I was thoroughly disgusted when I attempted for a year to be an art major at a local university that was known for its art program. All I wanted to do was either have something like my art classes in high school, ironically my teacher was an alumni of the same university, where they give you the tools and open ended reference materials to make what you want, or have a traditional art program in which you were taught how to use various media alongside classic art production techniques. Maybe the opportunity to work some real stone.
Unfortunately, I shit you not, I had a teaching assistant who ran the lab give us an assignment that had two options. The first was as part of the sewing requirement, which was to make three hackeysacks. The second was to make a pair of pants out of paper mache. You were to be graded on the level of detail on your paints, e.g. buttons, pockets, etc. Needless to say, I made the hackeysacks while sulking in futile rage.
I was absolutely beyond disgusted after two semesters without improvement and changed my major. I didn't expect much, but what the fuck.