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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Feb 26, 2016
Their programmers have to be fucking zombies. Moving whole codebase on different paradigm has to hurt.
I've never seen a group of cultists mainlining the copium like you guys do. It's everyone else's fault not Dear Lord and Savior Chrissie Roberts that's for sure!!!one1!
... But it's sort of true, don't blame the guy on the yacht drinking caipirinhas, blame the mofos that keep giving him the money for it despite this shit show of a development cycle.

I disagree because Dear Lord and Savior Chrissie enables this shit. It's his cult that he created.
Ya just jelly cuz idiots aint paying you a yacht too.


Mar 12, 2020
The programmers are just getting paid. The real problem here is that Chris Roberts is living up to his notorious reputation of someone who hasn't the first fucking idea how to manage a project properly. Another code migration 10 years into development is some 3DRealms tier shit. This should not be happening.
That quite magnanimous of you. A less charitable interpretation might be that Roberts is managing this thing perfectly. 3D Realms were peddling their .JPGs to publishers, that was their mistake.

The gist of it is Roberts had another big brain idea again so lets scrap all the work we did and start again! Great idea! is that why you got kicked off Freelancer? Oh yeah it was!
Was it? Genuine question, I think I recall the Sunk Cost Galaxy series implying there were some questions about how funds were managed at Digital Anvil prior to Microsoft taking over and Roberts taking a hike, but I might be mixing things up, it's been a while since I watched it.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In


Mar 28, 2014
CIG graphics programmer head said that they will implement basic VR right after Vulcan goes live. I played it earlier via VorpX in VR and it was running fine, no issues with UI etc. Shadows were a bit weird but that is all. Performance was naturally ass like in every geometry 3D vr game that have some nice graphics but that was back when game couldn't even run more than 35-40fps even on best rigs.


Jan 3, 2020
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Perkel we need to get you a custom tag.

Anyone here want to volunteer making one for him?

This is a good start, but I think this tag should receive an even more serious effort so that we get something that truly captures the spirit of Perkel. What we need is something new, something brilliant, which draws in the unsuspecting mind. I think we need some true, professional artists to design this. Even better, sample the input from multiple artists in a few thousand images, then develop an AI which generates endless variations so that every reload of the tag gets to see an entirely new image. How cool would that be? Lots. Lots of cool. Oh yeah!

Maybe we could, like, set up a website where we collect money to fund this? You know, the artists, marketing people, programmers for the AI, Barristas, the servers to test and run the AI, marketing people. That shit is expensive, but also pretty damn cool. Everyone who donates gets to view the tag before anyone else. And hm, maybe for really high donations we could hand out some .png samples of the art that is being developed? We could also have yearly meetings to discuss progress with the community.
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Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
MCA Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
So is anyone *actually* playing this game, and can provide actual and informative information about how this game currently is?


Mar 28, 2014
So is anyone *actually* playing this game, and can provide actual and informative information about how this game currently is?

What ? Did you not read past 385 pages in last 10 years ? How could you.
As someone who regularly checks on it in game:

Content wise:
- They have one incredibly detailed system with 4 planets and dozen of moons each having their own biomes, cities, stations, outposts etc.
- 4 main cities, 1 pirate city, at least 20-25 outposts around 20 stations + ton of crap like enemy bases, caves, defunct stations, crash sites, scrapyards etc.
- 3 shops to buy around 100 ships ranging from 120k to 60mil
- 100s of parts for ships and weapons
- dozen places to rent ships
- dozens of GTA4/5 style shops from clothing to weapons, ship equipment.
- mission wise there are like 20-30 archetypes
- some random events as well when you fly around like meeting pirates attacking trading ship or wreckage etc.

gameplay wise:
- game is buggy, server dcs every 5-6 hours, falling through the floor from time to time, something breaks from time to time like elevators, trains, some ship systems. Game currently is in the best state ever was but still not imho for public consumption. On scale of polished between FNV and Ninja Gaiden it is slightly below release FNV bug wise. Though they implemented recovery so you don't lose anything most of the time.
- mining is pretty much done and it has multiple tiers of it
- bounty hunting is very simple typical space sim kill x thing in y location
- trading works
- economy is still basic sinkholetype rather than simulated
- piracy works, boarding works as well and you can steal other people ships as well as their cargo.
- UPS like delivery missions different from trading where you manually pick objects rather than hauling cargo
- exploration - searching wreckages for lost crew or certain people like captain of ship, finding lost miners in caves, recovering blackboxes
- defense/attacking missions where you defend installations from enemies both on foot and in space, other missions you attack stuff with version of both on foot and air (space?)
- few boarding missions where you board some bigger ships occupied by terrorists taking them out.
- you can find loot on various wrecks, outposts etc.
- you don't die when you healths drops to 0. Depending on damage you go into incapacitated state with timer (usually in 30-40 minuts up to few hours) where someone can heal you.
- shallow and deep damage to characters. Shallow damage can be cured by hand deep damage has to be healed in facilities prepared for it usually in main cities.
- you can put ships into other ships. Say you can put minig ground vehicle into transport ship and go minign this way instead of buying dedicated mining ship.
- illegal version of missions where you do various stuff, from running drugs, fighting other gangs for some installation etc.

