Just a small example from the beginning of the game.
(Original) Isamu: Hurry up and get over to Yoyogi Park. You're wasting my quality time. I don't care if you come or not, but Ms. Takao's nice to me when you're around...
(New) Isamu: Just get to Yoyogi Park ASAP. Time's a-wastin'! Real talk, I'd prefer more of a "private counseling" scenario. Buuuut Ms. Takao IS a lot nicer when you're around...
Personally, I find the new version to be bloated and inelegant, and also changes how one would perceive that character. On the accuracy of the original translation, I can only go by what is written, such as
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shin_Megami_Tensei_III:_Nocturne#Localization in which they state:
"Rather than altering the script, Atlus translated it all faithfully from the original Japanese, preserving the original experience as far as possible.[49] For their work on the game's translation, the localization team were given access to the source files and Japanese strategy guide, which enabled them to avoid mistaking the genders of Kaneko's often highly androgynous designs."