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Incline The Sims 4

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
The thing I miss the most from 2 is the generation of interests for each sim. And that they not always 'click' when interacting with one another

Its been a time since I played Sims 2. Could you explain the generations of interests a bit?


Jul 9, 2022
The thing I miss the most from 2 is the generation of interests for each sim. And that they not always 'click' when interacting with one another

Its been a time since I played Sims 2. Could you explain the generations of interests a bit?
Can I explain how it works under the hood? Nope :D But its about this: each sim has some areas of interest, like politics, pop-culture, conspiracies, fashion etc. These you cannot set or even see in the editor, in the CAS. You can access it only once you start playing with said sim. I'd presume these are generated based on the zodiac with some randomization(or the other way around). And I distinctively remember that some sims just dont fit each other; from S3 upwards you can simply max out any relationship by spamming interactions, but here that would in some cases just make both parties more annoyed, and make them hate each other. Afaik this is only possible in later games if the interaction happens to have a random negative outcome, and you do not apologize for that before continuing with other interactions. So Sims in 2 have spheres of interest when it comes to subjects and other people.



Aug 1, 2013
The thing I miss the most from 2 is the generation of interests for each sim. And that they not always 'click' when interacting with one another

Its been a time since I played Sims 2. Could you explain the generations of interests a bit?
Can I explain how it works under the hood? Nope :D But its about this: each sim has some areas of interest, like politics, pop-culture, conspiracies, fashion etc. These you cannot set or even see in the editor, in the CAS. You can access it only once you start playing with said sim. I'd presume these are generated based on the zodiac with some randomization(or the other way around). And I distinctively remember that some sims just dont fit each other; from S3 upwards you can simply max out any relationship by spamming interactions, but here that would in some cases just make both parties more annoyed, and make them hate each other. Afaik this is only possible in later games if the interaction happens to have a random negative outcome, and you do not apologize for that before continuing with other interactions. So Sims in 2 have spheres of interest when it comes to subjects and other people.

Lmao look at this normie sim. Likes sports, money, entertainment, weather, fashion, travel and animals, doesn't like politics, work, environment, culture or the paranormal.
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Jun 3, 2005
Can I explain how it works under the hood? Nope :D
Well, I can: When a sim engages in a chat conversation, they pick a "topic", based on their interests. If the other sim shares this interest, the reaction will be positive. If the other sim has a poor level of interest, the reaction will be negative. I seem to recall also seeing they could both just bitch about the topic (speech bubbles of X'ed out topic icon), bonding over their mutual hate of the subject. The reactions would be more intense if their (dis)interest in the subject was more extreme.


Aug 9, 2020

I really don't like them losing the grid. Also it's a phone game now. I don't see how removing the grid helps in any way, with mods it made sense because the collision logic was still tile-based, it was purely cosmetic. Seems like its going to be a UI and AI nightmare to work with.
The only thing they got right was bringing back Sims 3's custom textures.

Imagine if they just turn around and announce this thing is a metaverse lol. Knowing EA that's exactly what their plan is. The wording implies Co-op but I dunno, I think EA wants them multiplayer dollars.


Aug 1, 2013
Grid should be toggleable, with a glowing bit in front of an object to show what free space you need to use the object. Full freeform sounds fun but it'll be a hassle to make it more than just a screenshot engine.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
Oh no there are people making things we dont like

We are aware of and have seen some select instances of wholly unacceptable content that has been uploaded to The Sims™ 4 Gallery. Our team has reviewed, and made critical updates to, the profanity filter to help prevent this from happening again in the future. We are grateful for the community’s vigilance in helping us identify these inappropriate uploads so we can maintain a safe, creative environment for our players. We will continue to do our part by quickly taking down objectionable content that surfaces, identifying and removing repeat offenders and regularly reviewing the profanity filter in case any updates need to be made.

We encourage players to continue to use the “Flag This” button on The Gallery to report any offensive uploads or comments.


Eurogamer says

EA has rolled out a "critical update" to The Sims 4 on PC and consoles following an increase in Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic content.


