I think I might have found those videos funny when I was 8. Probably not though.
Nu nu nu, they are OBJECTIVELY bad. And TES is trash, Gothic is a gimpy low budget and under developed retarded nephew of TES. The worst thing about them is that you can't play as multiple classes. It is a melee warrior type, or nothing, because there is nothing else. I learned this when I tried to play as a mage and it was a total joke. But even if you play as a warrior it is bad.
And are you guys really going to make me pick apart all the things they do that is undeniably terrible?
Both statements are false. Well, It can be said that "terrible" is subjective, but then what is TES if Gothic is superior?They have terrible character building, and terrible combat.
Nu nu nu, they are OBJECTIVELY bad. And TES is trash, Gothic is a gimpy low budget and under developed retarded nephew of TES. The worst thing about them is that you can't play as multiple classes. It is a melee warrior type, or nothing, because there is nothing else. I learned this when I tried to play as a mage and it was a total joke. But even if you play as a warrior it is bad.