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The Witcher 1 Thread


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
If I'm not wrong....hmmm..Dandelion is the only way to access storage I think.


Oct 28, 2007
250km south from The Witcher's creators office
dragonfk said:
indigo said:
Matt7895 said:
edit: that circular shaped part of Wyzima.. it awfuly reminds me some other game the name I dont want to mention... is it just me?

indigo said:
ehm.. i dont quite get it (yeah, i know, think whatever...) - whats that picture? i know its from TW - but how its related with my post above (if related)

(...) Nevertheless havent you noticed the guy which Geralt kicks? Dont you recognise him? Ill give you a hint: Tod...PR Bethesda monkey.

Oh, now i get it, thx. Sorry but I dont recognize bethe guys - remembering them would be waste of part of my brain. BTW nice pictures heh :) To be honest, one thing bethe did right was that voice of Patrick Stewart.. I mean, come on, i really miss that voice in TW :cool:

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Do all the choises have both positive and negative consequences? Or are some that you make a complete and utter FAIl while others highly rewarding. Specifially, would there be someone to replace that Dwarf you can save in the outskirts? Hes all over the place, helping you with side quests and having lots of dialogs etc. Does it somehow balance it out if you dont save his ass?


Jun 17, 2006
Amigara Fault
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again!
Direwolf said:
Jaime Lannister said:
Was it Geralt or that one dwarf who said "moral relativism kills people"? Either way I found that to be a strange statement in a game with a tagline of "no good, no evil, only decisions and consequences."

In The Last Wish Geralt said that he didn't believe in "lesser evil".
I guess he changed his mind since then.

Zoltan says it when you get philosophical on his ass. What's strange with that? The "no good no evil" is just the reality in which TW is set. NPC's can have their opinions, right?

oh.. wai... tagline LOL


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
The Walkin' Dude said:
Do all the choises have both positive and negative consequences? Or are some that you make a complete and utter FAIl while others highly rewarding. Specifially, would there be someone to replace that Dwarf you can save in the outskirts? Hes all over the place, helping you with side quests and having lots of dialogs etc. Does it somehow balance it out if you dont save his ass?

interesting. i never really think anyone would let Zoltan get ganged up guess time for another replay.I am on my 2nd replay at the moment in chapter 2, although acceptable the first time, started to get on my nerves now. It's not the case of too many side quests either; entering. talking 2-3 lines. leaving. then saving. do it 2-3 times return to raymond. repeat. Not so nice :wink:


Dec 18, 2006
I don't want to read through 34 pages, so apologies if this was discussed earlier:

I'm curious about talent points in this game. Will the Witcher end up with all talents/skills maxed out by the end of the game (a la TES), or are the points scarce and it's neccessary to focus on select trees and make a choice between, say, melee and magic (a la games that don't suck)?

Brown points seem to be abundant and I was able to train most corresponding skills so far and am still getting 3 per levelup, but silver points are much more rare at 1 per level up. How does it continue? And what's the level cap, anyway?


Oct 28, 2007
250km south from The Witcher's creators office
made said:
I don't want to read through 34 pages, so apologies if this was discussed earlier:

I'm curious about talent points in this game. Will the Witcher end up with all talents/skills maxed out by the end of the game (a la TES), or are the points scarce and it's neccessary to focus on select trees and make a choice between, say, melee and magic (a la games that don't suck)?

Brown points seem to be abundant and I was able to train most corresponding skills so far and am still getting 3 per levelup, but silver points are much more rare at 1 per level up. How does it continue? And what's the level cap, anyway?

I haven't finished game myself yet, but others do complain about Geralt being way too much powerful near to the end of a game, even on hard difficulty. So i guess this aspect isnt very well balanced and if you decide to take all side quests you re gonna max out.

offtopic: I dont know about you but imho while temple district is great, the merchant part sucks totally - its booring :/


Jul 23, 2005
When I finished it I had every bronze skill, maybe 60% of the silver ones and only 3 or 4 gold.


