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The Witcher 1 Thread


Jan 16, 2007
Hey, I think I just encountered a weird browser problem.

When I click on the 'The Witcher - reactions?' link on the Codex main page I am somehow redirected to the 'Sad musings of a pathetic erotophobic twat' thread.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Could it be because I'm using IE 7?


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Don't fret too much over this. People who like Gerard are the same faggots who think Deadwood is a masterpiece of cinematographic realism. Bored, overpriviliged, overfed and overprotected pimple faced pseudo-nihilists blathering about 'reality' while playing a computer game in the safety and swollen luxury of a fading civilization of which they know absolutely nothing about. :spat:

Apparently our LS is still not getting any.

Hey, I think I just encountered a weird browser problem.

When I click on the 'The Witcher - reactions?' link on the Codex main page I am somehow redirected to the 'Sad musings of a pathetic erotophobic twat' thread.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Could it be because I'm using IE 7?

It's a well known glitch of the codex hivemind. Expect the problems to be flamed away in a page or two.


Apr 26, 2007
caliban said:
Could it be because I'm using IE 7?

It's better with Opera. Opera is faster, lighter and more modern. Opera did all the things that Firefox does, first. Opera is cooler than you are. Opera is the Chosen One. ::fanboy::


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
Because of i don't see the fap appeal to pixel-shaded erotica?

Nah, more because of the bitterness that permeate almost every one of your posts. Kinda like what you wrote earlier.

Bored, overpriviliged, overfed and overprotected pimple faced pseudo-nihilists blathering about 'reality' while playing a computer game in the safety and swollen luxury of a fading civilization of which they know absolutely nothing about. :spat:

It doesn't quite mark you as the light of the party. Or even as a remotely interesting or nice person. Oh well.

Anyway, on the witcher. It's kinda silly to denounce it as an rpg because it has a bit of erotica in it. The themes are a bit more mature, but it remains a game. In a genre that this site is kinda dedicated to. And to be honest, it's a bloody great game.


Mar 19, 2007
Jasede said:
Why is it wrong/immoral? Well, it's apparent: in my perception of the world, sheltered and naive as it be, there's such a thing as love, and you cheapen it, as well as one of its most intimate expressions, sexuality, by making the latter a common, dirty and meaninfless thing, you ultimately cheapen yourself. I miss the days when coyness and chastity were virtues, and were loved ones would preserve themselves for each other, instead of corrupting themselves with the sin.

1. Sexuality may be the "most intimate expression of love" (I'll go into that in my second point), but certainly not the most crucial. Love can very well exist without sexual desires for the person you love. You know, I love my mother and I certainly don't want to fuck her. Old couples love each other without the need for sex. In a sense I also love my best friend, I could imagine living with him in the same place for years, sharing money and experience, joy and sorrow... depend on him. And I am not homosexual.
In fact your statement implies that you overestimate the impact of sex, maybe because your lack thereof. It would indeed be terrible if a powerful emotion and prescious state of mind like love could be destroyed by something as trivial as sex.
To say that by having sex independently from love you become immoral and it somehow somehow diminishes the value of love, is maybe the most uninformed and blatently stupid statement I've ever heard.

2."most intimate expression of love" describes only one sort of sex, in fact and I believe that sex can manifest itself in two forms (or fulfill two purposes): One, fucking: a physically pleasing act. It feels good, that's why you like to do it. Like eating when you are hungry or taking a piss if you feel the need. Hell even winning a fucking football match or whatever your hobbies are. You get a certain satisfaction out of it, that's why you do it. This act can exist entirely outside of a love relationship (at least for men). Ha, or do you jerk off to furry porn every day because you love... yourself?
Then there is this sort of sex where you show affection and love for your partner, when you want to feel her near you and be secure, where somehow through sex you can express and share these feelings. But this isn't the only or most important means to show that.

[LyricSuite]By the way you seem to understand sex in a very feminine way [/LyricSuite] Not that this is inherently bad, but alas, it is interesting.

3."corrupting yourself with the sin" .. that borders on religious mania. Sexual intercourse is no sin, and what is a sin anyway, except what some fuck declared thousands of years ago. Why do you think it somehow corrupts you? Would it not be much worse if you betrayed your shared friendship in leaving that person for example? I don't know about you, but if my partner, whom I have respected and cherrished for 20 years (that's admittedly hypothetical, because it would mean that I've had a partner since the age of 3), sleeps with some other guy but wants to spend the rest of her life with me, I could fogive that. It might make me pissed off and feel a bit betrayed, but in the long run, it wouldn't matter.

One could argue about the value of partnership for life where procreation is the chief purpose in our modern society, but I don't want to get into that right now.

Jasede said:
Just "having fun" invariably leads to people becoming people I don't like, I have seen it often. They start viewing people no longer as persons, but merely as sexual objects and have no sense of responsibility or attachment left.

