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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Mar 28, 2014
3.17.2 went live.

Some people report that some servers get more than 100 players promised:


If I got a 5800X3D I could get pretty damn close to those frame rates at 2160p on a decent live server.

Coming vulcan renderer should fix CPU bottlenecking.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Find yourself in a newly spun up instance with little to no other players and you'd totally be able to shoot that same trailer no problem.
That's on workstation/server hardware and it's called a film set. That's pre-rendered.
If I got a 5800X3D I could get pretty damn close to those frame rates at 2160p on a decent live server.
Uhuh sure you can... Is that why people with the best hardware can't reach the 120 FPS needed for smooth rendering in a cinematic? Even the server hardware that is rendering it hitches meaning that there is a problem with the engine itself.


Feb 26, 2016
Got a friend who backed the game back in the Kickstarter days, recently she got dragged back into it by some other friends, apparently it has been a fun experience, first day she got “sucked” inside an elevator and out of the 3 missions she tried to do 2 of them bugged out…

Today, I she sent me this gem:


That is an NPC. I can't get on my ship and I can't close the ramp because the game thinks it's still trying to open.
My friends reply when I complained about this: "You want this to happen because you keep looking for things wrong with the game."


Jan 24, 2013
using higher detailed assets that will never be shipped to the end users.
Such as?

Higher poly count on the actual assets along with higher resolution textures. Server/workstation hardware can handle that, but consumer stuff can't. That's why they're able to get such high fidelity in their pre-rendered cinematics.
What models from the trailer do you believe are higher polycount than their counterparts in the actual game?


Feb 26, 2016
They're rendered in
pre-rendered cinematics

Those trailers are in-engine

Wait, wait... What? They are not "pre-rendered" they are "in-engine"... I'm confused, how are those mutually exclusive?
Essentially, he's saying that the engine _can_ handle it, but not in real time.

Which is of course nothing but pure cope.
Everything in those trailers is in-game assets and animations, and it's not any higher quality graphics than what you'd see in a Morphologis video. There's even noticeable framerate hitches in a few parts. They've been doing patch release trailers like this for years.

The ship promos usually are pre-rendered.

Yes, but, it's still pre-rendered, right? A NOT “in-engine” pre-rendered trailer, would be like an CGI rendered trailer, no? It just means that isn’t gameplay footage?


Jan 24, 2013
They're rendered in
pre-rendered cinematics

Those trailers are in-engine

Wait, wait... What? They are not "pre-rendered" they are "in-engine"... I'm confused, how are those mutually exclusive?
Essentially, he's saying that the engine _can_ handle it, but not in real time.

Which is of course nothing but pure cope.
Everything in those trailers is in-game assets and animations, and it's not any higher quality graphics than what you'd see in a Morphologis video. There's even noticeable framerate hitches in a few parts. They've been doing patch release trailers like this for years.

The ship promos usually are pre-rendered.

Yes, but, it's still pre-rendered, right? A NOT “in-engine” pre-rendered trailer, would be like an CGI rendered trailer, no? It just means that isn’t gameplay footage?
If the graphics are being rendered in the game engine, using all normal, in-game assets, in what way are they "pre-rendered"?

They probably have internal tools for setting up cameras and scripting events for these things, and it's not all done machinima style with a dozen developers carefully acting out the scene and filming it with player cams, if that's what you mean. But that's all in-game stuff looking the same as it looks in game.


Oct 23, 2017
That's on workstation/server hardware and it's called a film set. That's pre-rendered.
Which can be replicated with a bit of luck on live servers. I'd consider that representative of the game in the optimal state that I have experienced pretty regularly over the years and not at all like the pre-rendered bullshit that gets shown at tradeshows like E3 showcasing a game that doesn't exist. Star Citizen exists and it looks and plays exactly how they're showing it in ideal scenarios.
Is that why people with the best hardware can't reach the 120 FPS needed for smooth rendering in a cinematic?
It's getting really close to that already without the Vulkan renderer and should definitely be able to hit those frame rates for a majority of people playing the game after it's been delivered.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Star Citizen exists and it looks and plays exactly how they're showing it in ideal scenarios.

