Some belated Demos from the Event(s) I still had installed:
Almost My Floor: Horror Adventure with some Puzzles and Quicktime events to fend off horrors. Comic panels as narrative storytelling. Look/Take/Speak verbs, Highlighting on MMB. Some basic C&C in Good/Evil ways to solve some things.
The Alien Cube: CryEngine-based Horror Mystery Adventure by a single dev, very fucking pretty game with impressive visuals, but LAGS like Sub-30FPS badly with my 1080 and makes it whine. You wake up alone in a strange cave with occult shit around. There's a body hanging from the wall, a strange skull altar and light shafts are shining in through cracks in the wall. You manage to make it out after a small incident and wander around the forest wondering where you are till a huge fireball falls from the heavens and you start hearing strange noises. You wake up in your apartment in New York soon after and go over to your Uncle's apartment after receiving a letter regarding his inheritance and how he wants you to destroy his journals. Some more disturbing things happen and you find some hints that "It Wuz Alienz", then the Demo ends. There doesn't seem to be too much to the puzzles so far yet and it's closer to a Walking Sim. You basically walk through, click on some interactive stuff and wait for shit to happen and that's mostly it. Don't know if that changes later.
Boomer Shooters:
Fallen Aces: Cel-shaded Mob Shooter. Narrative told through drawn comic panels at the start and end of missions, IG through a videophone. You are supposed to infiltrate the club of one Frank "Matches" Malone and find a Black Book, as well as rescue a dame. At the beginning you can Punch, Block and Kick. You can use shit like bottles, lead pipes or banana peels as improvised weapons. There's stealth elements where you can Crouch in the shadows and not get seen/take out enemies via Chop from the back. You can pick up shit like garbage or paint cans, toolboxes etc. and throw them at enemies. You can always take the direct approach and bash Mobsters heads in or sneak around like a wily cunt and punch them out or throw shit at them from cover. Medkits and Food heals you.
Arthurian Legends: You start in the woods as your house is under attack. The second level is a Castle. There's hidden Secrets right from the start behind your house and behind and above a waterfall. Secrets are everywhere and some are moderately tough to find, keep an eye out for cracked walls, as you can destroy those. Ale and food heals your HP. You can shield-bash while blocking. "I"-key for target reticule you'll likely need for Throwing Axes and Crossbow. You can quickly switch between weapons like an Axe, Throwing Axes (Your Best Friends), Spiked Club, Bastard Sword, Crossbow, Hand grenades or the Holy Hand grenade (this seems like a rather overused joke by now, even the new POSTAL uses it) with the number keys. You can bash locked wooden doors down with your axe. You can head-shot and cut peoples heads off with throwing axes. Then you can play football with enemies heads and kick them around or on walls. If you gib enemies, their innards and blood can get stuck on the ceiling and drip down. You can also step on them on the ground making a crunchy sound. AI is not the cleverest, they'll head right for you and try to hack you to death. You can also abuse things like doors and similar to get them stuck. If you're on a ledge you can hack them to death from above without them being able to do anything. Game only Saves at the Start of every Level, but you can Quicksave where you want. Fun for people who are into this kind of game.
POSTAL: Brain Damaged: Subcontracted to some Polish studio that's also working on Supplice and Blood West. You wake up in a distorted room in what appears to be American Suburbs in a random house that looks like those weird Dream sequences in Psychonauts. You find your first weapon in the garage (a chainsaw shovel) and a auto target-acquiring pistol soon after and go ahead slaying what vaguely looks like Trump-supporting grandpa's holding shotguns, mutant dogs and flying Burger Americans throwing burgers at you while searching for "Secrets" and walking through people's houses, looking through their cupboards and collecting Power-ups and posters of pixelated scantily clad women. All this to the backdrop of zany one-liners from the voice actor. It's like something that could stem from fantadoormat's imaginative vision of America. Your first mission is to find the Red Key to get out of the house. Ctrl to slide. Then the game tells you to press F to piss on things. Pissing on electrical outlets apparently makes them explode. Then you advance through the city collecting the Yellow and Blue Keys and learning that you can propel yourself through the air along metal anchors using the Shotgun to bridge abysses. The NPCs you kill have no faces or personality for some reason and are abstract. A bit derivative of itself and slightly dull due to sameness, was funner when the idea was fresh and NPCs actually had faces and personalities, but playable enough.
