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The Witcher 1 Thread


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Why, of course! There's so much beauty in the world, so many things to study.

I can't leave the house without finding something to marvel at: the way light reflects from leaves at night, the way the wind feels on my skin, or just the way how people cope with their day to day lives and struggles.

And that's just everyday life! There's so much more beauty there: the many books that have been written, many of them more ingenious than the next. Such great art that has been painted and just waits for me to appreciate it, so much great music great classic artists have composed...

Then there's the world of math, queen of all sciences, a cold, bitter queen that is difficult to please or understand, but is beautiful nonetheless, even for me whose limited understanding of her makes me only grasp the surface of the infinitely deep quicksilver ocean of math, with strange, mesmerisingly beautiful "fish" the deeper you go, some so hard to understand that one wonders if the human brain can really cope with it. Or physics, the king of sciences, or the study of languages in their beauty and intricacy, a hobby of mine.

Of course life my is worthwhile, there's just so much to discover, learn and potentially create, much more than I will ever be able to accomplish in a single lifetime, but then, it's the short span of that life that will hopefully drive me to achieve at least a fragment of the many things I wish to achieve.


Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
Jasede said:
Elhoim said:
I love this line from Geralt:

"Power, sex. Sex, power. They both come to one thing - fucking others".

I really hate this Geralt guy already.

I'd rather have Ultima X. A good one. The more I hear from this game the more distasteful it becomes, not to say tasteless, which means the same but makes this sentence longer, a practice that shows of bad writing though it gives this lengthy sentence a somewhat official touch, as if it was a letter from the tax department.


Oh, BTW, you can only have sex with one woman if you want, who really loves you, and live with her along with a child. Maybe that suits your tastes better.

And when you talk about love and chastity, do you mean it with a member of the opposite sex or of the same sex?


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Look, Elhoim, and any others-

I am really not going to tell you what's right or wrong. That's something we all have to decide for ourselves. I have some pretty funny and outdated views on morality. They work for me. That's that! If you work differently, that's cool. I'll tell you I don't agree with that when it comes up, simply because this is a free forum of opinions, and that's that. It's just how I feel and if you feel differently, seriously, that's okay. (Though I don't consider your view okay, but that, too, is okay. Freedom of opinion!)

I am glad the Witcher includes the last thing Elhoim wrote, it improves the game already quite a bit in my opinion. Also, I don't really think the gender of the partner, Elhoim, is an issue in these meditations.


May 27, 2005
Jasede said:
There is nothing more complex about non-meaningful sexual contact - in fact it is primitive and make us beastly. We're human and shouldn't subscribe to such beastly and animilistic norms.

I said that non sexual seem more complex. Complex =/= better, complex =/= moral you are making assumptions whit no ground.

Jasede said:
there's such a thing as love,

It is not required to have sex.

Jasede said:
and you cheapen it, as well as one of its most intimate expressions, sexuality, by making the latter a common,

It is like eating water and bread to like good meal more. I rather get good meal as often as I can (if there is no other connotations to the choice). I used to eat worse and good meal still felt the same way as today for me.

Jasede said:
dirty and meaninfless thing,

It is not meaningless it is for fun.

Jasede said:
Of course if you and your partner are immoral beasts that think sex should be meaningless and "just having fun" is okay, fine. You can be beasts, wild animals if you like. I, myself, cherish being a human, and more than an ape who just looks for the next hole to fill.

As I said you are wrong love/connection in group is common for animals. It is result of your body work, other animals got those also. Just becouse I don't believe in mambo jumbo it does not mean that I have no human specific needs, actually it is opposite as it makes me interested in science. I don't know of other animals that are

Jasede said:
Why do you even care? You could care less what people think about you, least of all me. We'll all reap what we sow, one way or another.

I just comment for discussion sake, just like you comment first.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Ah, all right. I will honestly tell you that I sometimes don't understand what you write (because of your English) so I am already sorry for any misunderstandings that might cause. I, for example, think love and sex are not in any way connected, merely that I would rather keep sex "pure" (in my view) and not cheapen it by giving it away without there being a strong, lasting love first.

Like the example you gave: you said you rather have a good meal as often as you can, and that that doesn't make the good meal taste less good to you. To me it's different: for me, I would much rather only have that good meal on a special occasion because, (and this is specific to me) the rarity and exclusiveness does make it taste better (at least in my imagination).


