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Torment So is Tides of Numenera actually worth a damn?


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
I figured this is the best place to ask. So is it?


Replay MOTB instead. Or wank. Or brew some craft beer. Or drink beer. Or get married, divorce, get depressed and drunk cheap scotch. Become a Theramin virtuoso. Paint your house a-fresh and watch the coats dry. I don't think there is a numerical limit to the amount of activities that I can come up with, that are better than playing TToN.
You missed out the all time classic, dude: Watching lint gather in your navel.

That's because I have been blessed with a very shallow navel which doesn't collect any lint. Sorry for not having checked my navel-privilege! You're absolutely right, that also would be more entertaining than playing through NumaNuma.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I figured this is the best place to ask. So is it?


Replay MOTB instead. Or wank. Or brew some craft beer. Or drink beer. Or get married, divorce, get depressed and drunk cheap scotch. Become a Theramin virtuoso. Paint your house a-fresh and watch the coats dry. I don't think there is a numerical limit to the amount of activities that I can come up with, that are better than playing TToN.
You missed out the all time classic, dude: Watching lint gather in your navel.

That's because I have been blessed with a very shallow navel which doesn't collect any lint. Sorry for not having checked my navel-privilege! You're absolutely right, that also would be more entertaining than playing through NumaNuma.
In that case, you need to engage the back-up entertainment: Watching your toenails grow.


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
In all honesty it is actually a reasonable CYOA wtih a smattering of absolutely insufferable combat. Like Age of Decadence, best experienced on a pacifist run (except for the unskippable garbage combat).

MOTB>>>Torment though for best CYOA


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
In all honesty it is actually a reasonable CYOA wtih a smattering of absolutely insufferable combat. Like Age of Decadence, best experienced on a pacifist run (except for the unskippable garbage combat).

MOTB>>>Torment though for best CYOA

You probably meant lacklustre, in which case I agree. There weren't any really memorable characters, choices, narrative moments, or anythings. Thus all you are left with, is the absolutely insufferable combat, which is memorable for being annoying, gratuitous, and shit.


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
The characters where shit but I think that goes to show just how obsessed with good characters a LOT of players are to their experience. I happily got through the game with Golden boy Matkina and Rhin who were the not completely awful ones. It's still too much to say that you fire up Torment and go completely without a shadow of a good time.


Eater of Apples
Feb 1, 2009
Mêlée Island
Codex 2014 Make the Codex Great Again! Insert Title Here Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
The characters where shit but I think that goes to show just how obsessed with good characters a LOT of players are to their experience.

Well, I never made a secret of being a storyfag first and foremost, and characters are literally the backbone of a story, hence why TToN really let me down. :M


May 11, 2017
I've played for 5 hours, and I think it's decent. I didn't back the Kickstarter or really go in with any expectations whatsoever. I don't think it's bad, but I don't see it blowing anyone away. If anything, it just has me more interested in the Numenera tabletop game, as TToN doesn't seem to do the greatest job of representing the game's world or doing cool things with the game's systems.

So, I've only played five hours but I'll say maybe a 6 or 7 /10. If you're going to get it, do so at a deep discount like I did.


Pronouns: Nick/Her
Dec 24, 2015
Grab the Codex by the pussy
How much is "a damn" in US dollar? Because I think this game is probably worth buying for a dollar.


Hi, I'm Roqua
Feb 26, 2017
To answer the question the title of this thread posses - yes, most definitely, but only if you like crpgs. I will list what is indisputably better (by thinking people with brains) than PST, what is worse, and what is arguable.

1) Character generation.
2) Character development
3) Combat
4) Amount of skill checks
5) pretty much any and all rpg systems and mechanics

1) Length and amount of content

1) Setting
2) Story (though the people that are fanatics about PST state this is inarguable, maybe the much better rpg systems and mechanics just made it seem as good or better to me).
3) Companions (I think this is segregated by age, personally. People my age want sensible characters that aren't retarded or over the top. If you are young I can understand why talking skulls, burning mages, extremely gimped succubae, etc, would be more super awesome tots!)

Since PST is so popular because of the three reasons I listed as arguable, it depends on how you subjectively feel TToN did with them. I'm not a story clown, but I can't play games with no story or content. If you are an avid book reader, and you've read actual good books, you are probably like me and know a game will never be able to compare to an actual good book. No game will ever suck you in like Shogun or Godfather or the GoT series of books. But as an avid and prolific rpg player I can tell you it is a great game when you look at all facets individually. I think it is as good as Underrail. And if you've never played Underrail or have but did not like it you probably do not like rpgs so you should pay more attention to what these other fucking retarded kids have to say.

What TToN isn't is the best example of anything specific. It doesn't have the best character generation or development, rpg mechanics, etc, but it has everything it should have and does everything it set out to do well. Its a solid crpg that did nothing wrong, but it did anger the right bunch of loud-mouth retards which hurt its sales and perception.


Hi, I'm Roqua
Feb 26, 2017
I don't like and mostly ignore the emoticon system here as it is too effeminate and facebooky when normalish ones are used. By using the eye-rolling one I hope you realize you are basically telling everyone you most likely had no father (or one that took his job seriously), your body does not produce testosterone, and you are still young enough to argue like a toddler (or like a retard of any age).

There are two possibilities of who you are. You are a really dorky, young North American that has no friends. Or you are an average European. We can certainly rule out Africa, main stream Asia (including Russians and not just Orientals), the Middle East, or South American since those places still produce men that let each other know rolling eyes is what girls do.

P.S. Unlike as falsely presented in Crocodile Dundee and was an incorrect but popular misconception in the US for decades, Australians are just as meek and emasculated as Europeans. Also, when I say European I am counting the Eastern Block countries with Asia. I mean all the British serfs, Nordic countries, Merkelic countries, Romance language countries, etc.