Blood West: Wild West Shooter by the same Polish developer as above. In the Tutorial you learn about Stealthing enemies (they can either see or hear you as a yellow bar fills at the bottom of the screen) and how you can hide to lose them if they happen to discover you. Your first weapon is an axe. RPG-like inventory where items take away inventory space. You can equip up to two weapons and various others items (either a Shotgun or Melee Axe and a Revolver). LMB/RMB for Light and Heavy attacks. Sneak attacks do more damage and you can usually instakill enemies with a Heavy hit from behind. If you headshit them from Stealth they usually also die with one shot. Enemies have loot inventories. You can do Critical hits and there's Bleeding over time effects draining your HP, for which you need bandages. There's "Safe Zones" where you can talk, trade and rest at the campfire... If you die or rest enemies respawn. Personally I think I'd prefer it without that. If you perish you might also get cursed and need to do certain things to remove it like kill 3 enemies stealthily or do a number of headshots. Enemies so far are Ghouls, bird people with revolvers and some sort of Demon women with shotguns. Honestly it plays more like a Stealth RPG than a Shooter. You can spend a lot of time on this clearing the town and looting everything, but your job is to get to the church and into the hole, then take a passage left where you can jump down and down and walk past a snake altar thing to end the Demo. Of course there's Secrets and hidden stuff. There's also some powerful equippable artifacts, one for instance that replenishes 1HP every 2 seconds, another that makes enemies miss you 20%. Kinda fun, but don't know about longevity.
A bunch of short Controller games:
Until We Die: Another Russian game, and yet again taking place in frigging Metro tunnels... (
No, seriously wtf is it with the Russian obsession of living in Metro tunnels?) Anyway, an alien invasion happens and everyone flees into the Metro. You can play the game, but are limited to 7 game days and Difficulty Options are locked, which isn't much of a problem since by Day 4-5 things get rather difficult. The game expects you to know that certain Events happen at certain times and that you have to play a certain way or you'll be defeated before the Demo ends. You play as a Squad Leader that has 3 minions at the beginning and can order them around. Shoot with A, Reload B, order minions to follow with Y, send them to collect or build something with X. You can equip them with things like shovels or wrenches if you build Workshops for it, turning them into Shovelers or Engineers that can do certain things better. You also have different abilities that you can use. During the day you build up the base by scavenging and then expanding your walls to either side and in the protected area you can build additional buildings like workshops, a laboratory for research, tents increasing your population etc. When night comes a fog descends upon the areas you haven't walled off yet and you need to be prepared for an attack by shooting mutants and defending the walls to either side. While they're attacking you temporarily can't give your minions orders. If mutants break through a wall you lose control of the area behind it and if they manage to break through and destroy the generator it's Game Over.
Evil Wizard: 2D ARPG where you play a character of the same name trying to get back your castle from heroes that have invaded it and forced you out. Melee and magic where you can switch between elements, also Dash very important for evade and fast travel. You gain Mana by attacking objects or enemies, you can replenish Health with executions. Juvenile referential humor: "Member Star Wars/Marvel/Pokemon/Cthulhu? etc."
Oddinary Highway: Side-scrolling Shoot'm'Up where you play a car with a big gun and shoot down spaceships or helicopters. You have to gather "stars" to load up a special attack. There's a few different types of weapons. 2Hard4Me since I didn't manage to get past the boss on the second level in a few attempts.
Skabma - Snowfall: You play a small Sami boy in a hub-based 3D Adventure platformer. Running around looking at things while banging your drum to see hints or hidden runes and talking to a few NPCs for choice text. You unlock the Eagle and Bear spirit with time, with which you can turn black blobs into wind or stones, which lets you end the Demo quickly. Seems like a very Early build and kind of dull, not surprising they removed the Demo so soon.
Aztech Forgotten: Action Adventure apparently made by a Mexican developer inspired by Aztec mythology with Hispanic-looking characters trying to ape some Japanese design concepts and game mechanics with Wii-tier graphics. You play as a mulatto girl with a giant gauntlet that's running around with her annoying mother robbing ancient ruins and got a jet pack to jump into the air and float around. Movement generally feels very "floaty". There's lots of Cutscenes and you only fight against a giant stone monster in the future where you have to float near weak points indicated in red, take care of some adds and hit quick-time attacks using X. Gameplay leaves much to be desired/still feels very rough so far.
Wishlisted: The Bookwalker, INCANTAMENTUM
Tentatively Wishlisted: Exo One, Clid the Snail, The Good Life
Seemed kinda interesting: Arthurian Legends, Blood West, Fallen Aces, The Drifter, The Tartarus Key, The Alien Cube, Unusual Findings