I mean, it's a 30ish year old memory (jesus), but the relief of escaping that sequence was very real for me.
The truly harrowing part about the underwater segment, was that in order to move around without taking considerable damage you needed the 'Water Breathing'-spell... so as long as your Mage was up and about, everything was fine.
Someone clearly thought of this, which is why 1/3rd of the underwater level has a anti-magic field in it...
This is actually a bit surprising, because EOB2 seems to be the longest game of them all. Speedruns aren't everything, but EOB1 has been completed in 5 minutes, EOB2 in 1.5 hours and EOB3 in less than 30 minutes. Not that many actually have tried to do those, except EOB1.
EotB1 can be completed that fast because of how open-ended the dungeon is, and EotB3 can be completed quickly because a part of it is optional. EotB2 is on-rails the whole time. Nothing can be skipped, and some parts cannot even be returned to, so you're soft-locked if you miss out on a few key items there.
To give you an idea of the cut/missing content:
# Cutscenes for resurrected characters. EotB1 could do this, why not the sequel? Amber is Khelben's spy in the temple, yet she has nothing to say when you bring her back from the dead?
# The fourth and fifth stone portals. There's a stone portal in the main temple which serves as a nexus point for the other portals. Another is at the bottom of the temple (the level with the gelatinous cubes) which uses the Stone Gem, and one in the Azure Tower (the level with the Frost Giants) which uses the Stone Dagger. The game files also have the Stone Holy Symbol, the Stone Necklace and the Stone Orb. If you cheat them into your inventory and use them on any of the portals, the Stone Holy Symbol will send you right to the end of the game, only one door away from Dran. If you use the other two, the stone portal-activation animation will play, but nothing else happens (except the graphics go all screwy). The Silver Tower (the test of faith-levels) doesn't have a stone portal so that can account for one of the remaining stone items, but that leaves one... where was its intended destination?
# This text is in the game files:
“You think you are the best
my master should have guessed
you dance the jester's path
are you wolf, or are you calf?”
Yet I cannot recall ever having seen it in-game. Anyone?
Trippy said:
The first two are fully supported in ScummVM, and ScummVM has an easy touchscreen-supported Android version that works with them perfectly.
In other words, I bought the trilogy off of GOG and then most definitely played the first two as touchscreen games on an Android tablet through ScummVM because I am a degenerate madman.
Dunno why the third game isn't supported, though.
Different developers, different engines. The third game uses the AESOP-engine, which IIRC only one other game used (Dungeon Hack). That is the most likely explanation.