But how do you get your refund then?Gotta love those 10 minute playtimes.
The least they could've done is tab out and idle in the game for a couple of hours before writing their review.
low effort troll.
But how do you get your refund then?Gotta love those 10 minute playtimes.
The least they could've done is tab out and idle in the game for a couple of hours before writing their review.
low effort troll.
you don't need to smear shit all over your face to identify it. sniffing is enough.Gotta love those 10 minute playtimes.
The least they could've done is tab out and idle in the game for a couple of hours before writing their review.
low effort troll.
That distance is within Quantum space. As soon as he exits it, you can see him target enemy craft it says it is 5+ km away.Demo was nice and all. All they have to do now is to realize that 3 000 kilometers between celestial bodies is plain retarded.
That distance is within Quantum space
I don't know what they call it in the game, it says he used Quantum Drive so I just gave it a similar name. Anyway, it seems to bend space and shortens distances and the display shows that shortened distance as that is more valuable to the player/pilot.try harder.
display shows that shortened distance as that is more valuable to the player/pilot. you tell me what minute:second of the video you are talking about? I don't remember the parts you are taking about.
Ok, you are right. I didn't notice this in the video that was linked here earlier that had no comments and was shorter
Great news for all Star Citizen fans as Cloud Imperium is offering the game’s Dogfighting module for free until August 19th. All you have to do is follow the instructions below, though do note that the game is around 26GB in size (so go ahead and start downloading now).
In order to gain access to Star Citizen’s Dogfighting module, players will have to:
Go to
Choose Enlist Now to create a new account.
Once the account is created, enter GAMESCOM2015 into the coupon field and hit Apply Coupon.
You’re now good to go with your account and will have access to all flyable ships.
I have been notified by my reliable sources that Ilfonic, the team responsible for the Star Marine fps module in #StarCitizen, has suffered layoffs and are trying to handle it "quietly".
I am still waiting for exact numbers, but so far sources tell me that the number could be up to 12 laid off; and that others who have been pulled off the project are being re-assigned to other Illfonic projects.
More to come, as I get more information during the week.
Derek Smart has a new hobby!