TSL comes close. MotB succeeds, albeit is hampered by the shitty game it's built on.
I disagree on both counts. It's just that the way they fail to live up to their potential has changed. Ur-Obsidian made games with brilliant ideas that shone brightly, but were kind of tedious to actually play. Nu-Obsidian makes games that are pretty enjoyable to play, but any brilliant ideas in them are buried under a ton of dumb ones. Ur-Obsidian was a continuation of Troika in fact.
In both cases they fail to be what they could be.
Again IMO, of the ones that aim high, only FONV comes close to achieving its potential.
How did KotORII fail in the story department? It's a pretty clear deconstruction of Star Wars tenets, but people who say that's all it is haven't played the game much more beyond the first playthrough I'd wager. TSL is about the failure of moral codes, about the flaw of adherence to singular philosophies, about having the sense to view theories as tools to understand the world rather than self-contained truths. Viewing the world through a singular credo leads to frustration when it can't be practiced which leads to apathy, and as we know, apathy is death. Kreia is a wonderful creation and the story more or less delivers every single one of its points within a meaningful context and without being too obscure or on the nose. Yeah there's ALOT going on and it's certainly much more messy and inefficiently told compared to good books and movies, but as far as video games go I'd say TSL's story ranks very high up there.
New Vegas has some great political dialogue and some good questions asked about whether moral systems of governing even make sense in Fallout's world, but I personally rank TSL above it in the story-department.
That TSL played pretty poorly doesn't really negate that.