If you're swapping real dollars for spacebux and you think you're a pirate, boy have I got some bad news for you.
Yeah, it makes you a privateer.If you're swapping real dollars for spacebux and you think you're a pirate, boy have I got some bad news for you.
Pirate's worth is measured in ISK efficiency.
It's the ratio between the cost of ship destroyed and lost.
When you're a pirate you don't fly pimped out ships.
With a few exception of some specialized setups, when you absolutely have to fit in a faction module or some such.
In most cases those looses are easy to cover.
The most "high value" pirate roaming gangs I've ever been in (years ago), were on HACs.
the fourth currency is the 99.99999% of time wasted looking for fights in a game where nobody wants to fight unless they have the advantage
Capsuleer Henrique Arnolles now stands as the Guinness World Record holder for the fastest time taken to reach each of the 7,805 accessible star systems in EVE, accomplishing his goal in a blistering 224 days! Henrique set out on this adventure on 1 February 2021, touring every Empire system (High and Lowsec) by 6 February, visiting every Nullsec system by the 15th, and reaching his final target system in Anoikis (wormhole space) on 13 September – completing his race across the stars without losing a single ship!
every time i think about going back to even (and it's sadly rather often) i remember how already 15 years ago it was "you either join a megagigaultrahyperalliance or you're nothing
here comes the bigger roaming fleet and you're rendered to nothing. so you either escalate, and they escalate, and you escalate, and they escalate, and so on forever, or you're stuck being rendered to nothing.Small roaming fleets is where EVE shines. Quick, mobile, always hungry for fights.
here comes the bigger roaming fleet and you're rendered to nothing. so you either escalate, and they escalate, and you escalate, and they escalate, and so on forever, or you're stuck being rendered to nothing.Small roaming fleets is where EVE shines. Quick, mobile, always hungry for fights.