Look at the amount of copium you just exude in this post. So every game session has a script complete with voice over and multiple camera angles to capture all the best bits?


Also, a 5800X3D is not a Threadripper or an Epyc CPU. You're trying too hard here Alex.


Feb 26, 2016
If the graphics are being rendered in the game engine, using all normal, in-game assets, in what way are they "pre-rendered"?

They probably have internal tools for setting up cameras and scripting events for these things, and it's not all done machinima style with a dozen developers carefully acting out the scene and filming it with player cams, if that's what you mean. But that's all in-game stuff looking the same as it looks in game.
... but they are not being rendered, they were already rendered, using the game engine, and as you said, using tools such as scripts and cameras.

They PREviously setted it all up, in order "to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means.", pre-rendered.

Thus my confusion about, it is "in-engine" yes, but it's still a pre-rendered trailer... for it to not be pre-rendered, it would need to use actual gameplay footage, and for it to be a pre-rendered trailer withoutit being "in-engine", it would be a CGI trailer.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
If the graphics are being rendered in the game engine, using all normal, in-game assets, in what way are they "pre-rendered"?

They probably have internal tools for setting up cameras and scripting events for these things, and it's not all done machinima style with a dozen developers carefully acting out the scene and filming it with player cams, if that's what you mean. But that's all in-game stuff looking the same as it looks in game.
... but they are not being rendered, they were already rendered, using the game engine, and as you said, using tools such as scripts and cameras.

They PREviously setted it all up, in order "to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means.", pre-rendered.

Thus my confusion about, it is "in-engine" yes, but it's still a pre-rendered trailer... for it to not be pre-rendered, it would need to use actual gameplay footage, and for it to be a pre-rendered trailer withoutit being "in-engine", it would be a CGI trailer.

Careful, you're going to burn their hamsters out with heart attacks and stress with the amount of mental gymnastics they're doing right now. These guys would give any woman a run for her money in the sheer amount of Olympic rationalization done here.
Last edited:


Oct 23, 2017
Using developer tools and camera angles to capture footage ain't pre-rendering. Anyone could capture those visuals, that gameplay at that fidelity provided off the shelf hardware and the administrative permissions to float around to get them. If "pre-rendering" simply means importing the footage into After Effects to overlay text and add a title card then I never want to see the term used ever again because it's fucking meaningless.
Pre-rendering is the process in which video footage is not rendered in real-time by the hardware that is outputting or playing back the video.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Using developer tools and camera angles to capture footage ain't pre-rendering.

It is pre-rendering, especially when it's scripted like it is. What's even more hilarious is that your own source says differently, especially in the text at the bottom where it says Pre-Rendered CGI & Pre-Rendered In Game Engine Footage isn't gameplay...


According to you the following is gameplay footage from a game that didn't exist at the time the trailer was made.

Man you people sure are delusional.


Feb 26, 2016
If the graphics are being rendered in the game engine, using all normal, in-game assets, in what way are they "pre-rendered"?

They probably have internal tools for setting up cameras and scripting events for these things, and it's not all done machinima style with a dozen developers carefully acting out the scene and filming it with player cams, if that's what you mean. But that's all in-game stuff looking the same as it looks in game.
... but they are not being rendered, they were already rendered, using the game engine, and as you said, using tools such as scripts and cameras.

They PREviously setted it all up, in order "to reproduce or represent by artistic or verbal means.", pre-rendered.

Thus my confusion about, it is "in-engine" yes, but it's still a pre-rendered trailer... for it to not be pre-rendered, it would need to use actual gameplay footage, and for it to be a pre-rendered trailer withoutit being "in-engine", it would be a CGI trailer.

Careful, you're going to burn their hamsters out with heart attacks and stress with the amount of mental gymnastics they're doing right now. These guys would give any woman a run for her money in the sheer amount of Olympic rationalization done here.

Oh, I don't know dude, I honestly don't, as far as I know I can be dead fucking wrong here...


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut

ADL, is this one friend of yours?

