softcore fetishistic erotica you mean.
The woman is a snake, and in this video she's like a pedophile with a candy, and acting poorly I may add. That's why it's scary, not because she's in her 40s.There is enough shit about Star Citizen that I'm not sure why you feel you need to resort to make fun of people appearances.
The funny thing is one of "them" goes about TEH EBIL PUBLISHERS!!!! about how they force deadline and how ...you know and ignores the fact its not as if those 100+ people all want to do the same thing, that they arent hired to do very specific jobs and the only people that have, actually the only person that makes the decisions is Chris Roberts, they are giving him money for his game, everyone else is hired help.
And then we have DN4E as a example of moving the goal posts because technology keeps going on, the publishers know every well that they cannot wait 10 years for the "masterpiece" to come up and FUND the entire studio for said 10 years because there is no fucking way they are going to see their money back, it would just end up like oh ... DN4E, that game is cautionary tale of development hell and how if you dont release within a specific timeframe you might as well trash the entire thing because it will be dated, not only graphically but also from a design standpoint because designers love to add trendy shit that may or may not be around 3 years down the line.
They are fooling themselves into thinking this is not another "No Man Sky" and I never looked into that one because I am not stupid, could see it was writing checks it could not cash ... same with Star Citizen, if you dont just keep piling features when you dont even have the basic build done, if he was ... responsible, a lot of those features would be added later after the framework was done and it worked but he wants everything at release, well not everything at release and that is if this actually releases because this is the new DN4E.
TheAgent (man on the inside looking at the abyss outside from the inside) is back with more outrageous insider scoops.
Let’s start with the most outrageous one.
Went out drinking with a friend last night..
“We are, we do! Work towards something. We work hard at making progress. We do! But that progress is changed every week. Every day sometimes. How can anything ever be finished if entire teams of employees are retasked at any moment? People lose momentum. You lose sight of what the project is. It just becomes one unfinished thing after another. One of Roberts’ lackeys tells you to drop something, you do. Then two weeks later Roberts is screaming at some poor guy because he did as he was told. “Not by me.” That’s the response you hear a lot from Roberts.”
“The best one, absolutely, deals with [a brand new employee]. It’s his, what, third day? He’s in the break room and Roberts storms in but is real quiet. Pulls the guy out and walks him in front of some other workstation. “What is this?” Roberts goes. The new guy, right outta college, is shitting himself. What could Roberts mean? Was something wrong with the desk? Was this where he’s supposed to be sitting? He’s got no idea.
“You know what this costs? You’re taking my time, everyone’s time,” and now Roberts is shouting, “it’s like you don’t care how much you’re costing us. Do you like spending my money?” Chris stands there, arms crossed, waiting for a response.
[The new guy] is scared stupid. He starts blubbering and apologising without having any idea what’s going on, right?
Chris points to the chair, “Sit your ass down and get it right.” He then storms off again. Poor guy has no idea what the fuck to do.
Turns out Chris thought he was [completely different employee]. He never apologised. Never went back to check if anything was fixed. [New guy] quit by week three.”
The on-going 2.6 patch debacle..
“if they don’t push out 2.6 before 2017 hits, they are done
if they push out 2.6 before 2017, its going to be a terrible, contrived, bug riddled mess and then they will be done
they are seriously weighing those options right now. like having closed door, “what will we do about 2.6” meetings
I mean 3.0 is supposed to be here in less than 9 weeks, but is roughly a year+ out. 2.6 is the last saving grace for them before they start shitting out sq42 episodes and preludes and interludes and prelude dessidia final fight squadrons or whatever fucking kingdom hearts titled shit they have stored in the back there
do you know that they are talking about doing another crowd funded project? I’m not even kidding“
On Squadron 42. Apparently still a thing…
“sq42 prelude in q1 2017, 100% confirmed today
its now more like a demo showcase, but its playable
and its awful
honestly I don’t see it hitting until q2 because chris is still reshooting
but they do have march 31st, 2017 on internal mock ups
remember this isn’t a full episode. a full episode or whatever is 20+ hours of content
this ain’t
not even close“
The on-going fps shenanigans (we assume it’s Star Marine)…
“one of the biggest problems with the cover system right now is that when you peek out from wherever you’re hiding, your gun just sticks into the fucking wall or
you don’t shoot where your crosshairs are aiming or
you pop out of cover but can’t be hit because you’re still registered as being covered or
you vault over another player and kill him instantly (I think they should keep that in) or
you jitter out of the map when you go into cover most of the time or
you fall through the map because you switch guns while in cover or
the animations get totally fucked when popping into or out of cover and you turn into horror spaceman and your guns warp and bend and then you start shooting everyone like you just watched christian bale’s gunkata for beginners“
Oh, but it get’s better..