Oct 1, 2004
Equality Street.
Mayday said:
Same here. I've just finished act 2:
-the mystery solving was great
-the fact how long it took (all the while keeping me on edge) is incredible
-the fact that I had to actually think for myself is a rare thing
-the combat is still not tiresome and there's not too much of it (well, maybe the drowners on the swamps are a bit annoying) - that's very good

Also coccacidium oh my god D:

Hehe yeah, getting the trophy was worth it though. As for the drowners i think i saw a charm for sale that said it warded off the drowned dead. Could of just been a bit of bullshit though.

Also has anybody bought a new armour yet?, i don't fancy spending every penny i have only to have it replaced by a quest.


Jun 17, 2007
St. Petersburg, Russia
made said:
Brown points seem to be abundant and I was able to train most corresponding skills so far and am still getting 3 per levelup, but silver points are much more rare at 1 per level up. How does it continue? And what's the level cap, anyway?

Here is the talent progression

level: bronze-silver-gold
1-15:  3------0------0
15-19: 3------1------0
20-29: 2------2------0
30-39: 1------2------1
40-44: 1------3------1
45-58: 1------4------1
49-50: 0------0------2

On normal difficulty setting you usually have a level 37 character by the end of the game.

Texas Red

Sep 9, 2006
Didnt buy no drowner repeller. I like bashing those weaklings, especially with the group style.

Im in Act 3 and I havent yet bought any new armor. On the next playthrough I will have more moneyz because I had to purchase expensive ingredients on this one.

So is there anyone here who didnt help Zoltan or what?


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
the charms sorta work, they seem to poison the mob in question (there's one for vampires, giant centipedes, and others) question so ti doesn't engage you but instead runs away, though that effect stops after a while and they come after you. still enough of an effect if you just want to run through an area or get a better start on a group.
Lestat said:
level: bronze-silver-gold
1-15:  3------0------0
15-19: 3------1------0
20-29: 2------2------0
30-39: 1------2------1
40-44: 1------3------1
45-58: 1------4------1
49-50: 0------0------2
weird, my lvl 141 witcher has 1 billion bronze talents..


Feb 6, 2005
Borat's Fantasy Land
Here's my review (somewhat belated, but oh well):

The witcher is clearly one of the best RPGs ive played so far. It's a very balanced rpg with both roleplaying value and very intense combat implemented extremely well. Now, I woulnd't say the choice & consequence quality of the game is top-notch -- in fact, it's rather linear, though openended. However, the way you execute quests and the abscence of strict evil or good paths makes up for any deficiency in certain quest node choices. Devs didnt lie when they praised the "gray" roleplaying -- moral choices ARENT black and white, and I personally had a hard time choosing my alliegencies. Also, there is always a way to maintain neutrality to all the political plots and schemes.

Also, the Witcher is probably the most down to earth fantasy rpg ive ever seen. It feels extremely natural and "casual" in a good way. sure you have very serious nation-wide schemes and conflicts and the like, but at the same time you can, say, gather some of your buddies and spend a night getting dead-drunk, all the while talkin about good ole' days (it's also useful because you've lost most of your memories of the past). Don't get me started about how you can pretty much shape up your witcher behaviour from a stern and deadly-serious assassin, to a brigant-like brawler who fucks everything that lives, got nice boobs, walks on two legs and bleeds constantly without dying. See, even despite the fact that your general role is already set -- you are, after all, a witcher, and you cant change it -- you can still shape up your behavioral patterns the way you see fit, and amnesia helps a lot. Funny how this often hated and overdone mechanic is so convenient and helpful in this particular case -- you see, Geralt has already been well-established as a character in the course of the book series, but the amnesia helps you basically change the canon of the character, make him a little (or a lot) different, or perhaps, avid book fans would like to roleplay Geralt as they remember him from the books.

