I try this. What I am missing am? It's more of the same garbage. Only now you see that Obsidian in their old fashion can't even optimize Bethesda's badly optimaazd routines and shit is positively jerky-town.
So I make-a the explore, ignore some quest it throws at me. HMMM KEEP OUT WHAT DIS? OH SHIT STRANGE BEES INSTA KILL ME. OK. Well that never happened in FO3. Wow what an improvement.
aLSO nOTICe IrON SIGHTS lolo lolol. Ok. Also notice IRON SIGHTS are shit. I mean honestly has no one at Obsidian ACTUALLY held or fired real guns or rifles? And it even wants to call it True Ironsights or something. WHAAAT? No seriously, atleast call it Obsidian's fucked up idea of Ironsights that don't actually aim like real guns at all lololol this shit. Yeah fuck that you're getting turned off piece of shit.
Kill bees eventually and bump into bandits. Die again. HOOKAY. NO MORE NOW I KILL U.
Notice that headshots are cruise control for insta kills pretty much. Ok problem SOLVED. Get a bunch of levels for no reason, probably because I'm suddenly killing shit out of my league by sneaky headshots. Things turn positively easy.
Obsidian still getting their art done offsite by blind mutated ratpeople.
KICKING ASS. Bandit ass. Thought killing a group so hard would get me something other than gear. LIKE TREASAR. But no fuck you you get nothing loserman. OH WELL. OH YEAH. Moar ARTFAIL. Not only have OBSIDIAN never looked down iron sights, they've never even seen rifles. What the fuck is that??
Will stop exploring, because it's as shitty as in the first and try out this AMAZING NPC interaction and questlols, which I frankly didn't see any of with the first few NPC's I interacted with. Codex bullshitting again I suspect.
EDIT: oh yea. Mapping 2, well PERMAMAPPING the 2 key to some kind of ammo switch shit? Why? What sort of ammo am I supposed to switch? Can't you make it another key, not the key I use for YOU KNOW GUNZ? Fucking assholes.