I kinda want to build stuff at the moment and once I got a good production operation I can feel fine tossing ships into PvP action.
Trying to carebear hard enough and for long enough in highsec to afford the ships you'll lose in lowsec
before you venture into lowsec to learn the actual game is generally considered to be a huge waste of time, and one that places you in peril of learning too many bad habits, of getting used to the carebear lifestyle. Everyone has to start somewhere to get some pocket change, I'll grant you that, and manufacturing is far from the most ignoble pursuit; but if you're running after BPOs beyond the most inexpensive and thinking about deploying highsec outposts and shit, you've already taken the carebearing too far.
You need to get out there right away in a basic tackler and just act like an asshole. Spending months scraping up ISK isn't the way to go.
I know how hard this advice is to swallow for someone who's new to the game, but keep in mind that it's coming from a turboveteran and that I'm correct, whether you like it or not.