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Vapourware Scam Citizen - Only people with too much money can become StarCitizens! WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE?


Feb 26, 2016
Scroll all the way down:
Basically, you need to make an account if you don't have one, then redeem a code/coupon on it.
Yeah, it's like they don't want too many people in.

Ah thanks, I figure it out in the meanwhile. It's amazing how overcomplicated it is lol.

You can’t just hop in. No. You need a code. However, you can’t activate that code in your account settings. Because it will give you an error code saying you already used it. You have to scroll down in a page with the code and activate it there…


Mar 28, 2014
They announced plans for their CitizenCon. Much smaller like they mentioned compared to one 2 years ago.


Join us for a guided, in-engine tour through many of the Planets and Moons of the upcoming Pyro System, exploring their current development status, and why they’re more than just burnt, charred husks you may have read about.

Explore the pitch process for a new mission archetype that leaves combat and delivery behind for mindful deduction and increased storytelling.

When corporations, commerce and caverns collide. Take your first look at the enormous re-imagining of underground facilities and the new gameplay possibilities that will arrive with them.

We all know how speed impacts combat, but now learn how Master Modes, initially developed for Squadron 42, will impact the flight experience for the Persistent Universe and better define ship roles for all vehicles in Star Citizen.

We’ve come a long way since our first planetary landing zone, and here you’ll get a first glimpse at how everything learned since then is being re-applied to this walled, polluted city.

How the upcoming Resource Management System will change life in the ’verse as we know it, from combat to player homesteading and allow for true multicrew gameplay.


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
They announced plans for their CitizenCon. Much smaller like they mentioned compared to one 2 years ago.


Join us for a guided, in-engine tour through many of the Planets and Moons of the upcoming Pyro System, exploring their current development status, and why they’re more than just burnt, charred husks you may have read about.

Explore the pitch process for a new mission archetype that leaves combat and delivery behind for mindful deduction and increased storytelling.

When corporations, commerce and caverns collide. Take your first look at the enormous re-imagining of underground facilities and the new gameplay possibilities that will arrive with them.

We all know how speed impacts combat, but now learn how Master Modes, initially developed for Squadron 42, will impact the flight experience for the Persistent Universe and better define ship roles for all vehicles in Star Citizen.

We’ve come a long way since our first planetary landing zone, and here you’ll get a first glimpse at how everything learned since then is being re-applied to this walled, polluted city.

How the upcoming Resource Management System will change life in the ’verse as we know it, from combat to player homesteading and allow for true multicrew gameplay.

That's because they're waiting on JesusTech™ that can handle the server load.


Mar 28, 2014
Well turns out that i am actually uber rich and more rich than whales of SC.

I actually hold wait for it...

golden ticket.


It is "special" jpeg given to people in the know who were able to register on RSI site before Roberts even announced he will be working on new game and crowdfunding started. Only like few thousands of those are in wild and you can't get them. They give you some swag in game and apparently are worth pretty penny. I noticed few auction from years ago going for minimum 500$ and those were almost 7 years ago when there were a lot less whales around.

So essentially i registered paid 1$ back in 2012 to support project. In return i got 150$ gift package from someone and now i can sell this account and get easily few $k.

Ahhh... Chrisy Robert. You created NFTs in the end. The visionary.

:troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
He has zero experience with JesusTech™ or MMO programming. God you are such a gullible retard.

That wasn't my point. Just trivia. Like you know knowing you are just regular retard.

Do you hire a burger flipper or a stonemason to build a brick house? There is a reason why there are jobs that require specialized skills. Just having programming skills in single player games is not good enough when it comes to multiplayer games using a single player engine that requires JesusTech™ to run.

The only retard here is you. Have a wonderful day Perkel.


Feb 26, 2016
The game still runs like ass, took me one hour to uninstall this time.