Here is a picture of one of the offending creations


The twitter thread helping to expose such travesty

Sep 1, 2020
My best experience in the Sims was trapping people in my basement, film them expiring, then invite their family members to watch the tape with me in the living room while eating cake. Such potential! I'd play the Sims non-stop if they actually focused on making the games good instead of all the gay shit they keep adding so they can market it to women.


Aug 1, 2013
Nah dude they gotta pump out those game packs and stuff packs that they can sell for a pretty penny to keep the money coming in.


Feb 10, 2018
Would anyone believe me if told them that i never tried to intentionally murder my sims.
All of my mass death-related accidents were actual accidents.
I swear!


samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I was really into Simant/tower/city growing up.. When I was in my teens I loved the Sims1, but after that I never had any experience with the sequels. They looked like they had a different mood to me. If you had to pirate 2 or 3 which would you go for? (lol@ea charging an arm and a leg for the expansions to s3 still)


Feb 10, 2018
I was really into Simant/tower/city growing up.. When I was in my teens I loved the Sims1, but after that I never had any experience with the sequels. They looked like they had a different mood to me. If you had to pirate 2 or 3 which would you go for? (lol@ea charging an arm and a leg for the expansions to s3 still)
I have fond memories of the second game, just like the first one.
The third sims does have the open world however which is obtained at the cost of performance. Do keep in mind that if you do pirate it the game will really struggle to load all of these extra outfits.

I also remember liking the trait system from the third one, some RPGs could really adopt it. Like, in the last expansion you could make a guy who rejects real women in favour of emabarking on a quest to create his ideal sex slavewife robot:cool:


Aug 9, 2020
3 which would you go for?
3 and you need to download

You will need this to prevent your GPU from melting

Smooth patch to make the game playable, ESSENTIAL the game is unplayable without this. Your game will run at 5FPS with all the expansions installed and will regularly crash without the mod.

with Overwatch mod added. Turn stuck fix off so that you don't get teleporting sims when ever you lock the door.
Overwatch helps reduce annoying bugs and allows you to fix issues when they come up.

If you are playing on Bridgeport you will need this, Bridgeport has big problems without it.

I recommend the Clean UI mod as well its ugly yes but it massively improves performance, especially in the CAS. All the clothes and options load super fast with this installed.

This combination will allow you to play the game at 60FPS with all the expansions.

If you're looking for some fun to make the sims more believable I recommend installing the NRASS story mods.
I recommend installing the gun mod so you can shoot anyone you dislike

This will fix most of what people hate about Sims 3.

I also remember liking the trait system from the third one, some RPGs could really adopt it. Like, in the last expansion you could make a guy who rejects real women in favour of emabarking on a quest to create his ideal sex slavewife robot:cool:
The eugenics route was funnier. Having a whole bunch of clones of people running around and slowly killing off the originals. Yeah, I went full blade runner.
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samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
I grabbed 3, but only installed seasons/pets/ambitions/generations + all the mods listed.. saw a clear performance gain after, thanks! How has EA not incorporated these kind of fixes into an *ultimate* edition? hard to believe they still sell 10 year old xpacks for $20

though others like supernatural may be fun, they seem a little too silly to start with; do you guys have any preference of expansions? I saw one that has very negative reviews re:performance

As an aside, looking up Will Wright was somewhat depressing. He’s been working on a still unreleased mobile-turned-nft-centric game the last five years or so. Mostly talk and promo videos for fundraising, but little in the way of concrete ideas, news, or anything to show


Aug 9, 2020
do you guys have any preference of expansions
University Life, Late Night, Ambitions and Seasons are what I'd consider essential. I'd add Generations if you're playing with a lot of Teens/Children and using a school-related mod.
I prefer University because it adds much-needed items and lets you skip most of the career grind.
Ambitions is awesome for starting businesses. Late Night for Bridgeport its required, Seasons because I love having the seasons change.

Expansions that I'd add if I'm bored
Pets, World Adventures, Supernatural, Showtime and Island Paradise. Fair warning that Supernatrual and Showtime have annoying mechanics that invade your game, you can switch them off.