Jun 17, 2006
Amigara Fault
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Shit I was writing a muthafuckin' long post and it logged me off and I lost everything.
Some things:

1. People=animals. Simplicity multiplied.
2. "Humanity" is just an idea - we took what we considered the best in the animal world. For 99,5% of people the "humanity standard" is too high.
3. You feel scorn for "beasts"? Tu es homo?
4. Sex is healthy for you body and for your mind.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
think love and sex are not in any way connected

Well, modern psychiatry would have a field day with you. :lol:

But not to keep on derailing this thread. Anyone ever found out what that dog near Odo's house is guarding after you kill the "plants"? Personally I feel as if this cut scene makes more sense before you encounter these things. Especially as I've never found any clue on what that darn dog is doing.

The combat can also become rather hard even on "normal". I made the mistake of attacking a group of drowners near the merchants bridge without any preperation. Their numbers kinda surprised me, especially as mid battle a number of Barghast spwaned nearby. I was quickly surrounded and was being hit from all sides. At first I thought about hightailing it, but the battle was a lot of fun and I was curious wether I could make it. In the end I barely through liberal use of my aard sign, potions and jumping around trying to avoid being surrounded. Best combat so far, and a lot of fun to see a field filled with "remains".


Jul 23, 2005
Jasede, please go away. This is the second time you've tried to derail this thread with your kindergarten bible morals.

We all know you're only advocating chastity before marriage because you're an ugly nerd virgin who couldn't get any if he paid up, regardless of what the fucking bible says. Make your own thread about it. It doesn't belong in here just because you're intellectually incapable of roleplaying someone who doesn't give a fuck about the bible (the bible doesn't even exist in that world afaik).


May 21, 2007
So I went out and bought the collector's edition. I'm such a whore... :cry:


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
It just came up when Kraszu commented on one of my own comments. I am not going away until I get banned, dear Vrok, though you're free to judge me.

Anyway, you do have a point. Sorry for the derailing, keep discussing the game, guys. It doesn't sound so bad. After all the bad things can be avoided and are optional and that makes it okay in my book.


May 27, 2005
Jasede said:
I would much rather only have that good meal on a special occasion because, (and this is specific to me) the rarity and exclusiveness does make it taste better (at least in my imagination).

I don't have one specific favourite food. I eat diferent kinds of food, but all good I don't eat bad tasting food to like good food more, and from my exp, for me it would not work. I would agree that you should not do only one thing, but have diferent sort of things that you like.

I don't agree that you should do things that you don't like, just to make others feel better.


Mar 7, 2006
Jasede, have you ever actually been in love? I'm asking because from what you write I get the impression that your understanding of love is pretty limited to what's written in books, shown in movies and told in songs. Idealism is nice all in all but it's shit if it blocks the way to the real thing. There's nothing magical about love and sex (at least how I have experienced it) but it's definitely worth lowering your idealism. And you saying casual sex is "beasty" made me laugh out loudly, coming from a furry and all that.


Jun 19, 2007
I dont think its fair to dwell upon who Jasede is or who he is not. It would have been better if you guys would just accepted his philosophy of life and confronted with yours. And asking if he was or was not in love is just irrelevant.

Though I still think The Witcher is perfectly okey. Like in real life: you can act like "beasty" or not. And its great that this game is giving you a choice.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Good highlight:
You can actually 'Track quest' if you really need it. It's like a toggeable quest compass.

Check your journal, select track this quest. Untrack it the same way.


Apr 26, 2007
This is a stupid discussion. Look, in real life my morality is more similar to Jasede's than I probably ought to admit here - I'm no gay furry, but I've never had sex outside of a relationship, have been in a long-term relationship for five years, and have no plans to change. My point is, that doesn't matter at all. I love The Witcher; it's an RPG, escapism and whatnot. Who cares if its morality isn't the same as your real life morality? You're not playing yourself in a gameworld; you're taking on the role of someone else. As one true hero on the official boards pointed out, the character can't even be "molded to appear like the person shelling out $50 for the game."


Apr 26, 2007
RK47 said:
Good highlight:
You can actually 'Track quest' if you really need it. It's like a toggeable quest compass.

Check your journal, select track this quest. Untrack it the same way.

You guys wouldn't believe the confusion this is causing amongst the morons elsewhere. The tracking only points you to the place where you've been told someone should be (e.g., their shop), so depending on time of day and your place in the plot they may or may not be there. Every time that happens to someone, they post on the forums that it's a bug, and half the responses are along the lines of "don't worry, it's a known bug but it seems to fix itself after a while" . . . neither party realizing that it's just that the NPC has gone home for the night.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
take it to general discussion ffs. this is rpg discussion. not 'the correct way to have sex in real life' forum. go take your bleeding vaginas elsewhere.


