Expected sales were about 550 000 units by now,
for the investors to break even. The actual sales were reverse-engineered from the Fig investors' dividend to have been around 200 000, excluding backers' copies of the game.
The total revenue
stands around $4.5 million (but this is before taking out the retailer's (GOG/Steam) cut of 30%), and the expected revenue was supposedly around $9-10 million. Correct me if I'm wrong about any of this.
However, there may have been many more copies sold that didn't get into Fig's report on the revenue, because of a legal
loophole which allows a company ran by Obsidian's owners (Dark Rock Industries) to sell keys separately, for copies of the game for which Fig investors won't get dividend. Since the reverse engineering here is based on Fig's report on the revenue and dividend per share, all these calculations may be at least a little off.