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Squeenix Spoony plays Final Fantasy XIII

Aug 28, 2012
Dreams, where I'm a viking.
Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera
I think being butthurt over the ending of ME3 is as disreputable as being a fan of the game. After all the butthurt comes from people feeling let down by a game they once loved.

I don't think you have to love something to be irritated by something being hugely inconsistent or just mediocre. I mean, film critics don't have to love David Lynch's older films to criticize his newer ones, as a quick example.

I'm not really talking about people who thought the ending was artistically flawed; I don't think butthurt and criticism are the same thing. To my mind, criticism is a reasoned evaluation of the merits of a given work which aspires to be universal while butthurt is the sensation of being personally wronged due to an emotional to the work. The generic ME3 butthurt I'm thinking of isn't really criticism of it for its artistic mediocrity, but anger for its failure to provide them with what they see as the epic story of their particular Shepherd.


May 8, 2007
I too think the "fans" overracted because of the ending(s).
Sure, it was shit, but it's not like the rest of the game wasn't. CONSISTENCY.


Dec 17, 2012
I think what truly bothered me about the whole ME3 ending controversy are two things:

1) There are fans who honestly think that ME3 is fantastic, it's only just the ending that ruins it for them.
2) The "journalists" of the video game industries acting unprofessional and most bias in favor of Bioware without an ounce of objectivity and fairness.

FFXIII and ME3 are both overrated by the video game reviewers, yet been call out on their bullshit by fans. The difference is that at least the FF fans are complaining about the extreme linearity that can pretty much ruin a game for even people who prefer linear games. It's not like they have that one part ruins it for them.


Jun 17, 2012
I think what truly bothered me about the whole ME3 ending controversy are two things:

1) There are fans who honestly think that ME3 is fantastic, it's only just the ending that ruins it for them.
2) The "journalists" of the video game industries acting unprofessional and most bias in favor of Bioware without an ounce of objectivity and fairness.

FFXIII and ME3 are both overrated by the video game reviewers, yet been call out on their bullshit by fans. The difference is that at least the FF fans are complaining about the extreme linearity that can pretty much ruin a game for even people who prefer linear games. It's not like they have that one part ruins it for them.

Yeah, I've had lots of "Uh, what is going on inside your head?" conversations with people about ME3. It seems a lot of people hate the ending, but love the rest of the game--I have serious concerns about ME3 throughout, the ending is simply to me especially absurd for the way it's inconsistent with everything about the series, at a basic mechanic level.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
I've argued about ME on other forums and some of my IRL friends like them as well. It's mind boggling how they defend and justify their fandom. At least some of them are honest - "it's kinda fun if mostly brainless and pretentious" but others are death serious about how "high brow" and "awesome" the writing is or how the gameplay is best thing ever and how impressively the trilogy has been "weaved together almost seamlessly".




Jun 17, 2012
Well, I like the games (mostly) while despising what they represent to the genre, so there's some wiggle room there. The whole series is kind of an allegory for the descent of modern gaming in general. ME1 wasn't really an RPG, but it still had some of the trappings of the genre like vague class progression, inventory, randomized item drops. Then by ME3 you have a corridor shooter that doesn't even pretend to give a fuck. I do appreciate the earlier games for being some of the only sci-fi RPGs in the last decade (yeah, I know, not really an RPG, but at least ME1 has more character development and choice than Dead Space).

I wish we could see a Project Eternity in space. It's one of the reasons I'm very curious about Torment 2. Numenera is billed as a sci-fi-derived setting, and although I suspect it's going to be more science fantasy than anything else, it's still cool to see any lean towards sci-fi at all.


Oct 26, 2012
Spoony defended Mass Effect 3's endings and insulted the fanbase for being butthurt over it. http://www.twitch.tv/spoonyone/b/312765460 Granted that this video is months ago, and he probably could've changed his mind now.

He doesn't really defend the ending as much dismiss and replace it with his own made up ending. Whichever of these two options is crazier is up to you, considering he said it back in the day when he was apparently on some wrong bipolar medication or something. I don't know, I'm not his chronicler.


Dec 17, 2012
Spoony defended Mass Effect 3's endings and insulted the fanbase for being butthurt over it. http://www.twitch.tv/spoonyone/b/312765460 Granted that this video is months ago, and he probably could've changed his mind now.

Can has a digest?

It is pretty Spoony having a (rather poor) debate with his fans over the merit of the ending and the fans' reaction to it. Rahdulan is more accurate than I was on what Spoony was saying about the ending though.

Jick Magger

Dec 7, 2010
New Zealand
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria
He has made fun of it on occasion since then. Remember him taking a jab at the Green/Red/Blue decisions at the end of his Ultima XI review.


Apr 27, 2012
"Worst writing ever" he says, wearing a Mass Effect shirt.

I actually like jumping into something and understanding nothing. Sometimes you just have to give the world time to be explained instead of expecting everything to be explained in the earliest parts of the game. XIII is still stupid in many ways, but instead of focusing on those he pays attention to a bunch of pointless details. Clearly people exiled to Pulse are put in those robes, what they are and why is really completely irrelevant.
He does have a point though: Since it's clearly in the fal'cies interest that you complete the focus they gave to you, they should actually tell you what it is.


Jul 13, 2007
Spoony defended Mass Effect 3's endings and insulted the fanbase for being butthurt over it. http://www.twitch.tv/spoonyone/b/312765460 Granted that this video is months ago, and he probably could've changed his mind now.
Spoony also likes a lot of shit flicks, like Reb Brown action films. Liking something and being a fanboy is one thing, liking something and knowing it's flawed is another. I can like Far Cry 3, but I'll never start sending the devs cupcakes or make creepy fan fiction, for example. Or contemplate calling it one of the best shooters ever.

I'd still prefer people would stop giving money to EA and Bio, but eh, I suppose there's camp entertainment value in the ME series.
May 22, 2010
Airstrip One
Jesus, a lot of fucking going on in that video. I should have kept count.

A tad too much overacting though, felt a bit like watching Brian Blessed.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Spoony is just trying too hard... yeah, they argue a lot in FF XIII about what's their focus, because that's the plot of the game; instead of going "you must save teh world, kill that bad man", the plot revolves around their despair in not knowing what to do, that drives them in a retarded chase, splits them apart, and them brings them back when they decide to fight back against their imposed quest.

The guy is doing a massive review of one of the most controversial jRPGs around, yet all I get from him is "I don't like/understand the plot, wish this was a cookie-cutter jRPG".


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Lightning and Co touched Prothean Beacon but it wasn't clear on what's it's trying to say was the plot?


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
Spoony is just trying too hard... yeah, they argue a lot in FF XIII about what's their focus, because that's the plot of the game; instead of going "you must save teh world, kill that bad man", the plot revolves around their despair in not knowing what to do, that drives them in a retarded chase, splits them apart, and them brings them back when they decide to fight back against their imposed quest.

The guy is doing a massive review of one of the most controversial jRPGs around, yet all I get from him is "I don't like/understand the plot, wish this was a cookie-cutter jRPG".

What language did you play FF XIII in?


Fabulous Ex-Moderator
May 14, 2004
Seattle, WA USA
I personally like the IDEA of the story and setting, but the execution of it was done badly. I wasn't sure if it was because of something lost in translation from Japanese as well as Japanese culture.

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