- ~100 people servers now
- you can fly multicrew ships, pilots, copilots, turret gunners, boarding crew etc.Something like someone is piloting ship, copilot is targeting and firing missiles, 3 copilot is identyfing targets and marking them deciding which target next to attack, 2 people in turrets while you have 5 people at the back ready to do some ground operation or boarding.
- there is law system, so if you kill someone or attack installation you get crime stat
- bounty misssions generated can target players with high crime stats
- you can get into prison if law officers incapacite you or you surrender when you have crime stat
- lower missdemnor crimestat can be paid off
- people can create beacons and missions asking for help. They vary from defending to medical help when they get shot without anyone near to help them.
- there are server wide event from time to time (currently 2 of them). One is siege of orrison city where a lot of players fight with AI enemy force other one is jumptown which is basically place which produces a lot of drugs which then you can pack on your ship and sell for high profits. The problem ? No law which means anyone can just wait foryou to pack stuff and steal your shit kiling you.

No one should play it right now who wants finished game. It is early access game and probably will stay like that for looooong time. That being said doing stuff with friends give this arma is space vibe which is great even if you have to deal with bugs and shit and game is pretty as fuck, flying from space into planet outposts never gets old. Also you need best rig you can get to get 60fps otherwise you are looking at ~30fps with mid tier systems and i mean current mid tier not mid tier in 2015, ssd is required and game definitely needs 32gb of ram.


Oct 26, 2008
So is anyone *actually* playing this game, and can provide actual and informative information about how this game currently is?

I think this is the most balanced view you can get out of youtube shills, though I don't think he's entirely correct on the system specs.
People have reportedly been playing on 16 gigs of ram with no problems, though this one is really hard to gauge because lags and stutters can be entirely due to
the netcode and bugs, regardless of how powerful your rig is.

There's also one other bit of gameplay he doesn't cover, iirc: you can do a bit of exploration and scrounge boxes of loot from shipwrecks,
some of them were obviously designed as a puzzle where you pull them out of the debris with the tractor beam tool.
EDIT: There's also looking for missing people in shipwrecks and caves.
Other players are also able to spawn missions to pick them up and heal and there's often quite a bit of chat activity
with folks asking for a lift or whatnot.

It's all pretty rudimentary, so your expectations should be as low as possible and expect every activity you do to be rudely interrupted by bugs or server fuckery.
If you're looking for that 1990s early mmo experience, where very few things work as intended and you spend most of the time having a piss on the chat
about the most recent bug that fucked you over, the game might deliver just that, but the 54 dorra admission (tax included) fee is dubious at best.

Other than that, there's apparently been a hotfix just yesterday. No specifics, but I've heard that the elevators have been noticeably less fucky,
and that counts as measurable progress as far as this shitshow is concerned.

What hasn't been said, based on my own limited experience: the game has absolutely zero respect for your time.
Buying and selling stuff was was probably designed to make it as uncomfortable and inefficient as possible:
For a lot of things, you need to go to a specific planet, land the ship, get past a bunch of elevators,
sometimes take the train, then find the right shop (which can take a bit if you aren't familiar with the layout - there's no minimap and you need to rely on in-game signage).
You don't buy ships and ship components a lot, but when you do, oh boy. It's a fucking process of its own.
(not to mention, there's fuck all in the game when it comes to stats, so you basically need to alt tab to external websites,
though if you played Elite Dangulugu, one would think this is an industry standard of sorts)
On top of that, the menus and interfaces (all of them) are all laggy and prone to glitches.
Same goes for inventory management. Just picking up a bunch of mags lying on the floor is a process that can take minutes.
Almost nothing in the inventory stacks, and a lot of this shit totally should.

So yeah, I refuse to accept that this was designed for actual human use,
though they will probably tell you it's fine and you just get used to it after a bit.
Doesn't make it less shit.
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Aug 27, 2021
Lol, just below FNV at release. That was still a complete game, albeit buggy. This is an incomplete non-game which is also hilariously buggy.


Mar 28, 2014
Lol, just below FNV at release. That was still a complete game, albeit buggy. This is an incomplete non-game which is also hilariously buggy.

I think you didn't play FNV at release. It was pretty much broken, on consoles it was broken and needed few patches before people could play without something major not breaking.

And i was talking about game polish aka bugs, stability, user experience not about game content itself.


Mar 28, 2014
Lol, just below FNV at release. That was still a complete game, albeit buggy.
They also had two legitimate excuses for the bugs:

1) "[Fallout: New Vegas] had a somewhat short development cycle of 18 months."

2) Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.

And why this matters ? I just used it to compare polish of it in current state to released games where FNV release was hot garbage on low end of scale and ninja gaiden on other end as it never had any bug and everything was polished as hell.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
Lol, just below FNV at release. That was still a complete game, albeit buggy.
They also had two legitimate excuses for the bugs:

1) "[Fallout: New Vegas] had a somewhat short development cycle of 18 months."

2) Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.

