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Starfield Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Oct 1, 2018
Who knew that the most futuristic part of Firefly was riding horses on a planet?


Mar 12, 2020
Source: a short man wearing a mustache and dark sunglasses, said his name was Rodd Howard.



With Starfield in the hands of media, creators, and those fortunate enough to get the game early by other means, there’s been one question looming over me for months – Is Starfield full of bugs?
In the past, we’ve all been accustomed to, and memed about the fact that Bethesda is known for its buggy games, but is Starfield going to break that cycle? Fortunately, I’ve been speaking to several people who have been playing the game for over a week now to get the answer.
Our first public comment about Starfield being a polished game came from journalist Tyler McVicker, who’s currently under an embargo for the title. Despite being under the embargo, McVicker took to Discord to say, “Also, 15 hours in and not a single bug”.
Taking one person’s comments at face value is never enough, so I reached out to my contacts to delve a little deeper.
Speaking with several sources under the condition of anonymity who are currently under embargo and couldn’t speak publically about the game, McVicker’s comment is the same sentiment given by everyone I’ve spoken to. Five individuals, who have a varying amount of time put in the game have all said that the amount of bugs they’ve experienced can be counted on one hand. In fact, most said one or two at most, with everyone I spoke to having put dozens of hours into the game. In addition, it was also said that almost all the bugs that were found have already been listed to be fixed in the Starfield Day 1 patch.
Admittingly though, even with speaking with five individuals, it’s still a small pool of opinions in the grand scheme of things. Public perception will always be different, but in my opinion, hearing the behind-the-scenes buzz and positivity of the game is a very strong encouraging sign. Whether or not public opinion will be different remains to be seen, but hey, I guess we’ll have to wait another 5 or so days.
In June, Microsoft Game Studios head Matt Booty took to a Giant Bomb stream to speak on Starfield bugs and said, “Working with Todd and the team, I see bug counts and, just by the numbers, if it shipped today, this would have the fewest bugs any Bethesda game ever shipped with.” It’s a bold statement, but from what we’ve been able to gather it seems entirely accurate. But let’s be clear – Starfield will have bugs. All games do. But a Bethesda game with as few bugs as possible sounds like a match made in heaven.
An article about Bethesda's "least buggy game" with a bug in its title. Impressive, as failures go.


I feel... young!
Staff Member
Feb 16, 2008
Future Wasteland
Strap Yourselves In
Codex: I'm too cool for walking simulators

also Codex: I'm so very angry that I can't walk a straight line for 40 minutes on an empty planet without a load screen. because that's what I really wanted to do in this game
Now wait a minute, Zombra.

I'm usually cool with you but I can't sit back and take this.

Pete Hines himself basically promised free-form planetary exploration. This is sort of a big deal and can't just be handwaved away.

Sure, I understand that there's no way Gamebryo's ancient dried-up carcass can be coaxed into handling rendering entire planets, but invisible barriers? Really? That's where we're still at?

I could even handle no vehicles, because if your ship is mobile enough (it looks rather small in all the screenshots I've seen) there's almost no point in a land-based vehicle.

But no, don't blame Codex for this one. This is bullshit.

Am I upset?


Jun 30, 2019
I don't give a shit about not being able to spend 24 hours trekking through a desert, the real issue (highlighted in the video of the dude running around) is that it's fucking empty. Do they just take Skyrim dungeons and plaster them into procedurally generated wastelands? One per planet?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I don't give a shit about not being able to spend 24 hours trekking through a desert, the real issue (highlighted in the video of the dude running around) is that it's fucking empty. Do they just take Skyrim dungeons and plaster them into procedurally generated wastelands? One per planet?

Whatever is the most half-assed, laziest possible thing they could have done it is 100% certain that is exacty what they did.
Mar 3, 2010
Sure, I understand that there's no way Gamebryo's ancient dried-up carcass can be coaxed into handling rendering entire planets, but invisible barriers? Really? That's where we're still at?
even more infuriating is that 20 years ago we had the technology to make it work, through stream loading and cells. by the same developers. with the same engine. i just can't even.


Feb 28, 2015
Looks like I was right once again :smug: I'm a bit shocked by how lazy it is though, really they couldn't even put in a CO2 limit or something to force you to return to your ship?


Mar 14, 2012
Looks like I was right once again :smug: I'm a bit shocked by how lazy it is though, really they couldn't even put in a CO2 limit or something to force you to return to your ship?

Too hardcore for the average console player, interrupts explurehshun and ~roleplaying~, etc.

It's like 30-50 minutes for Skyrim, so 20 minutes (assuming he landed at the middle) per bounding box sounds solid. I don't expect to spend more than half an hour in any areas without hand-crafted content. My only gripe is that this makes vehicles (which I only wanted for funsies; don't need them to fit well within the systems) completely redundant and not likely to be added at any point, but eh, I can live with that.
The lack of vehicles is really jarring. The idea of having to run around every alien planet on foot is ridiculous, and watching someone actually do it in that video really proves the point. To Todd, it's apparently plausible to be capable of interstellar flight without having a vehicle of any kind to actually explore other worlds with. I assume the lack of vehicles also means any of the more exotic or less hospitable planets are all off the table by default, how are you supposed to get around any planet that's not a rocky planet with a surface crust, for one? Really lame.

Yeah, as much as it might not be necessary at the gameplay level, their exclusion clashes with the setting and any explanation they might try to give in-game won't cut it. Even a bike or a buggie would have been enough for me :/

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
I don't know how anyone could have expected that Starfield's model of the cosmos to be anything different than what we saw in Andromeda. Probably the same people will be surprised by the monotonous shooting model and crude NPCs (appearance, animations, interactivity, dialogues). Or the limited possibilities of building a base à la Fallout 4.

First titsmods when?


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
I don't know how anyone could have expected that Starfield's model of the cosmos to be anything different than what we saw in Andromeda.

Starfield cosmos is nothing like Andromeda. MEA was a handful of handcrafted planets. That plus the gunplay and action in general was actually p. good. It was the retarded writing and chardev that made the game insufferable.

Starfield is a NMS-like procedural borefest, nothing to do with Andromeda.

La vie sexuelle

Jun 10, 2023
La Rochelle
I don't know how anyone could have expected that Starfield's model of the cosmos to be anything different than what we saw in Andromeda.

Starfield cosmos is nothing like Andromeda. MEA was a handful of handcrafted planets. That plus the gunplay and action in general was actually p. good. It was the retarded writing and chardev that made the game insufferable.

Starfield is a NMS-like procedural borefest, nothing to do with Andromeda.

I had mean exploration model.


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
After hearing "there will be 1000 planets" people really associated that with meaningful exploration?


What do you mean I can't explore every single inch of an entire pre-rendered universe (Creation Kit / Engine can't do on-the-fly procedural terrain generation - we knew this a year ago).. I don't care if it's 2000 TB's of disk space entirely made up of repeated textures & rocks..


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