Is this game bro-approved?
It's on sale on GOG and I'm considering it.
It's on sale on GOG and I'm considering it.
Dunno, just finished Prey today - best good guy playstyle payoff ever btw - and I'm just looking back reviewing all the moments in the game when an objective marker would be necessary and coming up blank.
I won't take much, a better wording in some quests, an adjusted objective placement here and there, a few hours of work and you can do away without markers completely.
Is this game bro-approved?
It's on sale on GOG and I'm considering it.
Looks and plays a lot like nuDeux Ex, only with an emphasis on vertical level design and atmosphere instead of traditional NPC interactions and questing.Is this game bro-approved?
It's on sale on GOG and I'm considering it.
Going to start my first Dishonored run soon, is it like Prey markers-wise? Can you realistically switch it off?
That's a weird standard.Its ok for a couple of playthroughs, but I found it gets boring pretty quickly.
It has its flaws, and the replayability is pretty low (although I've been getting a small urge recently) but it's pretty cool. Well worth at least 20 dollaridoos or your regional equivalent.Is this game bro-approved?
It's on sale on GOG and I'm considering it.
Mooncrash was kinda cool, but I didn't finish. The fact that you can freely move items from character n to character n+1 kinda destroys the whole idea of different specializations and selectively looting what you need so the next person through still has a chance.Mooncrash
No one really forces you to use the bot (I didn't as I skipped the tutorial screen and didn't realise it was a mule, lol)The fact that you can freely move items from character n to character n+1 kinda destroys the whole idea of different specializations and selectively looting what you need so the next person through still has a chance.
Same lol, only figured it out on the last character of my last run.No one really forces you to use the bot (I didn't as I skipped the tutorial screen and didn't realise it was a mule, lol)The fact that you can freely move items from character n to character n+1 kinda destroys the whole idea of different specializations and selectively looting what you need so the next person through still has a chance.
I don't think the second half is bad, but the very end of the game isn't good. That said you can plough through it pretty quickly.The first half of Prey is pretty good, but unfortunately the second half is total garbage and as a consequence it leaves a very bad taste in your mouth when you're finished. I wouldn't pay too much for it.
in fact I paid nothing HOHOHO
I think Dishonored is probably better for turning off markers than Prey, just because of the map design and individual levels vs. "open world" spaceship.Maybe I'm the wrong person to ask, but I think the main quest should be fine but you might have some trouble with some side quests.Going to start my first Dishonored run soon, is it like Prey markers-wise? Can you realistically switch it off?I have objective markers on when playing Prey and Dishonored
Its not that weird when you consider that there's multiple endings.That's a weird standard.Its ok for a couple of playthroughs, but I found it gets boring pretty quickly.
For me game is great if it's great just for one playthrough. Which Prey absolutely is.
A game worth several playthroughs is legendary-tier, a Hall of Fame material, cropping up once in a blue moon.
Just finished the first mission (Campbell) and not only you CAN switch of markers easily, I believe it made the level actually interesting. Otherwise it'd be too cramped and simple.I think Dishonored is probably better for turning off markers than Prey, just because of the map design and individual levels vs. "open world" spaceship.Maybe I'm the wrong person to ask, but I think the main quest should be fine but you might have some trouble with some side quests.Going to start my first Dishonored run soon, is it like Prey markers-wise? Can you realistically switch it off?I have objective markers on when playing Prey and Dishonored
I liked that level it must be said. There's a fun way to enter the building by scaling a wall outside in the courtyard if you ever replay it. There's also a very strange bug that you can trigger in the same courtyard by scaling a gate and then opening it from the inside. For some reason it screws up the scripted event when the target enters the room with the whisky glasses.Just finished the first mission (Campbell) and not only you CAN switch of markers easily, I believe it made the level actually interesting. Otherwise it'd be too cramped and simple.I think Dishonored is probably better for turning off markers than Prey, just because of the map design and individual levels vs. "open world" spaceship.Maybe I'm the wrong person to ask, but I think the main quest should be fine but you might have some trouble with some side quests.Going to start my first Dishonored run soon, is it like Prey markers-wise? Can you realistically switch it off?I have objective markers on when playing Prey and Dishonored
That's what I did. First thing I upgraded was Blink, then I just teleported onto the ledge and waltzed right into the meeting room. Mission done in like 5 minutes. I only explored everything after I killed Campbell.I liked that level it must be said. There's a fun way to enter the building by scaling a wall outside in the courtyard