P.S.S. I left gays out because it is irrelevant. Grown gay men in the US are not eye-rolling weirdos. European men have lost their gender identities long ago so they can't be gay just as they can't be straight.


Hi, I'm Roqua
Feb 26, 2017
So, sensible means boring, generic crap. Cool story, brotard.

Ewwwww BURN!!!! That really, like, hurt or something, dude bro!

Let me translate your child retard ramblings into adultese. You are claiming you are young, not well read at all, and also will never be smart regardless of age, experience, or knowledge gained. You have a mind as sharp and capable as a lump of mud. You and the poll guy should pokeman together and just revel in how not boring or generic the characters are. And then you can both play together in the bath tub before your mommies put you to bed while ensuring your my little pony night light is on so you don't get too frightened.

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I don't like and mostly ignore the emoticon system here as it is too effeminate and facebooky when normalish ones are used. By using the eye-rolling one I hope you realize you are basically telling everyone you most likely had no father (or one that took his job seriously), your body does not produce testosterone, and you are still young enough to argue like a toddler (or like a retard of any age).

There are two possibilities of who you are. You are a really dorky, young North American that has no friends. Or you are an average European. We can certainly rule out Africa, main stream Asia (including Russians and not just Orientals), the Middle East, or South American since those places still produce men that let each other know rolling eyes is what girls do.

P.S. Unlike as falsely presented in Crocodile Dundee and was an incorrect but popular misconception in the US for decades, Australians are just as meek and emasculated as Europeans. Also, when I say European I am counting the Eastern Block countries with Asia. I mean all the British serfs, Nordic countries, Merkelic countries, Romance language countries, etc.

P.S.S. I left gays out because it is irrelevant. Grown gay men in the US are not eye-rolling weirdos. European men have lost their gender identities long ago so they can't be gay just as they can't be straight.
I meet my father on a daily basis.
I'm most likely older than you.
I'm Asian.
Can't say that I'm gay.
I used the rolling eyes instead of retardo. I do think that you are insane, but not retarded.


Hi, I'm Roqua
Feb 26, 2017
I meet my father on a daily basis.
I'm most likely older than you.
I'm Asian.
Can't say that I'm gay.
I used the rolling eyes instead of retardo. I do think that you are insane, but not retarded.

Asian as in Russian or as in Oriental? Its a big continent? Turkish? Mongolian? Indian? Do you live on the continent still? Or do you live in NA, Europe/Australia, or Pacific Islands?

Is your father a real father that would smack you upside the head for rolling your eyes like a fucking weird piece of shit pussy?

I'm in my early 40s, how old are you? And how can you be proud of being an adult older than me when you are incapable of basic adult communication and lack the ability to articulate your disagreement with my stated and completely reasonable bullets other than using an eye-rolling emoticon like a little child lacking any and all sort of self-decency, self-respect, and masculinity?

And as I stated above being gay in NA is irrelevant as our grown up gays conduct themselves like normal human beings and don't roll eyes like little children and weirdos. If you live in Europe I addressed that as well seeing as their males have no gender and therefore cannot be gay. I don't know why you felt the need to state your sexuality when I stated it was irrelevant.

I do think you are retarded and weird but not insane.


Sep 14, 2016
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
To answer the question the title of this thread posses - yes, most definitely, but only if you like crpgs. I will list what is indisputably better (by thinking people with brains) than PST, what is worse, and what is arguable.

Let's see:
1) Character generation. - Lol, nope! More stats, abilities, spells. Stats actually change things and there are tradeoffs.
2) Character development - Lol, nope! Various races and classes. More stats, abilities, spells. Stats actually change things and there are tradeoffs. Classes change how the game plays. Also actual meaningful itemization. Memorable party members with unique backgrounds/skills/kits and deep interactions with TNO. Oh and Alignment system works.
3) Combat - Eh, debatable I suppose. Perhaps the idea wasn't bad. But as you can count the number of battles on your fingers, it's more an abortion then a success. You get way more 1-off usables which "change the tide of battle", then there are actual battles. Plus I'm one of the few who actually enjoyed PST combat and the awesome jrpg spell animations.
4) Amount of skill checks - If you only care about numbers, sure. For me the quality is also important. And in PST it's actually possible not to meet ability requirements.
5) pretty much any and all rpg systems and mechanics - ROFL!

Argument refuted. Case closed.


Apr 18, 2008
Ewwwww BURN!!!! That really, like, hurt or something, dude bro!

Let me translate your child retard ramblings into adultese. You are claiming you are young, not well read at all, and also will never be smart regardless of age, experience, or knowledge gained. You have a mind as sharp and capable as a lump of mud. You and the poll guy should pokeman together and just revel in how not boring or generic the characters are. And then you can both play together in the bath tub before your mommies put you to bed while ensuring your my little pony night light is on so you don't get too frightened.

Or, in other words, you have shit taste which you try to hide with pathetic strawmans. lol, u don't like boring shit cuz ur kid only mature ppl can like boring shit. Now that's the kind of strawman only a kid pretending to be an adult would use.

No, game is crap and you have shit taste. That's what the truth is. You can chimp out all you like but you have no clue what you're talking about.

Btw, weren't you supposed to move to a third world country to live off the sweat of "honest workers" or something? Also, how many women did you save from rape since yesterday?
Apr 10, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
It's an effective, if woefully painful way of obliterating your gag reflex dare you make it to the end.

Just don't expect to be able to wash the taste away afterwards. Ever.


Feb 17, 2012
Is this game even complete by now? Was Oom the last big update for it or do we know if they have more in the pipeline?

Why would they even bother with adding anything else? The game sold so unbelievably poorly, they probably cut their losses and focused everything on BT4 and WL3.

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