I'll try and check out the JP Switch version when I get a chance to see if the script looks any different.
Original intro passageTheSentinel
Can you give examples?
我は未来世に於いて 三界の滅びるを見たり。
衆生は大悲にて 赤き霊となり、
諸魔は 此を追うが如くに出づ。
霊の蓮花に秘密主は立ち 理を示現す。
Call it what you will—A revelation from God, or a curse of the demon king. The fact remains that our world came to an end. A heretic called upon an unearthly light, and devastation ensued. Chaos crawled out of the depths of the ocean, from the black abyss. Death upon death... nothing but death in this barren land. Who can we pray to? There are only demons and fiends here... A voice in the dark beguiles me. "Truth is a mystery, unraveled by the candles' flames". — From the Journal of a Man who Wandered into Another World
Hear, O disciples, for I bear witness
to the dawn of destruction awaiting the Three Realms.
When the drums of Samsara resounds throughout the earth,
the Palace of the East, encompassed in radiant light,
shall slumber in the Womb.
All who live shall be no more;
their red souls of transgression
shall mark the rise of demons.
And lo, those who behold this great mystery
shall stand before the Lotus of Souls and speak
the Word of Reason; such is the Law of Creation
...So it is written.
The Scripture of Miroku, Chapter 4: Verse 24
New translation is way better here. It still takes some liberties but it's actually related to the original script. The old translation has nothing at all to do with the JP.jp/old translation/new translation
(shit like "that's purrrrrrrfect").
Just a small example from the beginning of the game.
(Original) Isamu: Hurry up and get over to Yoyogi Park. You're wasting my quality time. I don't care if you come or not, but Ms. Takao's nice to me when you're around...
(New) Isamu: Just get to Yoyogi Park ASAP. Time's a-wastin'! Real talk, I'd prefer more of a "private counseling" scenario. Buuuut Ms. Takao IS a lot nicer when you're around...
Personally, I find the new version to be bloated and inelegant, and also changes how one would perceive that character. On the accuracy of the original translation, I can only go by what is written, such as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shin_Megami_Tensei_III:_Nocturne#Localization in which they state:
"Rather than altering the script, Atlus translated it all faithfully from the original Japanese, preserving the original experience as far as possible.[49] For their work on the game's translation, the localization team were given access to the source files and Japanese strategy guide, which enabled them to avoid mistaking the genders of Kaneko's often highly androgynous designs."
Wouldn't it been cheaper for them to just port the the old localization and translate the new stuff then to rewrite everything?
Putting not-actually-present slang into a localization of a game is bad enough, putting modern slang into a game from 2003 is particularly egregious. So many American localizers are such hacks.
I think I'm going to stick to the ps2 version......
Do people end up setting up sustainability builds? I don't know if you can get stuff like Drain Attack, Mana Refill, etc. to get a build that replenishes itself indefinitely.
And how do people tend to punch through into truly high damage territory? I'm just bumbling about, and my suboptimal party often can beat bosses but it's a drawn out process, relying on buffs & Daisojou. I think the best single-move damage I can do is just Divine Strike + Might crit on MC (~600 max?), but for example I found a boss that max-heals itself every round so clearly needs much better damage setups.
Don't forget rewriting 13 sentinels to add social justice warrior crap by completely changing a character.To think that back in the PS2 days Atlus USA used to be praised for their overall good translations. Not perfect, but much better than what we used to get during the SNES/PS1 days. How the mighty have fallen.
All their localizations have had problems lately: EOV, Catherine, Persona 5, Nocturne remaster.
Do people end up setting up sustainability builds? I don't know if you can get stuff like Drain Attack, Mana Refill, etc. to get a build that replenishes itself indefinitely.
Depends. The only self-sustainable demon I had was Daisoujou. Been years since my last playthrough, but I think I had him set up as buff/debuffer (War Cry, Debilitate), healer (Mediarahan, later Victory Cry) and portable MP battery (Makatora to transfer MP to other party members and Meditation to replenish it).
Mana Refill is okay for dungeon delving, whereas Mana Drain can be useful during battles of attrition. I skipped both 'cause Daisoujou did cover most of the party MP needs. He is indeed a game changer.
And how do people tend to punch through into truly high damage territory? I'm just bumbling about, and my suboptimal party often can beat bosses but it's a drawn out process, relying on buffs & Daisojou. I think the best single-move damage I can do is just Divine Strike + Might crit on MC (~600 max?), but for example I found a boss that max-heals itself every round so clearly needs much better damage setups.
I'm assuming you went for a physical build based on what skills your MC has, so battle flow is usually: buff/debuff as soon as possible (War Cry & Debilitate) -> have the MC use Focus -> unleash your highest hitting attack on the next turn (by late game will probably be Freikugel, Deathbound/Deadly Fury) -> rinse and repeat. Your other party members should take care of healing, de/buffs and weakness exploitation.
If you intend to explore the depths of Amala, Pierce skill is a must; Endure is highly recommended too.
It seems like MCs can only ever learn each skill once, and if you throw it out, it's gone forever? Finally let go of Tornado+Focus Boost at ~lv60 on, yes, physical MC.