Edited: Fuck, I just noticed how crazy that sounds, not to uninstall the game, till I uninstalled the game.
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Feb 26, 2016
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
Samsung SSD 860 QVO 1TB
16gb Ram


Mar 28, 2014

I gave up after about 5 minutes when the launcher went to 500KB/s :lol:

There are ton of small files like 1kb-2kb etc. Downloader tends to download them first then switching to big sequential files to again go back to some small files at the end. The point is that at start you have low download for few minutes then goes full bore for rest of installation until you hit 99% when it switches again to small files. On the right side of LEFT: 67.6GB there is file count and when you go 500kb/s that number rapidly comes down.

Star Citizen, Epic and some installs in steam (but not all) are like the only downladers that can hit my total bandwidth of 1Gbit/s which is 115mb/s


GM Extraordinaire
Jul 29, 2015
In the ether
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
There are ton of small files like 1kb-2kb etc.
So not only Chrissie Roberts and company are failing in make an alpha that they also failed in packaging their updates properly. This is too hilarious. Only Chrissie Roberts would be using 20 year old updating techniques when the rest of the gaming industry uses compression and installing after download. I'm not sure if this is incompetence or intentional at this point. Maybe he's waiting on JesusTech™ for compressing patches.


Oct 26, 2008
So, to those of you who admit defeat by the game's installer.
I played a bit of this shit so you don't have to.

I started off by doing a bit of pew pewing in space and it wasn't entirely unenjoyable. Managed to get me some OK money, test out a few cheap ships, check out the weapons and modules.
Might give you a more detailed account on if I'm feeling like it later.
To my surprise, elevators were working as intended, and I only had one incident of falling through the hangar floor on landing and one incident when the train station didn't load
leaving me trapped in space. This is what progress looks like, baby!

I also tried mining. People say it's the most feature complete of the "gameplay loops" (damn I hate this term) and a decent way to earn credits.
So, here's how it went:

Started by buying meself a wheeled craft for surface mining, it comes equipped with a fixed mining laser.
Hauled ass to the game's main mining hub at planet Hurston and parked on a mining outpost on one of the moons. Turns out the mining buggy does not have a properly insulated cabin,
so I also need to get a suit to protect me from the conditions on the moon (the space suit protecting me from the vacuum of space apparently cannot handle -40 degrees, because fuck physics).
I spawn the ROC miner craft in the mining outpost and take it for a spin. Gravity seems low and it bounces around like a motherfucker. All the riding is fun, but I can't find anything mineable within
a few kilometers from the outpost. Guess it has been picked clean. Note to self: I need a ship to carry the buggy around and scan for minerals.

Which ship can carry the ROC? Tough luck finding out in game (other than trying each ship manually), so I need to fuck off to youtube to actually get that kind of info.
I have a Pisces, which is something like a space minivan with a ramp and quite a bit of storage room, but turns out this is not it. Cutlass seems to be a popular choice for this.
Now, this one is outside my current financial range, but thankfully I can just rent it out at a refinery station for a fraction of the cost.
The only downside being, I cannot mess with the ship's setup.
The game gives me a few options, I can rent it for a day, three days, a week or a month. Of course, due to a bug, only the 1-day rental works. All others
charge me for the full month. Subscription services never change.
It's time to call it a day, so I log out of the game. My new rental has a bed, so I can park it next to the mining site of my choice, logout, then hop back into the game at the same location.
Let's see how it goes.

Next day, I log in to find that my spacesuit is gone and I'm lying butt naked in the ship. Bug or feature? Did they also take my character's virginity in my sleep? I cannot say.
Something always goes fucky when I use the bed logout, but this one's a first. This complicates things, cause I cannot go outside without a spacesuit.
Somewhat desperately, I make a run for the nearest infrastructure, holding my breath. Sometimes you can find random gear in the buildings.
There's a chance the game will rubberband or I slip and fall over, which means death by asphyxiation.
I get lucky this time and manage to find a helmet and a jacket. No pants, unfortunately.

This isn't ideal, but perhaps I can at least do some mining this time? I go to the terminal for spawning vehicles and my ROC materializes after a few seconds.
Now, for whatever reason, the Cutlass I wanted to park it in is nowhere to be seen. Gone. Space negroes stealing spacesuits AND ships? I have a feeling this hood is kind of bad for a fool to stick around.
I try re-spawning the Cutlass from the terminal, but it says the ship's too big for the pad. Oh for fuck's sake.
Suicide is often the best option in SC, and I do so. All this Star Citizening was rather tiresome, so I decide to just log out for the day.

