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The Witcher 1 Thread

Jaime Lannister

Jun 15, 2007
I'm thinking of picking up one of The Witcher, Mask of the Betrayer, or Bioshock. Which one would you say has the best story? (which is the most important element of games to me)


Jul 23, 2005
Saxon1974 said:
So are you saying that everyone in Europe speaks Polish? So you are all intellectuals because you speak english right?
Reading comprehension of your native tongue would be appreciated. You missed the part about dubbing and subtitles.

Oarfish said:
*Cough* Modern English is as old as modern Polish. Though we are shit at learning languages too, as our ancestors were quite successful at the bestriding the world like a colossus thing.
Unsurprisingly, nothing in what you quoted has anything to do with what you posted. Though yes, the current widespread use of English can be attributed to imperialism, as can Spanish. Still irrelevant.

Just skip the lame "America isn't dumb!!1" reactions. The post I responded to deserved it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Jaime Lannister said:
I'm thinking of picking up one of The Witcher, Mask of the Betrayer, or Bioshock. Which one would you say has the best story? (which is the most important element of games to me)



May 11, 2007

sheesh i wasnt even talking about the translation, i can seriously live with that. its not half as bad as i feared, seen worse fuckups.

but to claim the dialogue (system) that is there, whether in polish, english, german or suaheli is better than MOTB sounds like a lot of blind fanboy crap to me, though i ll admit i am not that far in the game yet, so maybe in the next 5 minutes the game will turn into a masterpiece of writing and roleplaying where its been bioware-mediocrish before and i ll (happily!) eat my words.

i m not saying its shit, its solid/good, especially coupled with a more-or-less original setting (feels actually like a warhammer fantasy rip-off in many parts - but for my liking thats a PLUS as long as there arent decent warhammer cRPGs ) and most importantly coupled with damn great gameplay which turns it into an overall masterpiece (for me).

however raving about geralts dialogue and bashing jack bauer / shepard in other threads just makes you look like douchebags, so please stop it.


Aug 27, 2006
Jasede said:
There is nothing more complex about non-meaningful sexual contact - in fact it is primitive and make us beastly. We're human and shouldn't subscribe to such beastly and animilistic norms.

Why is it wrong/immoral? Well, it's apparent: in my perception of the world, sheltered and naive as it be, there's such a thing as love, and you cheapen it, as well as one of its most intimate expressions, sexuality, by making the latter a common, dirty and meaninfless thing, you ultimately cheapen yourself. I miss the days when coyness and chastity were virtues, and were loved ones would preserve themselves for each other, instead of corrupting themselves with the sin.

Just "having fun" invariably leads to people becoming people I don't like, I have seen it often. They start viewing people no longer as persons, but merely as sexual objects and have no sense of responsibility or attachment left.

Well, logical reasons, Kraszu? That's difficult for me. It's just how I feel, you see? It's just my sense of morality. But if you wanted a logical chain then maybe...

IF you have fun THEN you lower the value physical expressions holds [that value having been reached a sense of rarity, specialness and exclusiveness]. IF you lower the value of physical expression of love THEN you cheapen your partner thus that you can no longer give him this form of appreciation, at least not in the quality that it would have hold had you not lowered the value of it.

Of course if you and your partner are immoral beasts that think sex should be meaningless and "just having fun" is okay, fine. You can be beasts, wild animals if you like. I, myself, cherish being a human, and more than an ape who just looks for the next hole to fill.

Why do you even care? You could care less what people think about you, least of all me. We'll all reap what we sow, one way or another.

Who the hell are you to say that if we enjoy sex we're lowly animals. Moreover, who are you to say humans are above animals in the first place? Look at the shit we fight over, the resources we waste, the greed we exhibit and the apathy we express when taking into account all the problems we cause for the rest of life on this planet, and then tell me just how you believe we're somehow morally superior to your average cow.

Do you resist the natural urges to eat and sleep too, and then put us down because we lack "discipline"? Your entire premise is founded on the idea that you're better than everyone else - let me tell you something coming from someone who once shared those ideals; you ain't shit.


