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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread


Jan 9, 2014
This forum
How exactly should her character have been written then?
Make her slightly less annoying. Preferably by editing her speech to make it slightly less repetitive. This does not need to be done through fancy wording however. All that needs to be done is cut out a few words she spoke and the flow of the dialogue should improve.

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
How exactly should her character have been written then?
For a start, she could say things that are at least comprehensible. "Obey me, arrow in my face"? What the fuck does that even mean? Also, stop the Whedonisms like "you're the herald thingy".


Nov 20, 2012
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria
like the gfx and atmos though


Now, that moon would create some killer tides.

Possibly Retarded The Real Fanboy
Jul 9, 2014
Ancient Aliens Spaceship
It's nice to see that some people enjoy this great game too in this shitpool thread. As a true Fanboy of good crpg's i found it more and more interesting after nearly 25 hours of playing.
Calling this game almost MMO is like calling Tetris adventure game, so please... . Like i wrote before, it's really worth to get into Thedas with this title. Simply don't care about some
shitboys here and try it for yourself. As im playing crpgs from late 80's i can call it one of the most advanced and fun to play crpg games ever created. Period.
And call me Fanboy, Faggot, Dumbfuck etc. and any other words from Codex level , but this game deserves it's high scores and positive opinions. It's great adventure in fantasy world.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
It's nice to see that some people enjoy this great game too in this shitpool thread. As a true Fanboy of good crpg's i found it more and more interesting after nearly 25 hours of playing.
Calling this game almost MMO is like calling Tetris adventure game, so please... . Like i wrote before, it's really worth to get into Thedas with this title. Simply don't care about some
shitboys here and try it for yourself. As im playing crpgs from late 80's i can call it one of the most advanced and fun to play crpg games ever created. Period.
And call me Fanboy, Faggot, Dumbfuck etc. and any other words from Codex level , but this game deserves it's high scores and positive opinions. It's great adventure in fantasy world.



Douchebag! Repressed Homosexual
Feb 15, 2014
It's nice to see that some people enjoy this great game too in this shitpool thread. As a true Fanboy of good crpg's i found it more and more interesting after nearly 25 hours of playing.
Calling this game almost MMO is like calling Tetris adventure game, so please... . Like i wrote before, it's really worth to get into Thedas with this title. Simply don't care about some
shitboys here and try it for yourself. As im playing crpgs from late 80's i can call it one of the most advanced and fun to play crpg games ever created. Period.
And call me Fanboy, Faggot, Dumbfuck etc. and any other words from Codex level , but this game deserves it's high scores and positive opinions. It's great adventure in fantasy world.


Liberal's alt
Nov 8, 2014
Who the hell do they hire to write these monstrosities?

What specifically is wrong with this conversation?

It is completely and utterly incomprehensible in its stupidity.

"Squishy one, but you heard me, right, say what? Rich tits always try for more than they deserve. Bla-bla-bla obey me arrow in my face. So, you followed the notes well enough. You're kind of plain, really, all that talk and then you're just a person. I mean it's all good innit, the important thing is that you glow. You're the herald thingy."

Nobody talks like that unless they previously injected a bad dose of heroin.

She's also hideous and utterly unpleasant to look at and to listen to.

Sera - lesbian
pencil-mustache-guy - gay
Bull - pansexual tranny

Someone in Bioware must really hate gay people, why lse would they make them all look/sound/act like utterly degenerate pieces of rotting meat.


dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive
Jul 8, 2010
Jordan, Minnesota
Project: Eternity
It's nice to see that some people enjoy this great game too in this shitpool thread. As a true Fanboy of good crpg's i found it more and more interesting after nearly 25 hours of playing.
Calling this game almost MMO is like calling Tetris adventure game, so please... . Like i wrote before, it's really worth to get into Thedas with this title. Simply don't care about some
shitboys here and try it for yourself. As im playing crpgs from late 80's i can call it one of the most advanced and fun to play crpg games ever created. Period.
And call me Fanboy, Faggot, Dumbfuck etc. and any other words from Codex level , but this game deserves it's high scores and positive opinions. It's great adventure in fantasy world.