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
You guys wouldn't believe the confusion this is causing amongst the morons elsewhere. The tracking only points you to the place where you've been told someone should be (e.g., their shop), so depending on time of day and your place in the plot they may or may not be there. Every time that happens to someone, they post on the forums that it's a bug, and half the responses are along the lines of "don't worry, it's a known bug but it seems to fix itself after a while" . . . neither party realizing that it's just that the NPC has gone home for the night.

Einstein once said a very true thing. "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe".

However this thread on the witcher forums is pretty spot on in what I dig about this game. Seems the love for real crpg's is not dead after all.



Jan 16, 2007
I've just spent about 8 hours playing this damn game, and I think I finally know why I like it despite all its flaws :)
It's because the setting, the atmosphere and the gameplay itself are so, err, non-generic. Meaning, there's less typical fantasy crap, less pseudochoices a'la Bioware (good answer/neutral answer/evil answer/[persuasion]), less handholding, less hauling of the proverbial 'ph4t l00t' than in an average cRPG. Also, the characters actually have some cojones and the story is quite interesting and well told, instead of being yet another reiteration of the same 'brave peasant with a destiny fighting a great evil' routine.

The game looks like it's made by amateurs (well, maybe not completely, but...), yet with so much love and skill, that it shines despite its shortcomings.

I think it looks a bit like an indy game... but with a 20M budget. I love it, but I can see why some people might actually dislike that - hence the 7/10 scores in some of the 'profeshunal' mags.


Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
I am really not going to tell you what's right or wrong

Because in this matter there is no right or wrong, just different points of views and tastes. Wrong would be to fuck someone who doesn't want to be fucked (AKA rape).

I have some pretty funny and outdated views on morality. They work for me. That's that! If you work differently, that's cool

I'm not too different from you in my views. I don't have sex for just having sex, I prefer to do it with someone I care and I really like.

I'll tell you I don't agree with that when it comes up, simply because this is a free forum of opinions, and that's that. It's just how I feel and if you feel differently, seriously, that's okay. (Though I don't consider your view okay, but that, too, is okay. Freedom of opinion!)

Heh, the thing is that is not that you didn't agree, but reacted like an "opensexphobic", when the phrase I posted reflected very well how reality is, even though I don't really like it being that way, it's how it is (especially the power part).

Also, I don't really think the gender of the partner, Elhoim, is an issue in these meditations.

I brought it up because on how you reacted. It reminded me of those close minded people who considers gays and furries deviants and beast that are far away from correct human behaviours. AFAIK, you are gay and have a furry fetichism, and found it funny that you reacted in the same way that some people would judge you, instead of being more open minded.

I am glad the Witcher includes the last thing Elhoim wrote, it improves the game already quite a bit in my opinion.

Yep, the first girl with whom you have sex is the love of your life. If you want, you can roleplay a cast and pure Geralt who is only devoted to one woman. :)

Anyway, sorry for derrailing this further.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
bozia2012 said:
1. People=animals.

Does that make us all furries now? HOGODPERISHTHETHOUGHT!!1

Jasede said:
There's so much beauty in the world

Nonsense. There is no beauty in the world, life is an ugly beast, we are teh animalz, darkness, crawling in my skin, why am i alone, WHY? :emo:

Don't fret too much over this. People who like Gerard are the same faggots who think Deadwood is a masterpiece of cinematographic realism. Bored, overpriviliged, overfed and overprotected pimple faced pseudo-nihilists blathering about 'reality' while playing a computer game in the safety and swollen luxury of a fading civilization of which they know absolutely nothing about. :spat:


Apr 26, 2007
Lyric Suite said:
Nonsense. There is no beauty in the world, life is an ugly beast, we are teh animalz, darkness, crawling in my skin, why am i alone, WHY? :emo:

Don't fret too much over this. People who like Gerard are the same faggots who think Deadwood is a masterpiece of cinematographic realism. Bored, overpriviliged, overfed and overprotected pimple faced pseudo-nihilists blathering about 'reality' while playing a computer game in the safety and swollen luxury of a fading civilization of which they know absolutely nothing about. :spat:

Q F Ridiculous. This is not going in my review.

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