The worst expansion is Into the Future. I would avoid it. A lot of what it adds are basically cheats. Food Replicator + Ambrosia basically means you can resurrect anyone you want when ever. The whole time travel to win the lottery thing is broken basically removing the need for money. The transport options are OP and make no sense because you can buy them in the present. The beds make sleep unnecessary for the most part.

As an aside, looking up Will Wright was somewhat depressing. He’s been working on a still unreleased mobile-turned-nft-centric game the last five years or so. Mostly talk, promo videos, but little in the way of concrete ideas, news, or anything to show
I got his master class video, pretty pathetic tbh mostly him just bragging about his career. He doesn't really go through the documentation side, its clear more than anything Wright has become an ideas guy like Molyneux. Check out Sid Meire's memoirs though, I got it free via Audible, really good audio book.
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samsung verizon hitachi
Jan 30, 2015
hyperborean trenchtown
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
(scattered thoughts)

I heard Into the Future was made by a support studio, so I avoided it thankfully.

I always liked playing with groups of sims and letting them have a decent amount of autonomy.. just fun to see what they do when not braindead. Building homes was a large part, then letting the animals loose second after that. Having a semi open-world sounds interesting, creating groups of people and having them interact with each other through different points in their lives.

Even if I don’t care for packs like late-night with it’s city/vampires, is it worth having them for extra mechanics or items outside that? I think I’m mostly happy with my load-out for now. I saw the island one added a lot but was rushed, and had big performance hitches.. if you have experience on a modern system+fixes, is that still the case?


Aug 9, 2020
Even if I don’t care for packs like late-night with it’s city/vampires, is it worth having them for extra mechanics or items outside that? I think I’m mostly happy with my load-out for now. I saw the island one added a lot but was rushed, and had big performance hitches.. if you have experience on a modern system+fixes, is that still the case?
If you're not playing bridgeport you can avoid late-night, some of its items are good to have though. I would avoid the island and world adventures as they're pretty gimmicky but they do add some nice items, only install them if you're bored. Pets out of any of the expansions has the most impact on performance because of all the stray animals this is why I usually avoid it unless I'm really bored.


Feb 10, 2018
though others like supernatural may be fun, they seem a little too silly to start with; do you guys have any preference of expansions?
Pretty much what RobotSquirrel said. Ambitions adds jobs that are more involved than the regular ones like babysitter and late night adds appartment option if i don't misremember things. Without changing seasons it's just doesn't feel right.

No matter what expansions you will have, i found the most entertaining way to play is to have a main goal to work towards. Have a main quest for your sims if you will.
Whatever it's to build a sucessful career and have a lot of kids or become a grand wizard.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
Two new kits are coming out. Kits are the nickle and dime method EA unleashed sometime ago trying to get you into spending more money in-between expansions, game packs, and stuff packs. They are 5 USD.

5 Dollars will buy you some clothes for all your fat lesbian blacked fantasies.


And another 5 dollars for clutter. Bathroom clutter to be exact.


Some of the steam discussion comments are funny. But you have to wade through a deluge of normie shit to get to them. Here is a link in case you feel like digging around.



Aug 1, 2013
There's something poetic about the new kits being pants (in the UK sense of the word) and toilet trash.


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The thing I miss the most from 2 is the generation of interests for each sim. And that they not always 'click' when interacting with one another

Its been a time since I played Sims 2. Could you explain the generations of interests a bit?
Can I explain how it works under the hood? Nope :D But its about this: each sim has some areas of interest, like politics, pop-culture, conspiracies, fashion etc. These you cannot set or even see in the editor, in the CAS. You can access it only once you start playing with said sim. I'd presume these are generated based on the zodiac with some randomization(or the other way around). And I distinctively remember that some sims just dont fit each other; from S3 upwards you can simply max out any relationship by spamming interactions, but here that would in some cases just make both parties more annoyed, and make them hate each other. Afaik this is only possible in later games if the interaction happens to have a random negative outcome, and you do not apologize for that before continuing with other interactions. So Sims in 2 have spheres of interest when it comes to subjects and other people.


Is there any mods for this in Sims 4, to make stuff like this harder and dynamic? Just feels empty after a while in Sims 4, like everyone shares the same personality. I'm using MC command center, but so maybe some setting within that?
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