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The Division by Ubisoft


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

I have done some projects, but when looking at the main settlement completion thingy, it says I have to improve the water situation and such, but no idea how. Are they projects that pop up later or something else? Could be of course they are main missions like you said.


Dec 29, 2011
Knackers Yard
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Yes, I was a bit confused by that as well but it does seem to be just playing through the main missions and everything unlocks. I'm loving playing through solo atm, in no major rush to clan up as every time I've done a mission in a group everyone just runs around shooting stuff at 100mph and there's no time to take in the ambience of the levels. Would probably be better in a group where people actually chat and stuff, but the solo game is strong. As someone else said, clans are probably more going to be for the later game.

The Division 2 subreddit is a massive circle jerk over this game and the devs, but I must admit the levels and open world design I've seen so far has blown me away. Even the stuff that can seem routine like liberating control points is interesting as each one has a different layout and look. Up to lvl 11 now and getting the hang of things, good to have skills working properly again.


Feb 5, 2013
Protips I've amassed after reaching Gear Score 450:

1) Don't sell all your spare gear, stash 5-10 pieces of each at all times for donating to projects. Or, as you reach the end-game, for recalibrating items.

2) If it wasn't obvious enough, targeting enemy weakpoints makes a YUGE difference in combat. My particular favorite is shooting at an Outcast Grenadier's gas tank and watching his entire company go up in flames. Or shooting at an explosives drone while it is hovering near enemies.

3) You can upgrade your crafting bench. Apparently I completely missed this and only found out after reaching gearscore 450.

4) Other than for the loot/XP or the thrills of exploration, don't pay too much attention to Control Points while leveling up. The entire map is sort of scrambled during the end-game anyway and all your gains will be reversed, so there's no real point in conquering everything other than for the lulz.

5) Leveling up a Clan requires quite a lot of XP, so it's only really worth it if you group up with a bunch of people and not just 3-4 others. The same goes for Clan Projects, for example one of the objectives I saw today was "Kill 5.200 Two Sons soldiers" so this would probably take ages for just 4 people.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
You can reap the benefits of a clan while playing solo which is what I'm currently doing.
You get lots of Clan XP at endgame. Projects are only good for XP.
I'm currently #4 in a random casual 50 member clan with only a few World Tier players. It appears you only need a few players in the Clan who are active to get Clan XP to level up. My Clan went from level 1 to 10 in a couple of days.

With only a few players, unlocking the weekly reward cache will be diificult but the HE rewards aren't worth it for active players.
If there are active players then a Codex Clan will be worth it.

Engame isn't polished, some of the later missions needs more developer love.
tip: Change your specialization to restock your special ammo.
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Oct 23, 2017
A single guy in my clan (of 5) got us three clan rank upgrades and I'm starting to notice when I play late at night I'm getting hundreds of thousands of XP and might single-handedly do a couple ranks of my own. I wouldn't worry about clan upgrades too much as long as your small group is consistent and they're actually going to level up and play the end game.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Some info on group scaling in PVE.
You can change specialization anytime.
For signature weapons:
The .50 sniper has a bloom delay when first aiming which makes it harder to use.
Crossbow is slow to reload and harder to aim.
Grenade launcher has 6 shots and is easy to aim.

I'm still learning their skills, mortar is fun.

The gun talent Frenzy seems OP.
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someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

Endgame has dynamic factions fighting over territory, you can see squads spawning and moving to conquer control points on map.
Was going to take over a control point, another rival faction was attacking it, they got killed, then a random patrol showed up behind me, I ran away and wait for them to die, then I called in civies and we took over.

Tier 4 also has alarm system on control points. People are recommending conquering level 3 alarm where the reward is a blueprint., which I finally did solo after many deaths.
Level 4 is so hard I actually ran out of ammo.
tip: If the odds are bad, instead of saving a lone officer let your civies get wiped and call another group.
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someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Combat, shooting and tactics is good. Looting/gearing is bad. People are complaining that the game is too hard, I find it fun, it is like military chess, constantly outmaneuvering the opposition while preventing them from outmaneuvering you.

Despite having English as the language for my random clan, I think a lot of them don't understand English.
I'm currently #1 in weekly ranking for my clan. I think I may start looking for a more hardcore co-op clan.
Currently farming alert 3 solo, with decent gear I have a good chance of completing it. Playing public with alert 3 is a disaster. You can't match for it unlike some missions and my clan currently isn't much help.
Heard there is an exploit for alert 3...

Playing with public 450s is totally different from players lower levels, I guess those 450s are vets from D1 who powergamed to tier 4 in less than a week. Need a legendary or heroic difficulty.
Anyone has an active PVE clan that can invite me?
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typical user

Nov 30, 2015
So.... is this gud?

Depends. You might beat it and play something else next or you can stick with it for a longer period. Most issues of the first game have been fixed and there is good base for polishing. And they will polish it if you look back at patch 1.7 and 1.8 of the original game.

It is popamole though, the PvP is different, Dark Zones have been split up and part of the charm is gone. But there is always hope devs add fourth mega-DZ, a lot bigger with more players and even more backstabbing.


Feb 5, 2013
I think they're already planning to release content similar to TD1's Survival/Underground as free updates for 2 within the year. Maybe the planned new area around the Pentagon will feature one of these. I also wouldn't be surprised if they introduced another Dark Zone and implemented something similar to a Battle Royale mode for it.

In other news, I managed to solo a Heroic Bounty. It took 5-6 attempts and a lot of cheesing and running away and sniping from afar, but it is doable. Not really worthwhile loot-wise at gearscore 450 (I did get a shitload of drops, but didn't really need any of them), but it was an intense session.