“roberts wants projectiles fired from guns to actually come from the barrel
that means you aren’t actually shooting where you are pointing the crosshair, you’re pointing the crosshair to point the gun that fires a round
which means a lot of coding to get that working
which also means a shitload of networking to figure out trajectories and shit because the gun isn’t static, its constantly moving
it also means you get fun ARMA type bugs where suddenly you die because you just shot your own neck“
EightAce (the other man on the inside playing tag with crobert’s wig) chimed in with this gem:
“Sq42 ep 1.01 is coming out around feb/march next year. Brace yourselves, it looks like a mid term submission off a half competent student on a games design course that has learnt to use Cry engine. I cannot wait to see the reviews“
I swear at this point, even though most of their scoops tend to pan out, I have to wonder if these two aren’t taking the piss now. Seriously, some of this stuff is so bat-shit crazy, that it’s unbelievable. But as the saying goes: “It’s CIG. There’s always more; and it’s always worse“
Yes. Rumors are that she was getting paid quite a bit more than Gary Oldman, who raised quite a fuss because he didn't like getting paid less than a cheap softcore fetish vid "actress".Does she have an acting role in the singleplayer part of the game?
Rumors and source leaks aside, the writing is on the wall. They are either going to move 2.6 into 2017 – as indeed they should if it’s not ready for test release – or they will try to push some interim 2.5.x minor branch out in order to quash some of the dissent. But the fact remains, waiting until the last minute, or at a time when the bad news won’t affect the anniversary stream, is just another dishonest plan, and one which has become a staple for them.
My advice remains the same. STOP giving them money; and just let them continue with their dev schedule and plan, release their patch updates as they see fit, then wait to see how things pan out. And if you’re sick and tired of waiting, the lies etc, do what others are doing, go get a refund. If you backed the game ahead of the June ToS, you are 100% entitled to it. If you backed after that date, and agreed to that ToS change, then you have 14 days from your purchase to get a refund.
2.6 status: Not even close to ready for Evocati, let alone GA. Star Marine still laughably doesn’t EXIST because they are still trying to cobble together many bits in order to make that one happen – again. There are said to be many old and new blockers which are creating lots of problems. And sources say the 2.6 list (see above pic) is rubbish because a good portion of that, as basic as it looks, isn’t in a working state. And sources say that most don’t even have a clear understanding as to why Star Marine was even promised for this release; when it could very well have been pushed into a 3.0 point release, which – seeing as it’s nowhere near reality – would have given more time for implementation and testing further into 2017. For my part, I still maintain that Star Marine being back on the schedule (even though Chris went on the record saying it was already released and in the game) as a standalone” module is just a check mark against the liability based promises made to backers years ago.
3.0 status: sources say all are still laughing at this one. It simple does NOT exist as was communicated to backers. It was basically a wishlist of items they wanted to see in a point release; and which Roberts when on the record (again) as saying was coming by “year end, and not on Dec 19th like last year“.
TheAgent (man on the inside looking at the abyss outside from the inside) is back with more insider scoops. Most of them echo what I said yesterday, but with more details (I tend to be vague in some regard, so as to protect sources).
here’s the problem
CIG has to push out a new patch before years end. this cannot be 2.6 (with FPS mechanics) or 3.0 or anything star marine related because its so fucking broken
they are discussing prepping the flight model changes and releasing that as 2.6 instead, with star marine being totally folded into 3.0. but this is a big problem, because chris said star marine is weeks away back in september
- their current matchmaking breaks every damn thing on the server
- it also breaks your client when two people try and use cover at the same time
- half the time you still respawn inside your bunk during a match
- the new arena FPS maps are still buggy as hell (clipping, wall walking, etc) and have to get redone
- the replacement arena maps are areas that have been wholly lifted from current areas, like grimhex
- roberts doesn’t want “maps” but entire seamless areas (“Shoot in the same universe you can fly in.”)
- this is not so good for the servers or players in ships flying around outside the hostile zone (which is why the arena style maps are still being worked on)
- the team is confused on what exactly they are putting together and what roberts wants to release
- there’s a separate module for SM but roberts wants it folded into the universe
- lag is bad, really fucking bad, even with less than a dozen players
- the instance network code is six months to a year out for rudimentary matches (24 to 36 players, small arena type maps, etc)
- a year+ out for higher matches (multiple areas, surface to air combat, 50+ players etc)
- the much touted “local physics grids” don’t work for shit with FPS stuffs
they are kinda fucked either way so I’m really interested to see what they do. if they really do end up pushing out 2.6 with star marine in its current state, I don’t think the game will survive. its like, not playable. you can only wave your hands around and say alpha so many times before people start figuring out this is the game they just paid $2500 to play
current standing at the office is there will be no more numbered releases until 3.0 in late 2017/2018, after the sq42 prelude/episode 1 is released. I posted that awhile back but it’s looking more and more like 2.5 will be the last patch for SC for quite awhile
But of course it is.What the fuck is that?
Is it a plane? A ship? A helicopter?
Is it going down? up?
Implying they'll ever actually finish this colossal train wreck.By the time they finish this shit you'll probably be able to fly an actual spaceship to the Trump moonbase.