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Soys Row 2022


May 5, 2012
It sold around 1 million copies. The low sales caused Embracer group to make some public statements about how they are going to greenlight games going forward.
Forespoken wishes it sold a million copies. I bet they regret forgoing a steam release, could have probably tripled those sales now when they come to steam years later it will barely make a splash.


Sep 16, 2021
All those youtube comments are paid for.
I don't know, I looked through a lot of profiles in that comment section, and most were from years old accounts with pretty normal activity. None of them were created just yesterday as part of an advertising scheme, from what I can tell. I think we just don't want to admit that there are actual, living people out there who have standards so low and taste so poor that they consider this game to be worth their time.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
All those youtube comments are paid for.
I don't know, I looked through a lot of profiles in that comment section, and most were from years old accounts with pretty normal activity. None of them were created just yesterday as part of an advertising scheme, from what I can tell. I think we just don't want to admit that there are actual, living people out there who have standards so low and taste so poor that they consider this game to be worth their time.
Probably been on some hidden payroll for some time. Seems to be the same people that flock to various protests. Anyway, that is what I want to believe, because some of these causes they protest for are so ridicules it must be part of some kind of demoralization psyop.


Jan 23, 2016
Republic of Kongou
Do you think they have changed the writing style in this new DLC compared to the base game? They received a lot of flack for the wokeness, have they toned it down?
Flack from buzzminds parroting memes.
The real terror of nuSaints writing is much more sinister.

But this is a 3 mission snoozefest that's less cringe and more boring since it's just a parody of celebrities as written by chatgpt.
Last edited:


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
All those youtube comments are paid for.
I don't know, I looked through a lot of profiles in that comment section, and most were from years old accounts with pretty normal activity.
That's who they pay to comment. There are websites dedicated to it! And reddit and probably other places. It's a whole industry, besides whatever is happening with bots. If you look at the comments on all the very mainstream youtube pages like Conan O'brien (team coco) or whatever, big US shows, you can see brand new videos release with a mountain of upvotes and 100s of generic supportive comments that are all liked hundreds of times. Negative comments get deleted, banned, shadowbanned, or buried by all these paid for comments.


Jan 1, 2021
They got that many flops?

THQ Nordic
Expeditions Rome - game would have been lean to develop as is the studio's style there's enough peak players that would indicate it probably turned a profit despite its low sales figures. **Bias - one of the developers is an old acquaintance from the Deus Ex community (OffTopicProductions).Superpower 3 - yeesh what a trainwreck (more info here: https://youtu.be/76vfJzhg5z0)
Way of the Hunter - likely sold enough to break evenMX vs ATV Legends - extremely low playercounts not well reviewed
Endling - Extinction is Forever - Lean developed indie game, received well.*Knights of Honor 2 - extremely low playercounts granted their strategy seems to be longer term sales. This game was in development for a long time (2016 but announced in 2019 - the 2016 date comes from when the studio acquired the IP fully from Creative Assembly Sofia, and made it clear they were developing a sequel meaning pre-prod)
*The Valiant - no one played it so I assume no one bought it
*Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed - extremely low playercounts mixed reception
*Elex II - playercounts indicate it probably didn't break even and we know this was an expensive game to make. Its a shame because it was probably THQ's most ambitious title this year. (if anyone can prove this is not the case for the games failure please do)
The Guild 3 - I didn't even know it had released. Its pretty bad but its a lot better than it was during Early Access. It had flopped in Early Access which is pretty bad, but SP3 is worse.
*Please take this not as I think these games are bad, I'm indicating they sold poorly at least as far as steam metrics show.

Trek to Yomi - very lean looking indie game published with devolver, seems to have enough sales that it probably succeeded.Saints Row - (read the god damn thread)
Evil West - Doesn't appear to have done well on PC, but I know based on Embracers bragging it did well on other platforms.Shadow Warrior 3 - No one bought it and it looked expensive to make, also poorly received.
MotoGP 22 - Didn't sell well on PC but did well on other platforms.SBK 22 - yeesh
Monster Energy Supercross: The Official Videogame 5 - yeesh

Coffee Stain
Goat Simulator 3 - its embarrassing that this was Embracers highest earner lol
Songs of Conquest - Lean developed Indie game likely sold enough and well received
Midnight Ghost Hunt (early access) - sold well and was received well
Valhiem - Still is doing well seems to be a big winner for them multiple years

Amplifier Game Invest - I can't find a lot of data on these studios.

Saber Interactive

Evil Dead: The Game - well received but I can't find dataDakar Desert Rally - poorly received and steam data proves it sold poorly
SnowRunner - This was a highest earner for Embracer for some strange ass reason.*Redout 2 - really poor selling based on steam even despite it being received well, it looks like a costly game to make because it was Unreal 4 and multiplatform.
*Circus Electrique - no one bought it on PC, that said it looks like a lean Indie game so I'm probably leaning bias here chances are it probably succeeded but the metrics I can find say otherwise, really low playercounts for something that is published by a big publisher.

