Still thinking whether to play System Shock 2. Enemy respawn is something I really dislike, but folks say it's WAD and meant to reinforce the atmosphere...![]()
Still thinking whether to play System Shock 2. Enemy respawn is something I really dislike, but folks say it's WAD and meant to reinforce the atmosphere...![]()
Still thinking whether to play System Shock 2. Enemy respawn is something I really dislike, but folks say it's WAD and meant to reinforce the atmosphere...![]()
the "casual" respawn is barely noticeable, most of the areas you already emptied will stay empty but be sure that that single time you'll let your guard down you'll turn a corner and hug something unexpected.Still thinking whether to play System Shock 2. Enemy respawn is something I really dislike, but folks say it's WAD and meant to reinforce the atmosphere...![]()
If you can breathe calmly while playing SS2, you're playing it wrong.
I mean, sure, if you're a wuss who can't handle full-strength SS2, I guess it's better than not playing it at all. But then don't go telling people you've played SS2, because you haven't. You've played a weaksauce, watered-down, decaf imitation. SS2 is supposed to wear you down. It is supposed to stress you out. You are supposed to be motivated to run, and hide, and cower in the dark, and learn the few areas that are completely safe. Quiet time in SS2 isn't handed to you, it's earned.
I will never understand the complaints about respawns.
People have extremely varied reactions to the resource balance and opressive atmosphere of SS2, some keep their cool and find all the item caches and say the game is as bad as Bioshock at throwing items at you, some waste all their ammo and then complain about respawns, some have 300 bullets in reserve but still hoard items in elevators or chemical store rooms and agonize about each round fired, etc.
Yes, people be people, i.e statistically likely to be retarded.
The first type would be exaggerating through their teeth (and wut? I've never once seen anyone equate SS2 resource distrubution to Bioshock's. Did you make them up?).
The second type are people that suck at the game/using their brain and paying attention.
The final are people good at the game but they over-strategize and micromanage, resulting in less-fun gameplay for themselves, say they always use a wrench against hybrids and monkeys even late into the game to conserve ammo even though this is not necessary and makes them expend more health than they would using guns. Also is a repetitive use of the same simple tool, and they end up finishing the game having barely used their full horde of saved resources, rendering much of their efforts pointless.
Agree 100%, unfortunately I very often fall prey to my OCD, we are also the kind of people that spend 30h building perfect mod compilation for Fallout New Vegas and lose the will to play in the processThe final are people good at the game but they over-strategize and micromanage, resulting in less-fun gameplay for themselves [...]
Prior to this year, the Enhanced Edition was basically just SS Portable with the mouselook mod.Playing through SS2 right now and enjoying it a lot. Afterwards I'm planning on playing SS1 but I was curious if System Shock Enhanced adds anything over System Shock Portable? I would prefer not to give money to Portland hipsters whenever possible.
The first one was better because it was the first, and was way ahead of any other game at the time. The second one loses a lot of points because it is no longer original and was no longer wildly advanced compared to the competition. Also the first game had grenades which I don't think the second game had. Or if it did, there were fewer. Or something. Same with ammo types. The first one just seemed to have a bit more depth because of anti personnel ripping up zombies but bouncing off robots, and armor piercing vice versa. And emp fun, and whatever else. SS2 streamlined things a bit and it bugged me.