feedback design with regard to only giving positive bonuses, that's new to me.


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Roguey I'm not sure that's actually true (about the bonuses)? Soren may have misunderstood. But let me check.

EDIT: Nope, not true, there are negative bonuses.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
Proof that most people on the Obsidian Forum should not be allowed to offer feedback. :lol:

CRPG's target audience.
Lol, like either one of you (or me for that matter) would have noticed that :lol:

Of course I wouldn't notice it.. because I didn't bitch about the guns damage in the first place.

The fact someone complained the damage was too low.. then after the sound effect was changed - now believed the guns damage was fixed.. was the reason it's funny.
You and PrimeJunta totally missed the point of my post.

Metal Hurlant

Jul 21, 2014
Codex USB, 2014 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
The fact someone complained the damage was too low.. then after the sound effect was changed - now believed the guns damage was fixed.. was the reason it's funny.

I thought that was funny too. Obsidian pretty much turns the volume up on a gun and now people think it's doing more damage? :lol:


Sep 4, 2014
Are we certain that he was referring to PoE with that gun anecdote? That sounds like more of a Fallout: New Vegas story.


Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Are we certain that he was referring to PoE with that gun anecdote? That sounds like more of a Fallout: New Vegas story.
Now that you mention it, I think it really is from new vegas and he has told it before, but not sure.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Are we certain that he was referring to PoE with that gun anecdote? That sounds like more of a Fallout: New Vegas story.
Pillars has guns, and that would be an odd tangent, considering the presentation was specifically about PoE.

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