So any day now?
... but "MMOs" are not really standard, they are kind of a dying breed if you ask me, too risky of an massive investment, the original plan was far more doable, it would be done by now, and it could pave the way for bigger projects such as the MMO or whatever the fuck.I 100% understand your point. I think they need to do some "bait and switch" on a lot of their previous bad ideas too. It's time to say "Yeah, I know you backed this but the scope of the project as well as the industry standard has changed. The best use of your investment is to adapt so that we can meet those new standards."
Elite was also "doable" and they did it in said time. Somehow it is not Elite that is raking in money but alpha of 12 year old in the making broken game.
... but "MMOs" are not really standard, they are kind of a dying breed if you ask me, too risky of an massive investment, the original plan was far more doable, it would be done by now, and it could pave the way for bigger projects such as the MMO or whatever the fuck.I 100% understand your point. I think they need to do some "bait and switch" on a lot of their previous bad ideas too. It's time to say "Yeah, I know you backed this but the scope of the project as well as the industry standard has changed. The best use of your investment is to adapt so that we can meet those new standards."
I don't think MMOs can't exist in this day and age. You can get enough people not only to feel like there is a big virtual community on a server, but enough people to fund continual development of the game. I think the main issue is that suits want to chase maximum profit as quickly as possible. They wanted WoW numbers right off the bat when WoW had already achieved market saturation and no game could possibly get numbers that high. Even still, MMOs could build up enough of a playerbase to remain profitable but suits didn't want wait. Shareholders don't care about making money over the next ten years. They want their money the next quarter. So you saw the usual WoW killer story of a new MMO being hyped up and everyone checking it out at launch and most leave but a respectable population remains but the publisher slashes the budget for continued development and then the population bleeds rather than builds until the game is shuttered. Nowadays the path of least resistance for suits is to fund a hundred cheap mobile games and hope one of them becomes the next Angry Birds or Clash of Clans or whatever.
A few months back it was announced that the Riot/League of Legends/Runeterra MMO's development was being rebooted, apparently because it was too much of a WoW clone. Personally while I agree from an artistic point of view I'd like to see new things, I think there would be enough people out there who would be content to play a WoW clone but with League aesthetics and settings to keep that MMO profitable and fund continued development. At some point you have to shit or get off the pot and time will tell whether or not they should have just gone with what they had.
Still plenty of whales spending tons of money. The tide is slowly turning, but it's going to be a while yet.
When you talk to people in-game, you realise that spending extra money on new ships isn't some optional thing that some people do. For many people, it's an integral part of the game. They talk about buying better ships as if it's just something they expect everyone to do regularly. I mean, just look at this motherfucker:
He lost his girlfriend because he couldn't stop buying ships in SC. They were saving up for a house deposit together and the motherfucker spent it all on digital spaceships, then argued with people on reddit who told him that he's fucked up.
Regulary posts about how deeply in debt he is:
Still buying bullshit for SC, though:
These are the whales keeping Roberts in business and they're going to keep him rolling in cash for a long time yet, because the game preys on people who are shit with money.
It's called addiction, expect we got laws and regulations that cover most, however, video games as they are, being a relative new thing... not as much, this bring us to the good old "I don't want government dick in my games.... but...", which already started and might just get worse as companies keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of such problems.I assure you, far more people ruin their lives with frivolous spending on things other than Star Citizen. Gambling, substances, and poor investments far, far outweigh what one or two very cherry-picked scenarios you have uncovered while reading Reddit.
You say "spending money on ships isn't optional," which is complete nonsense.
People spend just as much, if not more, on skins in AAA shooters such as CoD or Fortnite.
I said that for many Star Cultizens, buying new ships is expected behavior. They don't treat it like it's optional.
You say "spending money on ships isn't optional," which is complete nonsense.
No wonder you fell for Star Citizen. You can barely comprehend what you're reading.
I said that for many Star Cultizens, buying new ships is expected behavior. They don't treat it like it's optional.
Learn to read better and maybe you won't end up crying about people criticising a scam that you fell for, you fucking weirdo.
