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Starfield Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Nov 29, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Yea I'm sure in 300 years Pajeets will be out in force colonizing space instead of wallowing in their own filth, unable to figure out toilets like they have been for the past few millennia
Well story is Earth was evacuated so unless they only evacuated Europe and USA and Africa (by the look of New Atlantis they did) they would be there in space in big numbers.
They don't say why though, most of humanity could have been wiped out before the evacuation.

Would make sense as everyone lives in tiny villages with a population under about 200.


Glory to Ukraine
Mar 28, 2010
considering restarting the game fresh now that I have a better understanding of it.

It seems there is a common consensus that the early hours of the game are shit, so you guys all whining after the first few hours seems to be how everybody feels, and that the game gets better and better the more you play and discover. Personally I don't get it, the moment I started exploring Kreet I already knew what kind of game it was.

I do think Starfield is Todd Howard's magnum opus.

ahh the classic "the first 50 hours are shit, get better after that" argument. Must always be at least an amount of time that makes a game unrefundable for some reason.

Must be a great experience.

As I have said before, more like 10 hours. Although it depends on how you play.

And it isn't shit, it just isn't as compelling. I think this largely boils down to them introducing you to a main city right away and the fact that the settlements in this game are much larger than in their previous games, but have about the same content. So they are more spread out (something that the realism appreciator in me appreciates), but it also feels much more empty even though there is still the same amount of content.

And it also doesn't help that first city, New Atlantis, was deliberately designed to be sterile and artificial feeling as a way to characterize the leadership and philosophy of the United Colonies faction. You understand better once you explore The Well (the poor area of New Atlantis) and other settlements.

So a lot of players wind up spending quite a few hours trying to explore everything in the first city and maybe exploring a little bit on the first planet, and it gets a bit boring and doesn't really show off a lot of what you can do in the game. Plus it creates the impression that the game is emptier with less to do.

A fuller appreciation of the scale of the content and available gameplay options only really happens when you start venturing other places.

I would recommend to a new player that they not spend more than a couple hours in New Atlantis when you first get there, even though the average gamer's urge will be to try to fully explore everything. You can come back and explore it more fully later. In fact, I would make that recommendation for all major cities. They are so big that trying to explore them all in one go can be a bit mentally exhausting and boring. Break it up into smaller chunks to enjoy it more.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
They don't say why though, most of humanity could have been wiped out before the evacuation.
they say why if you
do the quest with sarah to fly to the space station in earth's orbit, if you ask her what happened to earth she tells you that earth lost its atmosphere and all the stuff dribbled out into space or something. earth had like 10 years or something to evacuate and that's that. that's off the top of my head :lol:


Nov 11, 2018
Here some real criticism.

I've been doing a bounty hunt and a ship landed near me, I went inside and saw the captian who was trying to fix his ship. He was a bit looney, and when I asked him why he doesn't buy a new ship if his old one gives him so much trouble he retorted to me "what are you rich? if you are my next question is are you single. I'm not, but I can be for the right price." seems like even bethesda can't fucking make a game without woke shit in it.




This encounter had nothing else to it, just this conversation with him, I didn't get an option to help him with his ship, and as I went back out he left after a minute or so.
I had a gay couple invite me to their ship to celebrate their anniversary. Stuff happened, and I ended up with one more ship in my possession. Can't wait for Space Dog's broadcast about big homophobic.



Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Here some real criticism.

I've been doing a bounty hunt and a ship landed near me, I went inside and saw the captian who was trying to fix his ship. He was a bit looney, and when I asked him why he doesn't buy a new ship if his old one gives him so much trouble he retorted to me "what are you rich? if you are my next question is are you single. I'm not, but I can be for the right price." seems like even bethesda can't fucking make a game without woke shit in it.




This encounter had nothing else to it, just this conversation with him, I didn't get an option to help him with his ship, and as I went back out he left after a minute or so.
I had a gay couple invite me to their ship to celebrate their anniversary. Stuff happened, and I ended up with one more ship in my possession. Can't wait for Space Dog's broadcast about big homophobic.

wait I am confused, is there a radio?

PS: good job killing those faggots. I should've killed that fucker too and sold his ship off.


Nov 11, 2018
Here some real criticism.

I've been doing a bounty hunt and a ship landed near me, I went inside and saw the captian who was trying to fix his ship. He was a bit looney, and when I asked him why he doesn't buy a new ship if his old one gives him so much trouble he retorted to me "what are you rich? if you are my next question is are you single. I'm not, but I can be for the right price." seems like even bethesda can't fucking make a game without woke shit in it.




