Cis-Het Oppressor
I don't even. What makes you think that the budget of the game somehow influences the time that it takes to get to a "playable" build?
There is a strong correlation between budget/staff size/production values and the length of the development cycle: (Actual length of development cycles must be manually checked.)
It's not that high-budget games can't support a playable build so early, but rather that the developers/publishers invariably choose not to release one. What I'm saying is that CIG has done differently and that this is a unique situation, as far as I know.
This thread is a good example of why very early builds are so rarely released into the wild: the squealing and bitching that inevitably follow when the game doesn't yet climb out of the computer screen and suck players' cocks. The majority of the features are still in progress, and aren't necessarily going to be completed in succession, one after the other. I've mentioned interdependency between features and concurrent development of those features in this thread before, but no one seems inclined to listen. Perhaps some people aren't sure what I mean.