Abu Antar's lsit is great, but means having a voting with 215 entries to vote on... and making the goddamn google poll with all these entries.
Will be a hassle, but I don't see much alternative :/
You can remove some stuff.
-I always considered the Yakuza series as action rpgs, but most people don't. Those are two entries that could be removed.
-Adeptus Mechanicus could be removed. It's mostly tacticool, I suppose.
-You could remove Aron's Adventure.
-Avalom: Ancestral Heroes could probably also be removed. I doubt anyone will vote for it.
-Beyond Mankind didn't seem too hot.
-Black Powder Red Earth can be removed.
-Deep Rune might be removed.
-Dinosaurs Prehistoric Survivors could be removed.
-The Dragon Sword has no English translation. Could be removed by default.
-While Fate Seeker 2 is cool, no English translation.
-Faye/Sleepwalker seems to be bad. Probably not worth including.
-Ghost Sync is a KEMCO game, could be removed by default.
-《古斯塔奥:帝国重生》Gustavo Kingdom Rebirth, poor reviews, no English translation.
-Justice Chronicles is a KEMCO game, could be removed by default.
-Shards of Feyra could be removed. It's a really short game, I think.
-Strike Team Gladius is a tactical rpg, but it seems to be more mission based with a linear campaign. Could maybe be removed.
-鬼谷八荒 should be removed. I messed up. This one is still early access.
-Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure can be removed.
-Tale of Ninja: Fall of the Miyoshi could be removed.
-Through Rust We Are Returned is a student game. Remove.
That would reduce the list by 21 games, at least.