I really don't see any causality here. Why would I "see someone as an object" simply because I am sexually attracted to that person. Only because you are intellectually attracted to the codex doesn't somehow make you degrading it members to objects, right?
Another thought: even if It did, would it be so wrong, if said other person enjoyed the one-night-stand too? I don't automatically become less moral if I seek satisfaction (if I don't harm anyone in doing so), on the contrary, maybe I helped to brighten up some girl's lousy day (or to enlighten some RPG noobs on the Codex). And I certainly won't lose any responsibility.

Wow, this has grown a bit too long and tangential then I had intended. If you want me to elaborate, maybe we should shift that discussion to PMs.
..I am not a profeshunal! philosopher and English isn't my first language, so please forgive any factual mistakes in my quick comments here.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Chapter2 i'm just having issues with my onboard sound card. stutters after entering certain zones, i'm probably getting a new sound card sometime this week, but so far enjoying the exploration and atmosphere.

I think the dialogues are a mixed bag, and sometimes conversation sounded awkward, it could be the case of weird foreign translations, but sometimes Geralt can just spew long ass conversation from just 5-6 words length sentences. which i find quite out of place.

But i definitely feel a certain satisfaction when Geralt reflects back on his past choices and the present consequences he is facing. Loved his style of narration. Chapter 1 had a moment where he preached the virtue of 'almost'. He delivered it quite well.


Apr 26, 2007
I felt like the dialogs improved markedly after I hit Vizima, but it's possible it was just me getting used to them. Anyone else feel the same way?

By the way, voiceacting is surprisingly decent. Despite the occasional misemphasized line (often one of Geralt's, annoyingly enough) it's quite solid overall. Not to the level of VTMB or MOTB, but drastically better than Gothic.


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
It doesn't quite mark you as the light of the party. Or even as a remotely interesting or nice person. Oh well.

What are you talking about? This man is the real deal. :hitlersyouth: I would love to have a beer with you Lyric Suite!! Wait

So 'bloody great game' it is now? I thought the consensus was 'good but not great', although it seems to be between the two by now.

I have yet to get my hands on the filthy untasteful pseudo-nihilistic thing myself, but I'm willing to bet it's a good game by now. Thank you Codex!!


Jul 23, 2005
The consensus is that however good you thought or heard MotB was, The Witcher is better.


Apr 26, 2007
vrok said:
The consensus is that however good you thought or heard MotB was, The Witcher is better.

That's excessive. Different people will have different tastes. I find The Witcher more fun, and I think it is more innovative, but MOTB is probably the better crafted game. The Witcher lacks the subtlety of MOTB, especially in its dialogs and in its choices/consequences. They're both great games, however. The Witcher is more rooted in Gothic, but improves upon it, while MOTB is more rooted in PST, but is inferior to it.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Personally I didnt see anything wrong with the dialogs or the voice acting. I find that VO is better than in NWN 2.

I am currently in the city and Im really enjoying the detective work. The city itself looks a lot better than Neverwinter, and not from a graphical point of view. I love it that you always have a journal full of quests, there is always something to do. If you pick up TW, you probably want to know that Act 2 is better than Act 1(the outskirts)

Why did the developers decide to fill the barrels and crates with random stuff though? Its Morrowind all over. You enter some generic house, find a barrel with gold in it.

vrok said:
The consensus is that however good you thought or heard MotB was, The Witcher is better.

They are pretty different games.

BTW, did any of you refuse to help the dwarf in the outskirts? I cant see any positive consequences that would come from it.


May 11, 2007
vrok said:
The consensus is that however good you thought or heard MotB was, The Witcher is better.

i just got the witcher and loving it so far, in some areas (combat, alchemy) it absolutely destroys MOTB ..... in other areas it feels like juvenile crap compared to MOTB (dialogue for example ) .... wouldnt say either is better than the other though, both are great games and that they are quite different in their approach on cRPG is what makes it an even better cRPG autumn 2007.

though combining the strenghts of both witcher and MOTB and removing the weaknesses of both ..... hmm, such a game could be the new Superstar of cRPGs (yeah yeah, 6/10 in eurogamer guaranteed... but for smart people at least )


Jan 16, 2007
though combining the strenghts of both witcher and MOTB and removing the weaknesses of both ..... hmm, such a game could be the new Superstar of cRPGs (yeah yeah, 6/10 in eurogamer guaranteed... but for smart people at least )

Well, we'll have to wait for the sequel to see that ;)


Jul 23, 2005
The point was that if only one of them gets your money, The Witcher would be the better choice. You don't need NWN2 (which sucks), it's at the minimum twice as long, more C&C, not D&D, non worthless combat despite both being combat oriented. There's no doubt in my mind which is the better product.

Contrary to some of you I don't blame translation errors on the game itself, even though it was hardly as bad as some make it seem. I highly doubt MotB would have better dialogues in polish than The Witcher has theirs in english. Translation is almost always faulty, in every game, in every medium. Get the polish version if you're really that picky.