This encounter had nothing else to it, just this conversation with him, I didn't get an option to help him with his ship, and as I went back out he left after a minute or so.
I had a gay couple invite me to their ship to celebrate their anniversary. Stuff happened, and I ended up with one more ship in my possession. Can't wait for Space Dog's broadcast about big homophobic.

wait I am confused, is there a radio?

PS: good job killing those faggots. I should've killed that fucker too and sold his ship off.
No, the meme image was made months before launch and the pajeet doing it thought there would be one.


Jan 3, 2016
If they care for realism there would be very little blacks or whites. It would be 75% asians and indians and then 15% whites and 10% blacks.
No, a spacefaring civ would require the population to have a minimum average IQ, or else they would not survive, or lose the ability to produce and maintain the tech. With that in mind, East Asians would make up the majority, and whites a significant minority. Indians would be a small minority. Blacks, almost nonexistent. Regardless, assuming no racial separation, most of the population would have homogenized to become Eurasian hybrids.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
I did find another ship and capture it but the cost to register it is the same as the sale value, so no free spesssheps for you.

I dabbled in the starship upgrading process but needed more starship design skill, mfer I'm not the one building it, the shipyard is? I will say the skill list seems broadly good, with mechanics hard-gated behind many skills and feeling like every point really counts. Leveling is lame though.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
No, a spacefaring civ would require the population to have a minimum average IQ, or else they would not survive
bullshit, the people of lower IQ will be doing manual labour and such while the eggheads will be calling the shots.


Nov 19, 2012
People's republic of Frankistan
Drew Karpyshyn from Bioware had some retarded conceptions on races future for Mass Effect that seem to be shared by most of nowadays NuRPG writers. He thought humans would naturally homogenize into a single mulatto brown race and that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were doomed to disappear. I think he wrote a few codex entries on the subject and further developped it in his novels no one read.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
I did find another ship and capture it but the cost to register it is the same as the sale value, so no free spesssheps for you.
yep thats what I saw too, I think you can actually start making it profitable if you invest in perks, or maybe find a special dealer.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Drew Karpyshyn from Bioware had some retarded conceptions on races future for Mass Effect that seem to be shared by most of nowadays NuRPG writers. He thought humans would naturally homogenize into a single mulatto brown race and that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were doomed to disappear. I think he wrote a few codex entries on the subject and further developped it in his novels no one read.
I think that's true because males find "exotic" women more attractive to diversify their gene pool


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
man reading steam forums is more entertaining than playing the game
So you back to your I hate the game state SDG ?
what the fuck are you talking about, I make one meltdown post after being burned out after playing for 4 days straight, which I corrected after less than an hour, and you keep coming with this SDG shit

you love him so much visit his trailer and clean his toilet for him


Mar 28, 2014
Drew Karpyshyn from Bioware had some retarded conceptions on races future for Mass Effect that seem to be shared by most of nowadays NuRPG writers. He thought humans would naturally homogenize into a single mulatto brown race and that traits like blond hair and blue eyes were doomed to disappear. I think he wrote a few codex entries on the subject and further developped it in his novels no one read.

Which don't make sense. White skin color is mostly due to lack of strong sun in northern parts of world.
Any race in space over time will become white as there is no need for pigmentation that protects you from strong UV light.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
Any race in space over time will become white as there is no need for pigmentation that protects you from strong UV light.
they'd probably be coasting next to a sun to save on those expensive electricity bills


Nov 4, 2012
The Satellite Of Love
United Colonies questline is very good. Every faction is a big hit so far. The only one I haven't gotten into is the cyberpunk megacorp one, and that's only because I'm trying to roleplay a morally-decent character and the megacorp is obviously shady as fuck. In terms of actual content though, it seemed great.

For anyone who's about to start the game tomorrow, trust me on this - explore New Atlantis just enough to get familiar with what it is and who the United Colonies are, do a couple of sidequests if any strike you as interesting (check out The Well), but then leave New Atlantis ASAP and go to Cowboy World to join the Rangers, or Cyberpunk World to join the megacorp. On the way to each planet you should find yourself awash in sidequests and random encounters in space, which are fun. Go back to New Atlantis only when you've gotten to grips with what the game is and the tone it's going for.

I don't know if it's specifically New Atlantis' fault, or just the fact that it's the first city in the game and new players will be confused by it as they don't understand the game's tone and design philosophy, but New Atlantis really does suck. Even now that I'm enjoying the game, I'm finding it a drag to go back to with its endless elevators and trams.

I think the issue is what darkpatriot mentioned above - it's deliberately sterile and boring, but new players won't realise it's by design and will instead assume, as I did, that the whole game is going to be dull. On top of that, the real meat of New Atlantis is in The Well, which new players could easily miss, walking around the endless sterile gardens and shopping centres instead.

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