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Rate Baizuo's Gate 3 from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst game of your live and 10, the best.

Score, one to 10.

  • Total voters


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
Yeah, and Baldur's Gate 3 is better than all of them

Did you played them? they are much better than BG3. Not saying that BG3 is bad.

ITT: butthurt Owlcuck faggots that are mad Larian won.

Won what? The "aggregated opinion score of game journalists that can't beat cuphead tutorial?" Number of sales with a exponentially bigger company? Using sales = quality metric, then fast food is the best food in the world.

our favorite gopnik studios is also "baizuo".

OwlCat is not my favorite studio. Nor Rogue Trader is the game which I'm hyped the most.

Is this :

A small Polish studios with single digit developer working in this game made a much better game than anything released by Bugthesda since 2002.
  • No pronouns in character creation
  • The game is based in Celtic mythology and people look like Celts.
  • Interesting setting, a Dark Twisted version of Arturian legends
  • Amazing exploration
  • Amazing fast relative high lethality combat
  • Attributes and in depth character building
  • (...)
After the revival of Baldur's Gate 1/2 style RPG's with PF:KM(pillars sucks), I hope that we get another Morrowind style RPG revival after Bugthesda declined to oblivion.

Yes, did you?

Did you reached act 3? Everyone says that act 3 is when Baizuo bs becomes unsuferable. That even a freaking brothel allows you to engage in all types of perversions, except straight sex because you know, everything against standards is good and everything which the average male likes is heresy and for incels(a therm so banalized that Dan Bilzerian is called one)


Jun 15, 2009
Yeah, and Baldur's Gate 3 is better than all of them

Did you played them? they are much better than BG3. Not saying that BG3 is bad.

ITT: butthurt Owlcuck faggots that are mad Larian won.

Won what? The "aggregated opinion score of game journalists that can't beat cuphead tutorial?" Number of sales with a exponentially bigger company? Using sales = quality metric, then fast food is the best food in the world.

our favorite gopnik studios is also "baizuo".

OwlCat is not my favorite studio. Nor Rogue Trader is the game which I'm hyped the most.

Is this :

A small Polish studios with single digit developer working in this game made a much better game than anything released by Bugthesda since 2002.
  • No pronouns in character creation
  • The game is based in Celtic mythology and people look like Celts.
  • Interesting setting, a Dark Twisted version of Arturian legends
  • Amazing exploration
  • Amazing fast relative high lethality combat
  • Attributes and in depth character building
  • (...)
After the revival of Baldur's Gate 1/2 style RPG's with PF:KM(pillars sucks), I hope that we get another Morrowind style RPG revival after Bugthesda declined to oblivion.

Yes, did you?

Did you reached act 3? Everyone says that act 3 is when Baizuo bs becomes unsuferable. That even a freaking brothel allows you to engage in all types of perversions, except straight sex because you know, everything against standards is good and everything which the average male likes is heresy and for incels(a therm so banalized that Dan Bilzerian is called one)

An indie polished Skyrim clone? Is that really what you're looking for? I almost puked when I saw the crafting part in the trailer. I hate crafting, as for fishing:

Really, you are criticizing the best RPG ever to grace this earth. It's turn-based with a level of detail and interaction unseen since Ultima 7, and reactivity like never before, all for a polished indie Skyrim clone. The Codex is certainly turning into a circus; we might be missing the drag queen, or perhaps we already have some.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
indie polished Skyrim clone?

Nope. A Indie Pole MORROWIND clone. The game is much closer to Morrowind than Skyrim. Many quests have multiple ways to solve, there are attributes, throwable weapons, better writing, weird places to find while exploring and so on.

best RPG ever to grace this earth.

Baizuo's Gate 3 is not even the best Baldur's Gate game. If is worse than Siege of Dragonspear or not, is another discussion.

In therms of modern games, the best one is Elden Ring. And by far the best one.

s turn-based

And? There are so many turn based games there. UnderRail has a much better combat imo. Better setting and story.


Feb 3, 2017
Friendly reminder Mortmal ragequitted Kingmaker because it was too hard and kept complaining about "muh hard" in shitbox for months "because he is a pnp player" so the game should make him win.
He is a filthy causal redditor, dropping marmelade from his reddit gold fingers, so obviously he likes the game.
Also Fedora Master has sex with dogs.

Basically decline enablers and shittasters all around.


Nov 9, 2015
trust me bro dis a gr8 gaym lol


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Its excellent tactical RPG goodness. One of the best in the last 10 years

unlike any game from Larian or Owlcat, both kings of mediocrity


Aug 3, 2019
London, UK
Strap Yourselves In
It's a tricky one because when it's good, when it all clicks, with combat, exploration and fun set pieces, it's about a 7/10, which is pretty good in my book; but that's really only for Act 1 and some of Act 2. The rest of it is a bit too rickety, more like a 5 or 6, though it still has some cool set pieces all the way through.