People spend just as much, if not more, on skins in AAA shooters such as CoD or Fortnite.
Those people are fucking morons too.
It's called addiction, expect we got laws and regulations that cover most, however, video games as they are, being a relative new thing... not as much, this bring us to the good old "I don't want government dick in my games.... but...", which already started and might just get worse as companies keep trying to squeeze more and more money out of such problems.I assure you, far more people ruin their lives with frivolous spending on things other than Star Citizen. Gambling, substances, and poor investments far, far outweigh what one or two very cherry-picked scenarios you have uncovered while reading Reddit.
I can comprehend reading just fine. I tend to just gloss over the ramblings of retards in general. As one should.
Next time present a more reasonable argument that isn't ripped straight from Reddit which basically amounts to seething at the reality not all people in this world live in squalor and actually have a large amount of disposable income to spend on things. What you consider, expensive others consider trivial. I'll let you rub your remaining neurons together to deduce which bracket I'm in. But, to dismantle your weak argument, which I am sure is as weak as the savings in your bank account, I am going to address a few things.
The overwhelming majority, based on metrics from CIG themselves, is that over 80% of the player population is under the concierge rank, which is a minimum entry of $1,000 USD. So if you're capable of doing math, which I would not hold it against you if you aren't since that is a prerequisite to obtaining disposable income, means that only 20% of the player base has spent $1,000 or more on the product. Now if we go even higher, to say, Legatus, which is $20k and over, you have less than one percent. Which is also confirmed by CIG. So no, not very "many Star Citizens" consider buying new ships to be expected behavior. Only bitter, poor onlookers wishing they could afford more than a pot to piss in such as yourself do. Like I said, the money argument is a weak one, you can find a lot more things to criticize the product over. Well, maybe you cannot. But others surely can.
Learn to work hard, practice, and get better at what you do. And worry less about what others spend their disposable income on and work towards acquiring your own. You may suddenly find that living paycheck to paycheck isn't anyone else's fault but your own. Weirdo.
I can comprehend reading just fine. I tend to just gloss over the ramblings of retards in general. As one should.
Next time present a more reasonable argument that isn't ripped straight from Reddit which basically amounts to seething at the reality not all people in this world live in squalor and actually have a large amount of disposable income to spend on things. What you consider, expensive others consider trivial. I'll let you rub your remaining neurons together to deduce which bracket I'm in. But, to dismantle your weak argument, which I am sure is as weak as the savings in your bank account, I am going to address a few things.
The overwhelming majority, based on metrics from CIG themselves, is that over 80% of the player population is under the concierge rank, which is a minimum entry of $1,000 USD. So if you're capable of doing math, which I would not hold it against you if you aren't since that is a prerequisite to obtaining disposable income, means that only 20% of the player base has spent $1,000 or more on the product. Now if we go even higher, to say, Legatus, which is $20k and over, you have less than one percent. Which is also confirmed by CIG. So no, not very "many Star Citizens" consider buying new ships to be expected behavior. Only bitter, poor onlookers wishing they could afford more than a pot to piss in such as yourself do. Like I said, the money argument is a weak one, you can find a lot more things to criticize the product over. Well, maybe you cannot. But others surely can.
Learn to work hard, practice, and get better at what you do. And worry less about what others spend their disposable income on and work towards acquiring your own. You may suddenly find that living paycheck to paycheck isn't anyone else's fault but your own. Weirdo.
My man. It has nothing to with being rich or poor. I have plenty of disposable income to invest in my hobbies. You criticise the state of Star Citizen yourself. It's not a point of pride that you're buying every single ship and ship jpeg for a barely functional tech demo that is still nowhere near release 12 years in. You're just announcing that you're bad with money.
If you want to buy fictional ships for a lag simulator, then go ahead. Nobody here is stopping you. The post that you're crying about wasn't even referencing you. You just felt called out because that post of mine hit a bit too close to home for you.
Now shut the fuck up and go look at your jpegs, you whiny bitch.