Hepler's Vagina

Feb 24, 2012
Marked on your quest compass
It's nice to see that some people enjoy this great game too in this shitpool thread. As a true Fanboy of good crpg's i found it more and more interesting after nearly 25 hours of playing.
Calling this game almost MMO is like calling Tetris adventure game, so please... . Like i wrote before, it's really worth to get into Thedas with this title. Simply don't care about some
shitboys here and try it for yourself. As im playing crpgs from late 80's i can call it one of the most advanced and fun to play crpg games ever created. Period.
And call me Fanboy, Faggot, Dumbfuck etc. and any other words from Codex level , but this game deserves it's high scores and positive opinions. It's great adventure in fantasy world.

He's either in EA marketing or a victim of it. Give him some time to play RPGs as opposed to pretty but soulless action games with extra faggotry, and we'll make a Codexer of him yet.


Oct 30, 2006
Hey, so.. does anybody knows why they choose new Battlefield engine instead of Unreal? There was like half of BioWare doing Mass Effects on this engine and instead of going with it they... bought friggin Frostbite engine which is purely for fps games AFAIK. No wonder it took fuckload of their resources to get it working for ARPG :roll:

It's really pretty simple. EA own DICE. DICE make the Frostbite engine. Project costs and support can be billed internally across different companies owned by the same corporation, and costs can be balanced to make everything look better.
Basic, unrealistic examples - DA:I does extremely well, they can have DICE charge more for the engine and then pay less tax on their profits. DA:I does poorly, they can have DICE charge less for the engine and make DA:I seem more profitable.

All Bioware projects are supposed to use Frostbite going forward (including the next Mass effect). I'd imagine that's why you'll see a faster release schedule for Battlefield as well - it's the tech demo for the engine made for the public.


Jan 14, 2014
"Squishy one, but you heard me, right, say what? Rich tits always try for more than they deserve. Bla-bla-bla obey me arrow in my face. So, you followed the notes well enough. You're kind of plain, really, all that talk and then you're just a person. I mean it's all good innit, the important thing is that you glow. You're the herald thingy."

I understood about half of what s/he means there. Hopefully the other half isn't critical to the plot.


Sep 21, 2013
I don't want to watch too many spoilery videos so I have a question regarding audio. One of the greatest things about Battlefield series and Mass Effect 3 is the sound: its high dynamic range. What that means is loud sounds, like explosions or traveling through the mass relay thing are loud, much louder than other sounds. Kind of like what you'd expect in real life (if, of course, sounds in space would be a real thing). So my question is: how does DA:I do it? Is the dynamic range as high as in Battlefield and Mass Effect 3? Also, is there a dynamic range option in the settings like in ME3?

Regarding the Frostbite engine... all previous Bioware games allowed mods. This engine is known not to be moddable, but that was kind of what Dice would want for their Battlefield series (no custom maps, for example, means more profits from DLCs). Is DA:I also unmoddable or do we have access to an Override folder like before?


Oct 11, 2012
So the game is decent if you reprogram yourself to judge it as a console game rather than as a PC game? What kind of bullshit argument is this?

The point is this IS an action RPG designed first for consoles. If you don't want to play that, don't play the game period. If you do play it, the controls are fine for the kind of game it is. People complaining about the controls are mostly focused on how not-Origins it is, but that's the core game more than not having click-to-move. Witcher 2 didn't have click-to-move either.
Most useful post in the thread so far. Now i won't be bothered even to pirate it. Thanks for that.


Jan 14, 2014
About the lesbian romance complaint thread on Bioware forums, I find it pretty hilarious that the OP is getting a lot of "This is an RPG, not a Hentai game" responses. It's like the users over there are completely ignoring all the extensive romance discussions that happen on those very boards, and that relationships and characters' sexual orientation is talked about even by the developers themselves.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
So the game is decent if you reprogram yourself to judge it as a console game rather than as a PC game? What kind of bullshit argument is this?