Another brilliant element of the game is its combat system. Simply perfect for the sword-saint Witcher character. I mean take NWN for example -- melee combat was crap, it was basically knockdown + hit and repeat. I'm a maximalist on this matter, really: it's either full TB combat a'la ToEE where you have tons of moves and special melee abilities to execute, or an action-stat hybrid. However, even the latter, as easy and overdone as it seems to be, problems often arise during the development cycle, and we get half-assed imbalanced systems, which either put you inside your character and offer you to just clcik someone to death, having stats work magic in your stead, or steering far too much into the action part. Witcher excels at keeping a nice balance between the two extremes: there is no such thing as incessant clicking and button mashing; instead, you rely on infrequent precisely-timed clicks in order to execute the combo, all the while depending heavily on the character skill tree to provide you with more combo options and additional special abiltieis (adding magic effects to your combos et al). Combat is extremely fluid and challenging, keeping you alert at all times, without those painfully boring moments of watching your lone fighter chop baddies to shreds. Even easy opponents require concentration, especially if they outnumber you.

Also, Witcher is probably the only RPG out there which has such a simple yet VERY effective alchemy system. The key word here is the IMPORTANCE. Alchemy is vital to your survival, mostly because, well, you face your enemies alone (unlike DND games where you have a party), and you're not some half-dragon celestial undead bhaal-spawn. Also, it is because alchemy is something that your kind, the witchers, is unparalleleled, and such powerful potions would simply kill a simple human, while your mutation allows you to withstand quite large doses of that poison (yet you can consume only so many potions before you get terribly intoxicated, and will require rest before you can go for another potion binge -- great mechanic to prevent the diablo2-style mass pot consumption). Also, the process of finding ingredients and then brewing potions out of them, using formulae, is quite exciting and rarely feels like a chore. For instance, in order to collect herbs in the wilderness, or extract ingredients from the beasts you kill, you have to obtain the required books or other information sources, otherwise youll have to spend tons of money on buying ingredients from vendors.

Art-style wise the game shines, as well. There is but one flaw to is -- scarcity of unique faces. Like, most old women have the exact same face (even if the characters wearing them are quite important to the story). HOwever, those few unique models are well-done.
The cutscenes look amazing, great direction and dialogs.

All NPCs have nice schedules and good small scripts. FOr instance, townspeople would hide from the rain, once it gets too bad. All NPCs, especially key ones, follow individual schedules, and througout the day you can find them in very different places, or in-between them.

My only big gripe with the game is its bugginess and bad optimization. The loading times are indeed unreasonably high, it's very strenous to just sit and wait a long time before reaching a location you're REALLY looking forward to because of the exciting story, so it can somewhat degrade your experience.

Other than that, the game is a fucking masterpiece.

I'm curious about talent points in this game. Will the Witcher end up with all talents/skills maxed out by the end of the game (a la TES), or are the points scarce and it's neccessary to focus on select trees and make a choice between, say, melee and magic (a la games that don't suck)?
At the end of the game you have around 80% of the total amount of skills in the game.

I havent tried it yet, but I do think it's entirely possible even on hardest difficulty (dont play on normal anyways) to walk through the game without ever mastering or even getting medium skill in any of the swordfighting styles, concentrating on magic and bombs. Bombs are actually deadly, if used and prepared right.

One thing that is always going to be vital for your success is alchemy, but it's not really connected with a lot of skills, only about two. It's largely based on recipies and knowledge of different monster types (that's what i loved about the game - you have to read books and learn different monster kinds in order to get ingredients from them).

Deleted member 7219

indigo said:
made said:
I don't want to read through 34 pages, so apologies if this was discussed earlier:

I'm curious about talent points in this game. Will the Witcher end up with all talents/skills maxed out by the end of the game (a la TES), or are the points scarce and it's neccessary to focus on select trees and make a choice between, say, melee and magic (a la games that don't suck)?

Brown points seem to be abundant and I was able to train most corresponding skills so far and am still getting 3 per levelup, but silver points are much more rare at 1 per level up. How does it continue? And what's the level cap, anyway?

I haven't finished game myself yet, but others do complain about Geralt being way too much powerful near to the end of a game, even on hard difficulty. So i guess this aspect isnt very well balanced and if you decide to take all side quests you re gonna max out.

offtopic: I dont know about you but imho while temple district is great, the merchant part sucks totally - its booring :/

I finished the game with loads of skills unchosen, the last part of the game was still quite challenging and I felt in no way uber-powered. I did regret not having a complete skill set but there you go, you need to pick and choose.


