By this point I don't believe anything anymore, from anyone.I've come bearing more copium
I continue to believe that the nigger is not real
If this turns out to be fake (which it will), it's legitimately impressive how many people AI slop has successfully tricked. This will not be the last time it happens.Anyway if all this is some sophisticated trolling or an attempt to sabotage the game then it's working because plummeting from 5th place on Steam to 12th is preeeetty rough, no two ways about that. If anything it should go up, culminating in No. 1 on the release day.
Vavra could easily stop it all.. silence is damning..By this point I don't believe anything anymore, from anyone.I've come bearing more copium
I continue to believe that the nigger is not real
Anyway if all this is some sophisticated trolling or an attempt to sabotage the game then it's working because plummeting from 5th place on Steam to 12th is preeeetty rough, no two ways about that. If anything it should go up, culminating in No. 1 on the release day.
The 17th place includes steamdeck and free to play games. 5th place did not include those. If those are included, the best KCD2 placement so far was I think number 12, and that was when the previews came out. It is natural that it drops a bit after that hype fell off, and will be number 1 few days before release and stay them for some time.It might be completely natural and not related to recent events, but KC:D2 did drop several spots in the top selling lists.
I have never seen leaks like this turn out to be fake and I have seen some truly outrageous ones. Imho all of the leaks are real, at best there might be some explanation or missing context but I wouldnt get my hopes up.If this turns out to be fake (which it will), it's legitimately impressive how many people AI slop has successfully tricked. This will not be the last time it happens.Anyway if all this is some sophisticated trolling or an attempt to sabotage the game then it's working because plummeting from 5th place on Steam to 12th is preeeetty rough, no two ways about that. If anything it should go up, culminating in No. 1 on the release day.
Final Fantasy XVI greatly diminished the anime influences in favor of a generic late-medieval fantasy Europe setting:Islam is right about anime.I believe it because its the same thing that happened with FF16
Ayo, hol up, lemme explen dis best there might be some explanation
Yeah, that's the thing. This could have been over within 2 hours. People would have kept their pre-orders, but nooooooo. Better call someone a Nazi.Vavra could easily stop it all.. silence is damning..
Maybe it would be considered racist, or homophobic to go out and say something (according the publisher). And they want to avoid that headache… to this headache, lol.The lack of a definite answer is suspicious. Especially with how outspoken he's been elsewhere.
Even if it's false, he should know full well that detractors of the game and those with legitimate concerns about subversion won't let the issue go so the pushback will continue from here.
Take it easy on the racism buckaroo. Compared to medieval Europe, Mali was paradise. Hell, Africans hadn’t even invented rape yetMy biggest problem with leaks so far: one thing is to have KFC nigger in 15th century Bohemia. Another is for him to be chief medic in King's retinue and to lecture you about anti-gravital railways in 15th century Mali. Because that's what he does when he says how women are treated much better there and how roads are safe with no bandits. Bitchhhh
Learn one thing from niggers you can learn from them. How to properly treat women. Learn. Your whole life any struggle turn into lesson. Women ain't no ladies, and Vavra might be what many women are deep at their heart.Whorekurwa
VI had a character with a Zeppelin, I even named him Goering. Why they have worse technology now?Final Fantasy XVI greatly diminished the anime influences in favor of a generic late-medieval fantasy Europe setting:Islam is right about anime.I believe it because its the same thing that happened with FF16
Because Final Fantasy is not a consistent setting, and most games have nothing in common, barring some elements like chocobos and materia. Which I don't think even all of them have.VI had a character with a Zeppelin, I even named him Goering. Why they have worse technology now?
Is true that there's Say Gex in the game ?
Again, this guy was an actual Nazibut nooooooo. Better call someone a Nazi.