I passed on 76 and it's looking like Starfield will be another pass for me. The entire premise just looks so cookie cutter, generic, and played out already. It doesn't help that the animations and even some of the models look like they came straight out of Fallout 4 from 2015, which will be 8 years old by the time this comes out. I paid attention to the skill trees shown in the previews and it was all stuff like "Guns do 10% extra damage now / 20% extra damage / 30% extra damage, etc.
Is this really all they have to show for? All this work on a new IP and they can't even bother to improve on the core mechanics? what's even the point of Starfield if they aren't even going to try to shoot for the stars? Todd is a terrible salesperson, I don't buy a thing he says anymore. He comes off incredibly smug and his fake confidence does not encourage any confidence in the live service product he is trying to sell.
I'm all for dev's taking a risk and trying something different but imo they should have stuck with the TES > Fallout > TES pipeline. Skyrim hasn't aged well and I'd rather forget TESO exists.
This is coming from someone who finished Morrowind back in the day, was hyped for Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim, and even Fallout 4. Enjoyed all of them (to varying degrees) but 76 was an unmitigated disaster in so many ways. The best thing they could have done right now would be to develop a new TES game and stop with the half-assed PR bullshit and stop going down the live service route. But after the Microsoft acquisition I think it's over folks.