Aug 27, 2006
The Walkin' Dude said:
BTW, did any of you refuse to help the dwarf in the outskirts? I cant see any positive consequences that would come from it.

You're kidding, right? That crazy bastard has been helping me with all sorts of things in the main quest so far, I can't imagine how different the game would be without him there.

EDIT: maybe I misunderstood; ah whatever.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Darkflame said:
The Walkin' Dude said:
BTW, did any of you refuse to help the dwarf in the outskirts? I cant see any positive consequences that would come from it.

You're kidding, right? That crazy bastard has been helping me with all sorts of things in the main quest so far, I can't imagine how different the game would be without him there.

Yeah, Im asking if there are any positive consequences if you DONT help him. Im wondering whether all choises have both something good or can you really fail in your judgement.


Aug 27, 2006
The Walkin' Dude said:
Darkflame said:
The Walkin' Dude said:
BTW, did any of you refuse to help the dwarf in the outskirts? I cant see any positive consequences that would come from it.

You're kidding, right? That crazy bastard has been helping me with all sorts of things in the main quest so far, I can't imagine how different the game would be without him there.

Yeah, Im asking if there are any positive consequences if you DONT help him.

getting a really different game? idk..

User was nabbed fit

20 pages of Codex that I'm not going to read (saw something abour furries and thought "forget it, this must've been derailed and rerailed a few dozen times").

So, is the game good enough by the standards we elite bastards have?

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
ViolentOpposition said:
20 pages of Codex that I'm not going to read (saw something abour furries and thought "forget it, this must've been derailed and rerailed a few dozen times").

So, is the game good enough by the standards we elite bastards have?

Correct me if Im wrong but I dont believe that there were any Codexers who dislike this game. The thread was derailed only a page or so ago. Though the reviewers so far dont seem to be impressed much, giving it mostly 8/10. But thats what you get when you dont bribe them or blind with hype, and most are FPS idiots too.


Oct 21, 2002
As for Adda, it's said in one of the later novels that Foltest's daughter was named after her mother.

User was nabbed fit

The Walkin' Dude said:
ViolentOpposition said:
20 pages of Codex that I'm not going to read (saw something abour furries and thought "forget it, this must've been derailed and rerailed a few dozen times").

So, is the game good enough by the standards we elite bastards have?

Correct me if Im wrong but I dont believe that there were any Codexers who dislike this game. The thread was derailed only a page or so ago. Though the reviewers so far dont seem to be impressed much, giving it mostly 8/10. But thats what you get when you dont bribe them or blind with hype, and most are FPS idiots too.

Ah, nice. I usually start reading from the end of a thread when it has over five pages... if it's interesting enough, I usually go back to earlier pages to see what's there too. Reason being that important information usually gets repeated in the later pages anyway, plus there is new info that wasn't in the earlier pages.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Trash said:
t doesn't quite mark you as the light of the party. Or even as a remotely interesting or nice person. Oh well.

So i ain't getting laid because i'm not 'nice' or 'interesting' enough? Aren't those qualities usually ascribed to those who fail?

Trash said:
It's kinda silly to denounce it as an rpg because it has a bit of erotica in it.

But i'm not denouncing anything, i'm calling you a faggot for touting it's qualities on account of it's nerd fap appeal.

It's well and good the Codex likes this game, i'm just not impressed by the reasoning behind this seemingly enthusiastic reception. Are you sure you guys aren't being lulled by empty gimmicks?


Oct 28, 2004
I'm curious: if the dialogues are the weak point in an otherwise pretty decent game, what are the barriers to a fan-made dialogue patch?


Apr 26, 2007

1) It's a huge amount of work

2) Dialogs are fully voiced

3) Dialogs are nowhere near bad enough to require that. They are indisputably better than in the Gothic or Elder Scrolls series . . . just not as good as what you find in an Obsidian/Black Isle/Troika game.