That person is delusional since the asset in question is sent as a simple string that tells the player's computer where things are located at. All the heavy lifting is done on the player's computer not the server. This moron should have their balls snipped and denied entry into the gene pool.


Feb 26, 2016

ADL, is this one friend of yours?

That person is delusional since the asset in question is sent as a simple string that tells the player's computer where things are located at. All the heavy lifting is done on the player's computer not the server. This moron should have their balls snipped and denied entry into the gene pool.

Shut the fuck up you retard, graphic card are a scam, it’s actually server side thing.

You just don’t understand game development, your tiny brain is only comparable to your tiny PP, and you can’t even compensate that with an Idris, so stfu you fucking hater, SC will be glorious, hail hydra.

(wtf am I doing with my life...)


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016

Got to say I love the epic song playing while players are just standing still stuttering, trying to move the least possible and as slowly as they can, “incredibly fun” indeed.

Y'all need Jesus.

Very nice but someone should tell him there were MMOs in the 90s with 100+ people raiding. But yeah doing it 30 years later with half a billion dollars is nice too.


Feb 26, 2016

Got to say I love the epic song playing while players are just standing still stuttering, trying to move the least possible and as slowly as they can, “incredibly fun” indeed.

Y'all need Jesus.

Very nice but someone should tell him there were MMOs in the 90s with 100+ people raiding. But yeah doing it 30 years later with half a billion dollars is nice too.

Oh yeah?! But what was the polygon count on those MMOs!?!?


Oct 23, 2017
More like where are the simulated physics and ballistics. There's a reason those games with a thousand players look and play the way they do. They're primitive by design because they had to be. It astounds me that after 15+ years of nothing but shitty WoW clones and weird Korean cash grabs that anyone in this sub forum would be bitching about the only game finally innovating and combatting against the compromises inherent to the MMO genre. Finally a game labeled as a MMORPG that doesn't look/play/feel subpar compared to its non-MMO counterparts. There's a reason why they've crowdfunded $490 million. Players appreciate the vision, respect the work that's been done and are willing to put their cash on the line as a decade long pre-order. Last time I looked it was $470-$475 million. It's only going to increase at a faster rate as their hard work visibly pays off.

insert shitpost about broken elevators or a generic complaint about how star citizen is damaging the social fabric of the game industry and 10 years in development is too long
don't bother don't care
Feb 3, 2022
The ideas sound great but great ideas don't make for fun games, and right now the game just isn't very fun to play. Unless you are a part of an organized group that makes their own fun, you're playing a halfbaked singleplayer game in where you either do tedious grinds (delivery box missions, mining) or fight bugged out NPCs who may or may not survive being shot 100 times in the face whilst one shotting you through walls. SC would get more recognition if word of mouth was saying "come on in and have fun!" rather than saying "I spent 30 minutes flying to a location, walked out the ramp and died the instant I touched the ground".


Apr 11, 2022

Got to say I love the epic song playing while players are just standing still stuttering, trying to move the least possible and as slowly as they can, “incredibly fun” indeed.

Y'all need Jesus.

Second Life in space...


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Yeah I need to see where they are going to take it all. I hate games with social hubs and everyone stands around doing emotes and dances and stuff, losers. But the gameplay could be amazing in this game if it was done well. No idea if they ever will or not. I wish I was in charge, I'd get rid of all the silly hats and shit and make it copy EQs best bits but in a space format. You could even transpose the combat, one ship needs to be the 'tank' and use shields and deflection and stuff, another ship could be the 'healer' and send out nanite swarms to repair and protect the team, then you have someone doing damage / disruption.

And on the planet surfaces it could work the same way with players vs enemies. To mine the best space diamonds you have to fly through hostile space full of bandits with your crew, then land on a planet full of Star Wars type nomads and stuff. Some want to trade, some want to kill you. Then you find a cave that has the diamonds but it's inhabited by creatures that want to eat your crew. That again could be EQ combat transposed, just sci fi versions of the same D&D stuff. It could be cool having a crew like Firefly and you go on missions together or hire people.

I've got a feeling none of this will happen though. But even if it's slightly like that, I'd be happy.

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