Two things I haven't seen mentioned:
When you hover over a weapon, it's bonus damage will display as one thing but it'll show a different damage when you right click it.
A character with a higher stealth will have their detection increase more slowly than a character with a lower stealth (working as intended), but when you're out of sight, their detection level will also decrease more slowly than a character with lower stealth. So when you have Aloth in the inn with 0 stealth, he'll actually lower to 0 detection more quickly than a character that has points in stealth. Detection meaning the yellow/red fill in the character's selection circle.
When you hover over a weapon, it's bonus damage will display as one thing but it'll show a different damage when you right click it.
A character with a higher stealth will have their detection increase more slowly than a character with a lower stealth (working as intended), but when you're out of sight, their detection level will also decrease more slowly than a character with lower stealth. So when you have Aloth in the inn with 0 stealth, he'll actually lower to 0 detection more quickly than a character that has points in stealth. Detection meaning the yellow/red fill in the character's selection circle.