Dec 29, 2011
Knackers Yard
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
So.... is this gud?

If you like poppin' moles, it's the best mole popper I've ever played. They've dressed it up really nicely and I'm itching to get back to it every time I log out, but I do feel somewhat of a sense of shame every time I hover the crosshair over the little marker arrow that designates a mole is about to pop his head out the chest high wall for me to shoot it and see if anything shiny comes out.

From the other comments in this thread I gather it gets quite intense later on, looking forward to it.

Lone Wolf

Apr 17, 2014
People are complaining that the game is too hard

I'm only lvl 25, so far, but it's never been more than momentarily frustrating. The roof-top fight with the machine gunner, where you have to knock out the three EMP things, held me up for a few tries. That's about it, though.

Every other time I've suffered at the hands of those red bastards, it's been my own fault, in terms of positioning. Getting caught in pincers suuuuuuccks. The TTK in this game (at least, during the main campaign portion) is very short for player and foe alike.

Gunplay feels great, the loot is much better than Destiny 2/Anthem and there's great enemy variety. Washington's a beautiful battleground, with tons of detail leaking from every pore. In other words, so far, a superior sequel to a game that didn't catch my attention for more than a few hours.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I guess I got lucky and my first Heroic bounty was easy and indoors.
First boss is hammer dude, chased me into the streets and we ran into a friendly patrol.
On way to next boss had to climb up rope in elevator, met elite hammer dude with goons, had to retreat and climb down.
Hammer dude cannot climb down, stands in front of elevator and rope.
I shoot up but cannot damage him.
Developers maybe put some kind of bullet wall in elevator to prevent exploit?
Cannot throw grenade up, doubt I have enough to kill hammer.
Walk away, hammer dude walk away from elevator.
Climb up and try to kill other dudes so I have space to kill hammer.
While being chased by hammer cannot climb down rope, hammer too close?
Expect to die.
Hammer hammer me but cannot damage me, elevator doorway grants me immunity.
Hammer no immunity, shoot him point blank with LMG.
Kill final boss with 2 shots from grenade launcher.
Win. Didn't see special loot.
Note that it takes 6 prior bounties to unlock the heroic bounty.

Outdoor high difficulty encounters require more moving around than indoor fighting.
More fun.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
New patch fixed the alert exploit muahahaha!
Answered a backup call and found a player attempting to do alert 3, got to revive him and help take over it.
I think alerts are more fun than missions.
Large open areas and dynamic encounters, I'm constantly running around killing flankers. But you cannot get too far away or your simulated friendlies might take over the control point without you and you don't get the blueprint.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Got it free with GPU. Played two hours. Pretty boring with shallow world design. Standard third-person cover shooter with boring loot (it has to be as it is set in the modern/real world versus something like Borderlands). And on top of it, it froze my system in trying to log out. Will probably uninstall. Wish they gave out good games with GPU's instead of AAA schlock.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Got it free with GPU. Played two hours. Pretty boring with shallow world design. Standard third-person cover shooter with boring loot (it has to be as it is set in the modern/real world versus something like Borderlands). And on top of it, it froze my system in trying to log out. Will probably uninstall. Wish they gave out good games with GPU's instead of AAA schlock.
Giving out D1 or D2?


Mar 7, 2011
Azores Islands
Half way through the story, this shit is addictive as fuck. World building is amazing, shooting is fun and sound design is a constant aggravation for my wife as I have the soundbar always blasting while playing as it is that good.

There's also a lot of little details that make the experience even bestest. Encountering a patrol and taking cover behind a bus only for one of the mobs to shout "he's taken cover behind the bus, flank him", same thing happened with a police car, etc.


Dec 29, 2011
Knackers Yard
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Yeah, the calls from the enemies are nicely done. "He's healing!" followed by "Why don't we have those?" made me smile. It never really makes it feel like it's not just a programmed response to a trigger event, but it's a nice touch. I'm up to level 22 and out levelling the main missions too easily by this point, just by doing Control Points and the projects really. Still got loads of side missions to do and saving most of them up until I've done the main ones.

Unlocked all the skills now but not experimented with anything other than turret and healing chem launcher, can't imagine life with those chems. It's kept a decent challenge level all the way through up to now, if I get flanked by shotgun dudes I'm toast even with good gear for my level. Satisfying as fuck to blast them in the face with my LMG if I spot them out in the open though.

someone else

Feb 2, 2008
In the window
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

The outpost sinkhole.
The tourist attractions are also nice.
Washington Monument is also an outpost, much better than FO3. But we cannot go up the elevator.


Mar 6, 2019
Yeah, the calls from the enemies are nicely done. "He's healing!" followed by "Why don't we have those?" made me smile.

First time I've heard it I laughed so hard I got distracted by it and almost killed because of it. 10/10. It's a small detail, but enemies' calls are really well done.


Dec 29, 2011
Knackers Yard
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
I am so casual :| I've not even finished the main story yet and am only lvl 25. Family responsibilities prevent the kind of playtime some of you guys are putting in, but I'm still enjoying it and thinking the slower I go, the less likely I'll be to burn out on it.


Apr 14, 2009
The game is an uber flop. 5k viewers at the moment on twitch.

I remember when the first game was one of the most viewed game on twitch. Ffs I've put 200+ hours into that game.

15 February
Ubisoft: Ditching Steam for Epic caused a surge in 'Division 2' sales. Pre-orders for the sequel are higher than the original.

18 March
The Division 2 physical launch sales just 20% of Division 1's. Sum of all fears.

Ubisoft get rekt! Fucking retards.

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