Are You crazy ? Im still playing this game [I do not have "24 hours a day" for playing and finishing such titles over one week] and enjoying it alnogside with other good crpgs. It's good to see that "true codexian" shitstorm calm down here. Bioware made good crpg with this game again, and upcoming patch feautures looks nice. While im plyaing crpgs from late 80's [and still getting back to M&M , and many other crgps from past years] ive found Inquisition as part of "AAA"crpgs slight incline and im satisfied with it, for defending my opinion ive got a "fanboy" label here even [thanks anyway, im great fanboy of crpg genre] , becouse great gems in "another" more hardcore focused sector like Age of Decadence, D:OS or Xulima, Underrail are and always will be directed for crpg fans only not wider audience.
Games like Dragon Age, Skyrim or Witcher 3 are for everyone," hardcores" included but they have other design concepts than mentioned above. So it has no any sense to argue that DoS , Underrail etc. are more complicated and interesting, etc.
I found both approaches good as im getting older and having more to do than spending hours in front of monitor and playing my favourite crpg title as long as i want. Sometimes sure, it's nice to have game that need that few hours of constant playing, but other time it's good to have somewhat "casual" but "large" too crpg.