The point is this IS an action RPG designed first for consoles. If you don't want to play that, don't play the game period. If you do play it, the controls are fine for the kind of game it is. People complaining about the controls are mostly focused on how not-Origins it is, but that's the core game more than not having click-to-move. Witcher 2 didn't have click-to-move either.

I wasn't talking about the controls. I'm talking about a shitty game suddenly becoming decent if you think of it as belonging to a different genre or platform.

But if you want to go that route, fine. So how does this game compares to Dark Souls?


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Does CISquisishun actually have mudcrabs or an equivalent? Think about for a minute: what is a constant in every successful Bethesda game as of late? Mudcrabs!
They may be disgusting creatures and I stay clear of them whenever I can, but secretly everbody loves them. They may be the missing link.
Quick, somebody call Bioware's marketing drones! If they want to sell 20 million copies, the next game needs Biocrabs (TM)!


Jun 5, 2011
It's really pretty simple. EA own DICE. DICE make the Frostbite engine. Project costs and support can be billed internally across different companies owned by the same corporation, and costs can be balanced to make everything look better.
Basic, unrealistic examples - DA:I does extremely well, they can have DICE charge more for the engine and then pay less tax on their profits. DA:I does poorly, they can have DICE charge less for the engine and make DA:I seem more profitable.

All Bioware projects are supposed to use Frostbite going forward (including the next Mass effect). I'd imagine that's why you'll see a faster release schedule for Battlefield as well - it's the tech demo for the engine made for the public.
I take the tax noncompliance legislation in North America is very relaxed... If I used this scheme with my own business I'd have the cops swarming all over my place. But then, again, I live in Socialist Europe where half of the hard earned income goes to supporting the huge and inefficient bureaucracy of our Nanny States :(

Slow James

Dec 10, 2012
Louisville, KY
It's really pretty simple. EA own DICE. DICE make the Frostbite engine. Project costs and support can be billed internally across different companies owned by the same corporation, and costs can be balanced to make everything look better.
Basic, unrealistic examples - DA:I does extremely well, they can have DICE charge more for the engine and then pay less tax on their profits. DA:I does poorly, they can have DICE charge less for the engine and make DA:I seem more profitable.

All Bioware projects are supposed to use Frostbite going forward (including the next Mass effect). I'd imagine that's why you'll see a faster release schedule for Battlefield as well - it's the tech demo for the engine made for the public.

Correction - all EA games are switching to Frostbite. It is going to be the engine for the entire publisher. Bioware is the first non-DICE EA dev to use it, but all EA games (outside of mobile) will be using it. Annual sports franchises will be the last to transition, as they need to make titles every year and they want to get all of the kinks out of developing on the engine done to fit the incredibly small development time frame these games get.

I actually like the approach. Frostbite is a strong enough engine to be versatile. Paying an outside company to license their engine is expensive, while having a dozen different developers all making their own engines is stupid. This is one EA business decision that I wholeheartedly endorse.

That being said, since the engine is going to be the flagship for all of EA, they try their best to completely lock it down - compressed, encrypted files, no third party tool support, etc., etc., which means any EA game in the future will be harder than crap to mod for.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


In My Safe Space
Sep 13, 2014
Safe Space - Don't Bulli
That being said, since the engine is going to be the flagship for all of EA, they try their best to completely lock it down - compressed, encrypted files, no third party tool support, etc., etc., which means any EA game in the future will be harder than crap to mod for.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I look at it from the other end. Once those encryptions and asset management systems are properly reversed engineered, We will have a one shoe size fits all for every EA game. It will be much easier to mod and reverse game files if they all use the same engine / encryption / asset pipelines / libraries.

Other then that, I whole heartedly agree with you.

This isn't some tax evasion conspiracy. Good software companies SHOULD be developing and maintaining their own engine and that engine should be modular enough to support more then one game genre. I'm surprised game companies don't do this more often.

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