Have a Nice Death - Seems to be a published Indie game, well received and lean developed.New Tales from the Borderlands - appears to have done poorly
Eyes in the Dark: The Curious Case of One Victoria Bloom- also a well received lean developed published indie game.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - This ones obvious

CDE Interactive - Didn't release anything (formerly Eidos/Crystal Dynamics)

based on this they had a few flops but they also had a lot of major successes that likely made up for it. You can really tell where the money is going to start flowing into. THQ Nordic, Sabre Interactive and Plaion look a bit on the dead weight side in that they likely have had more failures than successes for the 2022 period. Coffee Stain and Gearbox are likely to get a lot more investment if you look at this.

** please note that I did this list with full bias showing because if Embracer isn't transparent all I can really do is go based on hunch so make of that of that what you will. Feel free to dispute this.
*** Also note that Cryptic is absent because it'll be a pain in the ass to track down all their metrics because they have many running MMOs, but they also seem to be very profitable for Gearbox and Embracer, I can tell you that Star Trek Online is probably their most profitable due to how its monetised and its player counts. They also haven't released anything new in a very long time.
According to steam:
STO: 2,000 avg players
100k daily total for non-steam figures

ChampOnline: 100 avg players
2,000 daily total for non-steam figures

Neverwinter: 900 avg players
18k daily total for non-steam figures
There's also Dead Island 2 published by Deep Silver/Plaion. Seems to be doing pretty well; however not on Steam at the moment.


Aug 9, 2020
There's also Dead Island 2 published by Deep Silver/Plaion. Seems to be doing pretty well; however not on Steam at the moment.
interesting, but I intentionally left upcoming releases out at the time as I noticed most of the games that were in the line ups hadn't come out yet. This was super confusing so I had to go through each one to verify.
Not doing it again cause I got final exams. lel. I'll probably talk about Embracer some more when Nu-Nu-Deus Ex is announced.


Jul 25, 2011
Prison island
Embracer are into ESG funding so it doesn't really surprise anyone Saints Row ended up the way it did.
We therefor arranged sustainability sessions in all our operative groups to create a forum to share insights and knowledge on topics such as “Well-being”, “Accessibility” and “Women in the Gaming Industry”. Embracer Group is now also a signatory member of the UN Global Compact since December 2021.
For Embracer Group, our common foundation is our code of conduct, which aims to support inclusion, diversity, and gender equality among other things. Furthermore, we trust that each company in our Group listens, discusses and acts in line with the code of conduct. The concept of sustainability and ESG was never more important than it is today.
A future Metaverse will mostly be about non-gaming social connections, but game publishers are already driving new experiences through virtual concerts, virtual fashion shows, media/product partnerships etc.

Sounds like fun times ahead.
they own the duke IP. cant wait for him to say " please shake it madam :negative:


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.



May 5, 2012
The expansion was well into being made before the game was released you think they threw everything away and started over from scratch in the last 6 months? Really best the scenario you could hope for was the B team working the expansion had less soylent in their fridge and did a hefty amount of work before the main team got folded back in after release.


Apr 2, 2012
Embracer are into ESG funding so it doesn't really surprise anyone Saints Row ended up the way it did.
We therefor arranged sustainability sessions in all our operative groups to create a forum to share insights and knowledge on topics such as “Well-being”, “Accessibility” and “Women in the Gaming Industry”. Embracer Group is now also a signatory member of the UN Global Compact since December 2021.
For Embracer Group, our common foundation is our code of conduct, which aims to support inclusion, diversity, and gender equality among other things. Furthermore, we trust that each company in our Group listens, discusses and acts in line with the code of conduct. The concept of sustainability and ESG was never more important than it is today.
A future Metaverse will mostly be about non-gaming social connections, but game publishers are already driving new experiences through virtual concerts, virtual fashion shows, media/product partnerships etc.

Sounds like fun times ahead.
they own the duke IP. cant wait for him to say " please shake it madam :negative:

Nu-Duke will be tipping onlyfans whores instead of strippers lol

Seriously, Duke Nukem IP is the kind i would not expect to be resurrected in this day and age. Just no point to it. But if it happens because of some sick and unexpected twist of fate... then expect complete character assassination by some diversity hire with a grudge. It will be worse than God of War reboot. Much worse.
Nov 23, 2017
The expansion was well into being made before the game was released you think they threw everything away and started over from scratch in the last 6 months? Really best the scenario you could hope for was the B team working the expansion had less soylent in their fridge and did a hefty amount of work before the main team got folded back in after release.