Apr 26, 2007
The Walkin' Dude said:
Why did the developers decide to fill the barrels and crates with random stuff though? Its Morrowind all over. You enter some generic house, find a barrel with gold in it.

I like that. It's mostly not gold, and if there is gold it's a trivial amount. Typically what you find in barrels and chests in houses are food, alcohol (sometimes strong enough to use in alchemy), flints, torches, clothing, etc. Occasionally you'll find something nicer, but generally in a place that makes sense. I like that you're not finding magical weapons and heaps of gems in random barrels in the middle of town, ala NWN. The Witcher encourages and rewards exploration, but doesn't require or encourage you to wander around grabbing phat lewt. You in fact can't carry around heaps of weapons or armor as in most RPGs, which is (again) refreshing. Most of your money comes from quests, monster bounties, dice poker (admittedly, a deeply retarded minigame), fist fighting, and selling rare alchemical ingredients that can only be obtained after investing experience and gaining knowledge.

vrok said:
Contrary to some of you I don't blame translation errors on the game itself, even though it was hardly as bad as some make it seem. I highly doubt MotB would have better dialogues in polish than The Witcher has theirs in english. Translation is almost always faulty, in every game, in every medium. Get the polish version if you're really that picky.

This is just dumb . . . I mean, maybe your point makes sense in some kind of idealized world, but in real life how many of us speak Polish? Obviously we have to judge the game based on what's available to us. Anyway, the dialogs aren't bad, and are sometimes actually quite clever. Still inferior to MOTB, though.


Jul 23, 2005
cardtrick said:
This is just dumb . . . I mean, maybe your point makes sense in some kind of idealized world, but in real life how many of us speak Polish? Obviously we have to judge the game based on what's available to us. Anyway, the dialogs aren't bad, and are sometimes actually quite clever. Still inferior to MOTB, though.
Some kind of idealized world? It's called Europe. We've been doing it since before your country (taking the liberty of assuming your location is correct) existed.

Believe it or not, but it makes a lot of sense over here. We make fun of the subtitles and that's it. We don't class a movie as bad because it has bad subtitles or dubbing. If you feel interested enough you learn the languages and can get classified as an intellectual, that's why "we" know English. Just because Americans don't learn other languages doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done.

Anyway, it's easy to not judge based on translation if you're familiar with its inherent flaws. I pretty much automatically correct it without much thinking. I guess it requires learning to have an open mind though.

I still think the derailment should be kept to a minimum though.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
The graphics are better than in NWN 2 but I can run around in the 3D mode, in the city, with no lagg at all on medium settings(havent yet tried higher ones), and I have minimum specs. During combat there also isnt any lagg.

Even though Mass Effect will probably win the RPG of the Year awards by bribed cocksuckers, TW is a MUST PLAY. I havent been this hooked to a game for a long time. I admit that the outskirts werent really all that interesting but Im fucking in love with the city.

For something that is clasified as an action RPG, TW has 10 times less combat than NWN 2, which is just an RPG. It is balanced very well. You wont go through 5 hours without seeing a fight ala ToEE Hamlet.


May 20, 2007
The Desert Wasteland
vrok said:
cardtrick said:
This is just dumb . . . I mean, maybe your point makes sense in some kind of idealized world, but in real life how many of us speak Polish? Obviously we have to judge the game based on what's available to us. Anyway, the dialogs aren't bad, and are sometimes actually quite clever. Still inferior to MOTB, though.
Some kind of idealized world? It's called Europe. We've been doing it since before your country (taking the liberty of assuming your location is correct) existed.

Believe it or not, but it makes a lot of sense over here. We make fun of the subtitles and that's it. We don't class a movie as bad because it has bad subtitles or dubbing. If you feel interested enough you learn the languages and can get classified as an intellectual, that's why "we" know English. Just because Americans don't learn other languages doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done.

Anyway, it's easy to not judge based on translation if you're familiar with its inherent flaws. I pretty much automatically correct it without much thinking. I guess it requires learning to have an open mind though.

I still think the derailment should be kept to a minimum though.

So are you saying that everyone in Europe speaks Polish? So you are all intellectuals because you speak english right? You do realize that English is the most spoken language in the world and the international language of business and countries that do not speak the same language very often speak english to each other right? I think that is the reason why most countries learn english, not because American's are too dumb or unwilling to learn other languages. There aren't many people here that speak other languages except spanish which I know a decent amount of because I live in the southwest.

Any that was off topic...I do agree people are a bit too harsh on dialog, I don't mind a few errors here and there and I think I have heard enough good things about this game to get it. Sounds like the Dev's put alot into it and have done a very nice job.


Sep 3, 2005
We've been doing it since before your country

*Cough* Modern English is as old as modern Polish. Though we are shit at learning languages too, as our ancestors were quite successful at the bestriding the world like a colossus thing.

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