Third day of my mining and perhaps third time's the charm. I reclaim the ship from the console. Since I suicided, I need to file an insurance claim to get it back.
This puts me on a six minute timer which I could expedite this by spending a handful of credits and since I was supposed to earn some fucking cash on this
whole endeavor, I decide to wait it out.
Okay, let's try this shit again. I punch the route for one of the moons around Hurston and alt tab to watch some pron, cause the warp travel takes a few minutes.
(this depends on the equipped drive, but since it's a rental, can't do anything here.)
Upon arrival, I pick a random mining outpost to land. Turns out this one doesn't have the vehicle spawn panel. Balls.

I fly to the next one, arrive at the marker and am greeted by an empty patch of land. No flight control signal, no nothing.
Seems like the whole location didn't load. Durr. I spool up the warp drive and hop to the next moon. Turns out the bug persists and no locations spawn here either.
Point taken. The game doesn't want me to mine shit. I Alt+F4-off and go do something else with my day.

So, to sum it up, the game is fucked in ways which one has to see to actually believe and you need to have the patience of a saint to actually make things work.
There are days when shit mostly works and can be considered playable, not sure if it's related to the additional stress due to the free fly, but a lot of the time
it feels like you're learning to navigate the intricate web of bugs and find out what's actually "safe" to do.
Until you get to this point, the game likes to punish you by wasting your time - all those minutes spent reclaiming ships, rebuying gear, traveling in space add up rather quickly.
So what do you get for all this trouble? Having tried it, I can see where's the appeal. It has the scope and it promises a lot.
The veneer quickly flakes off once the first bugs hit and you start noticing that a lot of things is just for show and don't really do anything.
But they might. Sometime in the future. If you've ever listened to a SC youtuber, you'll find this popping out quite frequently: yeah once XXX is actually implemented...
It's a great game to fantasize about (especially when you're not playing), particularly susceptible individuals might be tempted to throw more and more time and money at it,
thinking shit will totally get better in the next update that's just round the corner. Totally. You only need a few more credits/$$$ to get that cool ship which will totally change everything...
Until you realize it's been like this for years and the bugs that are biting you in the ass have already been reported pre-2020.

//Some minor edits here and there//
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Mary Sue Leigh

Aug 31, 2012
Didn't plan on giving it another go, but now that I have learned that the lead programmer from Ultima 8 PAGAN is involved, well that changes everything.

Also I don't think this will be in development forever.
At some point, Robertson will simply announce Star Citizen 2
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
so I also need to get a suit to protect me from the conditions on the moon (the space suit protecting me from the vacuum of space apparently cannot handle -40 degrees, because fuck physics).
this is correct though
you can protect against low pressure just by using an elastic counterpressure suit, but it would do nothing to protect you against the temperature

Which means, yes, a lot of dumb sci-fi shit in various movies/TV shows could have been avoided just by putting characters in spandex suits. Books tend to get it right much more of the time, but then again, they tend to also care more about the science than movies/TV shows.


Oct 26, 2008
so I also need to get a suit to protect me from the conditions on the moon (the space suit protecting me from the vacuum of space apparently cannot handle -40 degrees, because fuck physics).
this is correct though
you can protect against low pressure just by using an elastic counterpressure suit, but it would do nothing to protect you against the temperature
I would agree if it were just a high-G pilot's suit, but you can do EVA in the basic undersuit and helmet combo with no problems.
It only counts on the planet's surface, they give you a temperature readout, and if it goes outside the comfort range of -30oC +60oC, this slowly affects your body temperature making you lose health.

Obligatory "I didn't see a single bug, your computer is just bad because you're poor" post
Yep. Star Citizenship is definitely not for the frugal of heart.


Zionist Agent
Feb 2, 2007
This puts me on a six minute timer which I could expedite this by spending a handful of credits and since I was supposed to earn some fucking cash on this
whole endeavor, I decide to wait it out.
So one of the new features they've implemented is the Space DMV?

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