Oct 28, 2004
OK. Good to know. I feared that there was a technical impediment, such as the dialogues being locked away in an encrypted file. If they are editable, then it's possible to fix things... if you're willing to have the voice-acting be off a little bit. I'm not sure I'd bother if the dialogues are truly OK. I had heard that the Space Rangers 2 dialogues were awful, planned to fix them, then got the game and found myself quite satisfied. Perhaps that will be the case here, too.


Apr 17, 2007
I've only had sex with people I've had strong feelings for, but I think the suggestion that that has anything to do with morality (as opposed to simple taste) is ludicrous. On what basis can any of us claim that sex for fun is immoral? it drives me insane when someone comes to a conclusion this way. X is good ofr me, it works for me, it makes me feel good, ergo X is a moral imperative for EVERYONE! I don't see how anyone with even the merest shred of maturity could think that way. Then again, people who believe God is communicating to them through tapping morse code on their windows are considered insane, but people who believe they can not only talk to God, but convince Him to do certain things are considered absolutely sane.

Sanity in numbers, it's the same thing that causes people who know virtually nothing about this web site to dismiss it as hating anything that isn't 2D/Iso/TB and posting tubgirl links anytime anyone disagrees. The same thing that makes Blackjack players believe that player X's decisions affect player Y's chances of winning. Mass delusion. Sanity in Numbers. Total and utter bullshit.

As for The Witcher, it sounds like a very fun game. I can't imagine I'll prefer it to MotB though. Personally though, I consider MotB to be on par with PS:T. PS:T is better in some ways, MotB is better in others. Dare I say it, I think MotB wins on the 'fun factor', and it doesn't have that 'pseudo-philosophical' feel that PS:T does.


May 21, 2007
Good points so far:

-Atmosphere: seriously not since the days of PS:T and BGII have the cities felt so alive and believable, kids playing on the streets, the gambling and fistfighting in taverns, loud noises, etc. It just feels so real and is very impressive when you see it.

-Non-generic setting.

-Interesting story (so far).

-Believable characters.

-Decent dialogue: just don't expect anything of PS:T or MOTB quality, however it doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment.

Points I'm not so sure of:

-Combat: I haven't gotten far enough to really make up my mind about it, but so far it has basically been: left click, wait for animation to complete, left click, wait for animation to complete, left click, dodge, repeat ad nauseum... Some fights did require me to study my opponents and prepare accordingly for them through the use of my journal (which could be considered a good point)

Bad points:

-Loading times: It's not so much the time it takes me to load certain parts (I do however have 2 gigs of RAM and put the textures to medium), but the frequency of the loadtimes. It can piss you off and stop you from exploring certain houses... Hope this can get fixed though.


Nov 22, 2006
cardtrick said:
3) Dialogs are nowhere near bad enough to require that. They are indisputably better than in the Gothic or Elder Scrolls series . . . just not as good as what you find in an Obsidian/Black Isle/Troika game.

were the Gothic Series dialogues that badly translated? from what i remember of 1 and 2 the dialogues were excellent in German (small wonder with the devs being Germans...) while what i've heard of the witcher so far, it's quite atrocious in this respect (in German, so as not to provoke a misunderstanding).


da Blitz master
Dec 31, 2002
Sthlm, Swe
Serpent in the Staglands Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Play the game to get the storyline, yo. Not bad at all.

So far Im up to the Beast fight, bastard killed me 2 times, I'll get him tonight.

Love the game, especially the atmosphere and the fact that theres no classic "good or evil" shit.
Loved the lynch mob scenario, combat is so-so, but the finishing moves kicks ass.
Its a story driven action RPG, but it has that good feeling to it that was missing from the genre.
I'd call it a RPG with balls, like Fallout, PS:T and Revenant.


Oct 21, 2002
Admiral jimbob said:
What IS the storyline to this game? I haven't heard anything about it beyond "Geralt is dis guy who looks liek, liek, Sephiroth dipped in a bucket of pubes, and he kills monsturz".

The story is a sequel to the books, which had a complex storyline, at the end of which Geralt was seemingly killed. In the game, he is alive again, and with amnesia.

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