I mean, sure, it was likely well into development before the game was out. But then they were also getting the same criticism they were getting post release a year ago when they did their big update video, and eight months ago when they showed off the story trailer. The reaction this game got shouldn’t have been a surprise to them given they were getting it a year before the game came out, and the year and eight months it’s been since then could’ve been enough time to readjust if readjusting things was something they were interested in doing.
Nov 23, 2017
Embracer are into ESG funding so it doesn't really surprise anyone Saints Row ended up the way it did.
We therefor arranged sustainability sessions in all our operative groups to create a forum to share insights and knowledge on topics such as “Well-being”, “Accessibility” and “Women in the Gaming Industry”. Embracer Group is now also a signatory member of the UN Global Compact since December 2021.
For Embracer Group, our common foundation is our code of conduct, which aims to support inclusion, diversity, and gender equality among other things. Furthermore, we trust that each company in our Group listens, discusses and acts in line with the code of conduct. The concept of sustainability and ESG was never more important than it is today.
A future Metaverse will mostly be about non-gaming social connections, but game publishers are already driving new experiences through virtual concerts, virtual fashion shows, media/product partnerships etc.

Sounds like fun times ahead.
they own the duke IP. cant wait for him to say " please shake it madam :negative:

Nu-Duke will be tipping onlyfans whores instead of strippers lol

Seriously, Duke Nukem IP is the kind i would not expect to be resurrected in this day and age. Just no point to it. But if it happens because of some sick and unexpected twist of fate... then expect complete character assassination by some diversity hire with a grudge. It will be worse than God of War reboot. Much worse.

The funny thing is, if they wanted to, they could get away with so much more stuff today than Duke Nukem 3D did 27 years ago.

Modern Duke Nukem’s main enemy being literal Pig Cops should help it go over with Twitter, ResetEra, and the dummy journo that’d bitch in those places if they ever do a new one of any type. At least in this moment in time.


Jul 25, 2011
Prison island
Embracer are into ESG funding so it doesn't really surprise anyone Saints Row ended up the way it did.
We therefor arranged sustainability sessions in all our operative groups to create a forum to share insights and knowledge on topics such as “Well-being”, “Accessibility” and “Women in the Gaming Industry”. Embracer Group is now also a signatory member of the UN Global Compact since December 2021.
For Embracer Group, our common foundation is our code of conduct, which aims to support inclusion, diversity, and gender equality among other things. Furthermore, we trust that each company in our Group listens, discusses and acts in line with the code of conduct. The concept of sustainability and ESG was never more important than it is today.
A future Metaverse will mostly be about non-gaming social connections, but game publishers are already driving new experiences through virtual concerts, virtual fashion shows, media/product partnerships etc.

Sounds like fun times ahead.
they own the duke IP. cant wait for him to say " please shake it madam :negative:

Nu-Duke will be tipping onlyfans whores instead of strippers lol

Seriously, Duke Nukem IP is the kind i would not expect to be resurrected in this day and age. Just no point to it. But if it happens because of some sick and unexpected twist of fate... then expect complete character assassination by some diversity hire with a grudge. It will be worse than God of War reboot. Much worse.

The funny thing is, if they wanted to, they could get away with so much more stuff today than Duke Nukem 3D did 27 years ago.

Modern Duke Nukem’s main enemy being literal Pig Cops should help it go over with Twitter, ResetEra, and the dummy journo that’d bitch in those places if they ever do a new one of any type. At least in this moment in time.
i remember randy tweeting out how you can kill "cops" in duke nukem 3d during the summer of love 2020. didn't go well and he deleted it.


Jan 2, 2022
All those youtube comments are paid for.
I don't know, I looked through a lot of profiles in that comment section, and most were from years old accounts with pretty normal activity. None of them were created just yesterday as part of an advertising scheme, from what I can tell. I think we just don't want to admit that there are actual, living people out there who have standards so low and taste so poor that they consider this game to be worth their time.
Probably been on some hidden payroll for some time. Seems to be the same people that flock to various protests. Anyway, that is what I want to believe, because some of these causes they protest for are so ridicules it must be part of some kind of demoralization psyop.
I would say the explanation is simpler than that. the majority of people saw the game, shat on it then dipped. we've stuck around to watch the bonfire burn itself to a crisp but we're more casual about that kind of thing. the fanatics on the other hand are always who swarm the YT comments for these kinds of things. Only two people watch obscure DLC trailers for bad games: hatewatchers and true fanatics, the true fanatics always outnumber the latter

I think a big example of what I mean is just go to the youtube comments of a walkthrough for a bad game like True Crime NYC or Sonic 06. People dont look up walkthrus to actively shit on the game, so instead all youll get is braindead retards soying out about it

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