You cannot claim it has nothing to do with people's wealth when the only thing you hone in on is people's spending habits. It was the entire core of your argument. Your argument then continued into outright fallacies with zero basis other than a user on Reddit you obsessively looked up like a jaded ex-girlfriend. Your behavior did not stop there though; you continued by claiming that the majority of players in SC are compelled to buy ships when the metrics released by CIG do not even support that weak argument. I did not feel called out, but rather obligated to point out just how stupid you are. Which I did, but you made that easy.
I'll look at my JPEGs, buy more, and continue to laugh at you and your very obvious poverty. You peasant.
Anyway, since I'm done hurling shit down on you from my ivory tower, I'm going to talk about a major change announced in the last SCL, which was that they're moving away from the bed logging concept and to a more traditional log-in/log-out system. This, along with even more abstract design decisions, speaks volumes toward them moving to a more game-oriented design instead of the unattainable high-fidelity nonsense as before. Anything that removes tedium is excellent in my book.
53:00 in.
Elite was also "doable" and they did it in said time. Somehow it is not Elite that is raking in money but alpha of 12 year old in the making broken game.
There are several factors as to why SC is more popular than Elite. I think a big one is aesthetic appeal. In Elite, all of the spaceships IMO look unattractive and have the same general aesthetic. If you think one Elite ship looks ugly then chances are none of them will look good to you. Same goes for the space stations you hang out at. Star Citizen ships however not only look generally cooler but you get several different series of ships withe different art directions. You have boxy, utilitarian looking Original Trilogy esque ships like Drake. You have space military hardware with Anvil if you want something that looks like a real life jet. Aegis if you want something from Halo. Then you have Origin ships which look like comfy sportscars or yachts, and there isn't really any comparison I can think of. And then you have the Xian ships which look like those cool rotating cockpit spaceships at the beginning of the Lost in Space reboot movie. Etc. There are Star Wars hoverbikes, but also sleel hoverbikes that look like a modern Kawasaki motorbike, and there are also dunebuggies and NASA rovers. Etc. And for cities there are Bladerunner factory hellscapes like Hurston, or Coruscant city planets or ArcCorp, or the comfier snow city of New Babbage, or the floating shipyards or Orison. It's easier to find something that looks appealing to you.
"Next time present a more reasonable argument that isn't ripped straight from Reddit which basically amounts to seething at the reality not all people in this world live in squalor and actually have a large amount of disposable income to spend on things. What you consider, expensive others consider trivial. I'll let you rub your remaining neurons together to deduce which bracket I'm in. But, to dismantle your weak argument, which I am sure is as weak as the savings in your bank account, I am going to address a few things."
Listen to me, peasant.
I have more cash than you.
That means you are wrong.
Now I will proclaim my truth and you must agree god damn it!
Finally some good fucking entertainment in this thread. I highly approve of Mr Richie Rich methods here, 9/10 IGN, rudimentary Idrisless creatures of blood and flesh, you touch his mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. ... he is beyond your comprehension, he is Legatus.
You cannot claim it has nothing to do with people's wealth when the only thing you hone in on is people's spending habits. It was the entire core of your argument. Your argument then continued into outright fallacies with zero basis other than a user on Reddit you obsessively looked up like a jaded ex-girlfriend. Your behavior did not stop there though; you continued by claiming that the majority of players in SC are compelled to buy ships when the metrics released by CIG do not even support that weak argument. I did not feel called out, but rather obligated to point out just how stupid you are. Which I did, but you made that easy.
I'll look at my JPEGs, buy more, and continue to laugh at you and your very obvious poverty. You peasant.
Anyway, since I'm done hurling shit down on you from my ivory tower, I'm going to talk about a major change announced in the last SCL, which was that they're moving away from the bed logging concept and to a more traditional log-in/log-out system. This, along with even more abstract design decisions, speaks volumes toward them moving to a more game-oriented design instead of the unattainable high-fidelity nonsense as before. Anything that removes tedium is excellent in my book.
53:00 in.