Oct 2, 2006
Matt7895 said:
I finished the game with loads of skills unchosen, the last part of the game was still quite challenging and I felt in no way uber-powered. I did regret not having a complete skill set but there you go, you need to pick and choose.
I guess you either didn't do a lot of the side quests (thus not being a high lvl) or gimped your Geralt in some awesome way. Even without Igni spam, last 2 chapters are way too easy (except for the "crab" thingie, which is of moderate difficulty).

Deleted member 7219

Marsal said:
Matt7895 said:
I finished the game with loads of skills unchosen, the last part of the game was still quite challenging and I felt in no way uber-powered. I did regret not having a complete skill set but there you go, you need to pick and choose.
I guess you either didn't do a lot of the side quests (thus not being a high lvl) or gimped your Geralt in some awesome way. Even without Igni spam, last 2 chapters are way too easy (except for the "crab" thingie, which is of moderate difficulty).

Oh they were easy, but I had to use potions to make them easy... no way could I have survived on skills alone.

I did almost all the side quests, though I did skip the poker games and a few of the contracts, such as the graveir and alghoul contracts in Chapters 2/3, because they stopped spawning. And I couldn't finish the armour quest in Chapter 4 because of a bug. I think that must have negatively affected my exp.


Feb 10, 2007
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Matt7895 said:
And I couldn't finish the armour quest in Chapter 4 because of a bug.
That quest is impossible to finish in act 4...

Anyway. I'll probably post my impressions from finishing the game on the medium difficulty this weekend.

Deleted member 7219

KazikluBey said:
Matt7895 said:
And I couldn't finish the armour quest in Chapter 4 because of a bug.
That quest is impossible to finish in act 4...

Anyway. I'll probably post my impressions from finishing the game on the medium difficulty this weekend.

Sorry, I meant 5. For some reason at the time of writing I thought there were only 4 chapters in the game.


Aug 27, 2006
Just got to the end of Act III last night, and some of the decisions in this act were extremely well done (especially the Werewolf, and the King)! This whole game is making me think alot about how everything in life has a dark underbelly to it, from the corrupt politicians with personal agendas to the lovers who only stay with you out of fear from being alone, from the tasty donut that's loaded with heart-stopping fat and cholesterol to the workplace beurocracies, the instinctive inclinations to kill yourself with booze every Saturday night, and the fact that we're all dying tomorrow due to mankind's inherent inability to leave a meaningful trace.

Not that these are uncommon notions, but to see them reflected so clearly in a game is really unique and astounding; I only hope it keeps up... but so far, CDProjekt has really put Bethesda to shame, and as a studio they most certainly belong in the same category as Origin and Troika. It's really promising to see that games like this can still be made after an 8 year drought.


Dec 12, 2005
What is the combat like in this game? What does it compare to if anything? I'll probably pick the game up regardless as it appears the game has received the RPGCodex seal of approval however. It'll have to wait for me to finish Crysis, but Witcher does look awesome.

I apologize if this has already been discussed.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
The combat seems to be a better adaptation of Ultima 8 and 9 minus ranged weapons. You left click to initiate combat, then instead of clicking blindly, you wait for a cue to click, on easy mode there's a flaming sword icon, on hard mode there would be a sound cue. If you do this right, Geralt will do higher damage.

Come to think about it, if anyone can somehow convert Ultima 8 or 9 into a mod with this engine...oh god. Minus the sucking Mario jumping that would rock hard.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Matt7895 said:
KazikluBey said:
Matt7895 said:
And I couldn't finish the armour quest in Chapter 4 because of a bug.
That quest is impossible to finish in act 4...

Anyway. I'll probably post my impressions from finishing the game on the medium difficulty this weekend.

Sorry, I meant 5. For some reason at the time of writing I thought there were only 4 chapters in the game.

There were 6....if you count epilogue :)

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