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The Witcher 3 Pre-Release Thread [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Jul 9, 2011
The wither series is mostly famous for its mature approach to sex after all.

Like sex on a unicorn?

Better than a sex with a unicorn. DAI already had sex with bulls, unicorns are a small next step.

Yes, yes and the next logical step is sex with mermaids/sirens. I even have a scientific graph on how sex with a mermaid is possible. Take notes CDPR!


Zoom into the left drawing. Two vertebrae down from where the hipbones meet in front you'll see a vertical blue line.



Jul 25, 2014
Yes, yes and the next logical step is sex with mermaids/sirens. I even have a scientific graph on how sex with a mermaid is possible. Take notes CDPR!
Zoom into the left drawing. Two vertebrae down from where the hipbones meet in front you'll see a vertical blue line.

What are the trolls doing in that post. Honestly, it's very naive of you to assume they don't have mermaid fucking in TW3 already.


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

this fucking shit, it only lacks his dick swinging out, fucking distatefull, *spits on the ground*.

Is this is what the core witcher audience expects? who are these people? they are as bad as bioware crowd.

Here's the whole thing, hilarious as usual:



Sep 20, 2014
What are the trolls doing in that post. Honestly, it's very naive of you to assume they don't have mermaid fucking in TW3 already.


and he didn't mind other (humanoid) beings / monsters as well:



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
just rage-quitted a bit after doing a lengthy walk around in act 3 swamp.


Mar 28, 2014
Yes, yes and the next logical step is sex with mermaids/sirens. I even have a scientific graph on how sex with a mermaid is possible. Take notes CDPR!

Zoom into the left drawing. Two vertebrae down from where the hipbones meet in front you'll see a vertical blue line.


Mermaids in Witcher world lay eggs or something like that. There was short story about dude and mermaid trying to be together. She wanted him to change into triton (?) he wanted her human.


Dec 19, 2014
just rage-quitted a bit after doing a lengthy walk around in act 3 swamp.

That's why i played the first witcher only two times,the game has too much backtracking,for every god damn clue geralt found,he had to go back and talk about the next clue,rinse repeat.It was tedious and that's the second major flaw of the game, beside the lousy combat.I fear that the Witcher 3 will have the same problem and now with the world being so big,imagine the amount of :flamesaw:


Jul 25, 2014
That's why i played the first witcher only two times,the game has too much backtracking,for every god damn clue geralt found,he had to go back and talk about the next clue,rinse repeat.It was tedious and that's the second major flaw of the game,
That problem exists in games it shouldn't be in too. I recently played E.Y.E for a little bit and that game is completely retarded with this sort of thing. It doesn't have much of it but what makes it ridiculous is the fact that while doing a quest some dude is constantly giving me instructions or clues. When I finish the quest I have to go back to him only for him give me some instructions and clues and tell me to get back out there.

The worst offender I ever seen though is FC2. A dude calls you on the phone and gives you coordinates to come and meet him. When you reach him all he does is give you 3 lines about what you have to do. Why couldn't he told me that crap on the phone?:retarded:


Dec 19, 2014
That's why i played the first witcher only two times,the game has too much backtracking,for every god damn clue geralt found,he had to go back and talk about the next clue,rinse repeat.It was tedious and that's the second major flaw of the game,
That problem exists in games it shouldn't be in too. I recently played E.Y.E for a little bit and that game is completely retarded with this sort of thing. It doesn't have much of it but what makes it ridiculous is the fact that while doing a quest some dude is constantly giving me instructions or clues. When I finish the quest I have to go back to him only for him give me some instructions and clues and tell me to get back out there.

The worst offender I ever seen though is FC2. A dude calls you on the phone and gives you coordinates to come and meet him. When you reach him all he does is give you 3 lines about what you have to do. Why couldn't he told me that crap on the phone?:retarded:
Because developers wants you play longer,to make you say ''My god,i played for 100 hours and still didn't finished it'',that's how everything works these days,they tell you the game length is 100-200 hours and then you realise you spend 100 hours going back and forth like a retard for trivial things.That's what people call quantity over quality and that's why i hate most of the open world games.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
It's awesome, they concluded the 3rd chapter with Geralt nearly dying to an ambush after discovering a royal coup, only to be teleported away at the last minute.


Upon arriving and witnessing a drowned city rising to the surface with 'fishpeople' living in there, a water nymph told him she lost her necklace when bathing near the village and she will be pleased to reward Geralt with useful trinkets if he kills a named Drowner to recover the missing necklace.


:retarded: Old habits die hard indeed.

Morkar Left

That's why i played the first witcher only two times,the game has too much backtracking,for every god damn clue geralt found,he had to go back and talk about the next clue,rinse repeat.It was tedious and that's the second major flaw of the game,
That problem exists in games it shouldn't be in too. I recently played E.Y.E for a little bit and that game is completely retarded with this sort of thing. It doesn't have much of it but what makes it ridiculous is the fact that while doing a quest some dude is constantly giving me instructions or clues. When I finish the quest I have to go back to him only for him give me some instructions and clues and tell me to get back out there.

The worst offender I ever seen though is FC2. A dude calls you on the phone and gives you coordinates to come and meet him. When you reach him all he does is give you 3 lines about what you have to do. Why couldn't he told me that crap on the phone?:retarded:
Because developers wants you play longer,to make you say ''My god,i played for 100 hours and still didn't finished it'',that's how everything works these days,they tell you the game length is 100-200 hours and then you realise you spend 100 hours going back and forth like a retard for trivial things.That's what people call quantity over quality and that's why i hate most of the open world games.

The main problem is actually that nothing happens between going from point A to point B. New games are designed the way that nothing surprising / not scripted can happen anymore because gameplay is completely streamlined and reduced to basics / simple affairs. Getting from point A to B in e.g. Starflight or RoA meant that anything could happen before you reached your actual goal.
E.g. in Straflight you had to manage your fuel and cargo for repairs. Having encounters on a simple flight which was supposed to get you from A to B could give you a fight which you have to flee from, looking for a planet to get repair materials with its own hazards (not to mention to find one via scanning etc. while hoping fuel will be enough), to a wormhole which you teleports on an for you completely unknown part of the universe, encountering a new species with negotiations turning out badly because your com officers is dead and you suck at it...
In new games, even in openworld ones, you can maybe find new things inbetween your questmarkers, but the gameplay is that streamlined that nothing can really happen to you which makes it in general a boring experience (I'm looking at you especially PoE).


PS4 gameplay, KURWA edition.

Pociąć skurwysyna! Sorry Charles, you're not enough to win me over.


Jul 9, 2011
PS4 gameplay, KURWA edition.

Pociąć skurwysyna! Sorry Charles, you're not enough to win me over.

Ten skurwiel czaruje! :P - Yup, there is nothing better than a proper human language version.

Also when Geralt talks to Płotka/Roche, Rozenek sounds more like the emotional Geralt from Witcher 1 than the indiffrent Geralt from Witcher 2. Did they change the director of the dub?


Jun 4, 2010
Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2
Those jumps Geralt makes look insane. It's not unheard of, but in the context that they have mocapped so much, these kangaroo hops look pretty wierd and misplaced.


Sep 11, 2005
Over there.
Hey guys, I won't be here long. Just checking to see if the usual has happened. You know, guarded enthusiasm at first, then the slow disintegration of that into the almost gleeful conclusion that this is going to be the worst thing ever based on superficial bullshit that has suddenly been deemed important? Oh yeah, I see it has.

Carry on, gents.

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