Man, you really are bad at this. Criticising people buying dumb shit has nothing to do with being rich or poor. A poor man can recognise when someone is wasting money, as can a billionaire. Jeff Bezos didn't get rich by buying imaginary spaceships in a doomed videogame. That you can afford to waste your money on imaginary spaceships (and spaceship jpegs) in a game that is still in pre-alpha after 12 years and is unlikely to ever come out, doesn't make you not a dumb fuck who can't recognise when he's throwing money in a black hole.
I reiterate, my post that got you so worked up wasn't even directed at you. I wasn't only quoting or responding to you. You got so offended by a post not even referring to you directly, that your sphincter not only cut your Star Citizen dildo in half, but you went on a whole tirade where the core of your argument is "I am (allegedly) richer than you, therefore I am right". It really shows how close my post hit to home for you that you're taking it this hard.
When you go cry about it to your mother tonight, make sure to apologize for making her carry you in her womb for 9 months, ripping open her vagina with your watermelon head, and then turning out like this.
Elite was also "doable" and they did it in said time. Somehow it is not Elite that is raking in money but alpha of 12 year old in the making broken game.
There are several factors as to why SC is more popular than Elite. I think a big one is aesthetic appeal. In Elite, all of the spaceships IMO look unattractive and have the same general aesthetic. If you think one Elite ship looks ugly then chances are none of them will look good to you. Same goes for the space stations you hang out at. Star Citizen ships however not only look generally cooler but you get several different series of ships withe different art directions. You have boxy, utilitarian looking Original Trilogy esque ships like Drake. You have space military hardware with Anvil if you want something that looks like a real life jet. Aegis if you want something from Halo. Then you have Origin ships which look like comfy sportscars or yachts, and there isn't really any comparison I can think of. And then you have the Xian ships which look like those cool rotating cockpit spaceships at the beginning of the Lost in Space reboot movie. Etc. There are Star Wars hoverbikes, but also sleel hoverbikes that look like a modern Kawasaki motorbike, and there are also dunebuggies and NASA rovers. Etc. And for cities there are Bladerunner factory hellscapes like Hurston, or Coruscant city planets or ArcCorp, or the comfier snow city of New Babbage, or the floating shipyards or Orison. It's easier to find something that looks appealing to you.
I'm not reading all that but Star Citizen is more popular than Elite: Dangerous because E:D simply isn't fun. The devs have resisted fun at every step of development and even looked for ways to make the game less fun.
What can I say? From time to time I enjoy punching down on the poors. I'll buy you a copy of the game and let you gun the Idris. I promise. We'll shoot poor people together as they leave their hangers in their pitiful starter ships in a vulgar display of power. Those hippies on Microtech will tell tales of our adventures.
Could you speak up? I cannot hear your impotent rage from all the way down there in the favella in which you reside.
Could you speak up? I cannot hear your impotent rage from all the way down there in the favella in which you reside.
YAWN. Jeff Bezos from Wish, etc.
Spend your money on a worthwhile hobby that isn't going to implode in the next decade. I recommend tarantulas. They're pretty fucking cool and some of the rarer species are quite expensive, so you can still live out your Richie Rich fantasies and flex on people without tarantulas or who only keep cheaper, more common species.
Probably the best and most honest argument you had around here... and none of them are even really wrong about it ;DClass war on the 'dex. Never thought I'd see it. Thought this place would be a reprieve from it, even. We're so inundated with it, everywhere. God damn the bourgeoisie!!
Everywhere I go, it'sVS
People who want single player will have SQ42.
Lada Racing Club was like that if I remember it right. The game rendered only the traffic you can see, so if you switch to rear-view you can drive forward on literally empty roads as traffic simply disappearedthe car that was about to ram your ass, wouldn't do so, as long as you turned your back at him
You spent 30k on ships in a subscription based game that is not yet fully functional and will stop working the moment the servers are pulled off?This is my hangar's value from the CC game. I don't have many more ships left to buy in the game, actually. You save a ton using the CCU game.
It's called investing okay?You spent 30k on ships in a subscription based game that is not yet fully functional and will stop working the moment the servers are pulled off?