And why this matters ? I just used it to compare polish of it in current state to released games where FNV release was hot garbage on low end of scale and ninja gaiden on other end as it never had any bug and everything was polished as hell.

The difference is that FNV was an actual game. This is a pre-alpha tech demo.


Mar 12, 2020
And why this matters ? I just used it to compare polish of it in current state to released games where FNV release was hot garbage on low end of scale and ninja gaiden on other end as it never had any bug and everything was polished as hell.
Well, I saw an opportunity to make fun of Star Citizen's "development timeline" and Obsidian's QA at the same time. It's like "buy one, get one free" at the pub, how much self control do you think I have?



Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
MCA Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech
So is anyone *actually* playing this game, and can provide actual and informative information about how this game currently is?

What ? Did you not read past 385 pages in last 10 years ? How could you.
As someone who regularly checks on it in game:

Content wise:
- They have one incredibly detailed system with 4 planets and dozen of moons each having their own biomes, cities, stations, outposts etc.
- 4 main cities, 1 pirate city, at least 20-25 outposts around 20 stations + ton of crap like enemy bases, caves, defunct stations, crash sites, scrapyards etc.
- 3 shops to buy around 100 ships ranging from 120k to 60mil
- 100s of parts for ships and weapons
- dozen places to rent ships
- dozens of GTA4/5 style shops from clothing to weapons, ship equipment.
- mission wise there are like 20-30 archetypes
- some random events as well when you fly around like meeting pirates attacking trading ship or wreckage etc.

gameplay wise:
- game is buggy, server dcs every 5-6 hours, falling through the floor from time to time, something breaks from time to time like elevators, trains, some ship systems. Game currently is in the best state ever was but still not imho for public consumption. On scale of polished between FNV and Ninja Gaiden it is slightly below release FNV bug wise. Though they implemented recovery so you don't lose anything most of the time.
- mining is pretty much done and it has multiple tiers of it
- bounty hunting is very simple typical space sim kill x thing in y location
- trading works
- economy is still basic sinkholetype rather than simulated
- piracy works, boarding works as well and you can steal other people ships as well as their cargo.
- UPS like delivery missions different from trading where you manually pick objects rather than hauling cargo
- exploration - searching wreckages for lost crew or certain people like captain of ship, finding lost miners in caves, recovering blackboxes
- defense/attacking missions where you defend installations from enemies both on foot and in space, other missions you attack stuff with version of both on foot and air (space?)
- few boarding missions where you board some bigger ships occupied by terrorists taking them out.
- you can find loot on various wrecks, outposts etc.
- you don't die when you healths drops to 0. Depending on damage you go into incapacitated state with timer (usually in 30-40 minuts up to few hours) where someone can heal you.
- shallow and deep damage to characters. Shallow damage can be cured by hand deep damage has to be healed in facilities prepared for it usually in main cities.
- you can put ships into other ships. Say you can put minig ground vehicle into transport ship and go minign this way instead of buying dedicated mining ship.
- illegal version of missions where you do various stuff, from running drugs, fighting other gangs for some installation etc.

- ~100 people servers now
- you can fly multicrew ships, pilots, copilots, turret gunners, boarding crew etc.Something like someone is piloting ship, copilot is targeting and firing missiles, 3 copilot is identyfing targets and marking them deciding which target next to attack, 2 people in turrets while you have 5 people at the back ready to do some ground operation or boarding.
- there is law system, so if you kill someone or attack installation you get crime stat
- bounty misssions generated can target players with high crime stats
- you can get into prison if law officers incapacite you or you surrender when you have crime stat
- lower missdemnor crimestat can be paid off
- people can create beacons and missions asking for help. They vary from defending to medical help when they get shot without anyone near to help them.
- there are server wide event from time to time (currently 2 of them). One is siege of orrison city where a lot of players fight with AI enemy force other one is jumptown which is basically place which produces a lot of drugs which then you can pack on your ship and sell for high profits. The problem ? No law which means anyone can just wait foryou to pack stuff and steal your shit kiling you.

No one should play it right now who wants finished game. It is early access game and probably will stay like that for looooong time. That being said doing stuff with friends give this arma is space vibe which is great even if you have to deal with bugs and shit and game is pretty as fuck, flying from space into planet outposts never gets old. Also you need best rig you can get to get 60fps otherwise you are looking at ~30fps with mid tier systems and i mean current mid tier not mid tier in 2015, ssd is required and game definitely needs 32gb of ram.
Thank you very much for your very detailed feedback. I was very curious from a system design how they were implementing various MMO systems. :salute:


Oct 23, 2017
Persistent entity streaming probably delayed. 3.18 will still be great if they're able to ship the Vulkan renderer this year. Wonder what that means for CitizenCon's keynote presentaton.


Mar 28, 2014
Persistent entity streaming probably delayed. 3.18 will still be great if they're able to ship the Vulkan renderer this year. Wonder what that means for CitizenCon's keynote presentaton.

There won't be any keynote this year which is confirmed by CIG. They said they are focusing all efforts on bringing server meshing and pes as soon as possible and can't spare resources and devs to create demo with future stuff.

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