Jun 15, 2009
Friendly reminder Mortmal ragequitted Kingmaker because it was too hard and kept complaining about "muh hard" in shitbox for months "because he is a pnp player" so the game should make him win.
He is a filthy causal redditor, dropping marmelade from his reddit gold fingers, so obviously he likes the game.
Also Fedora Master has sex with dogs.

Basically decline enablers and shittasters all around.
I finished Kingmaker and loudly complained that it was a half-assed turn-based adaptation with bloated stats and hardly anything tactical, never rage quitted, i finished them all. While he was passionately rating every post daring to criticize that "Russian masterpiece," in fact a pozzed piece of work done by mercenaries for the globohomo West with unmatched zeal.
A casual ? There's no one on this planet who knows more than me about rpgs, but i much prefer true turn-based games and real pen and paper experiences with good players, that at least is true.
So, ga♥ is most often dishonest , except on one thing i cannot confirm nor deny any experiences fedora had with dogs, though.


Mar 14, 2012
7.5 to 8/10, at first I thought the early launch was responsible for most issues but after two months of patches and with significant work to do regarding content and performance, I'd say they required way more than that. At least the whole of August + two whole extra months. There were valid reasons to fear Starfield and CP2077 DLC but early November would have been a prime time to release without other games to overshadow it.

Looking forward to the definitive edition I guess. Still a bit frontloaded but at least this time it's about scope getting out of hand in Act 3 and having to cut a lot of shit/deal with bugs and not Act 2 onwards being devoid of stuff to do like in their previous titles.

I'd give it a 9/10 when taking into consideration the impressive impact mods such as Fix Bad DM, Approval Tweaks, Increase Level Exp Req, Tactician Plus, Immersive AI, and Limit Party Begone have had, but that's the modders' merit.

Just to see how the game is rated by Codex community;

To be clear, I'm reviewing BG3 as a unique game, unrelated to BG1/2. I would say that is a bit better than unmodded NWN2 without expansions like the legendary motb but still way worse than kingmaker, nwn1, bg1/2 or any other D&D CRPG adaptation. So I will give 6/10; If someone mods AD&D or at least 3E ruleset into BG3 and remove all woke nonsense, I would raise the score to 8/10. Now, If I was reviewing BG3 as a sequel for the original saga, I would give 3/10.
There should be severe penalties for anyone implying NWN2 is anywhere close to a 6/10. Fucking trash game.


Glory to Ukraine
Jul 11, 2019
There should be severe penalties for anyone implying NWN2 is anywhere close to a 6/10. Fucking trash game.

Camera is bad, but characters have genders and no pronouns, the game uses a much better ruleset, the crossroad keep part of the game is amazing, one of the best strongholds, losing only to Morrowind Telvanni stronghold, the game also is very easy to mod. You can easily re write spells, classes, races and re compile the game to make your own custom spells with a very basic C++ knowledge. Many stuff in nwn1 are hard codded and beamdog din't fixed it.

I really enjoyed my time in nwn2 more than bg3. But bg3 is not as bad as sword coast legends for eg.

but i much prefer true turn-based games and real pen and paper experiences with good players, that at least is true.

You should check Kotc2. Amazing AI and encounter design.


Mar 14, 2012
There should be severe penalties for anyone implying NWN2 is anywhere close to a 6/10. Fucking trash game.

Camera is bad, but characters have genders and no pronouns, the game uses a much better ruleset, the crossroad keep part of the game is amazing, one of the best strongholds, losing only to Morrowind Telvanni stronghold, the game also is very easy to mod. You can easily re write spells, classes, races and re compile the game to make your own custom spells with a very basic C++ knowledge. Many stuff in nwn1 are hard codded and beamdog din't fixed it.

I really enjoyed my time in nwn2 more than bg3. But bg3 is not as bad as sword coast legends for eg.

Encounter design amounts to killing trash mob after trash mob (no ruleset can redeem dismal encounters), dungeon design is very poor with shit like the Githyanki base and the smuggler warehouse, writing and C&C is as mediocre as it gets (all that buildup leading to the trial just to make it irrelevant lmao), and comparing modding capability is moot until Larian releases modding tools (happy to deduct one point if they're trash, fwiw). I don't have any particularly awful memories about the keep so it probably was fine, but NWN2's main redeeming feature is that it served as a toolkit to create MOTB. Gets a solid 3/10 from me and I'm being very generous.


Feb 15, 2023
act 1 was a solid 8/10. didnt bother further as everyone i knew said its downhill from there. still clocked like 60 hours trying different choices/parties

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