Inxile narrative designer: "Player, I have something to show you, something really good, pay attention to me."
Me: "Dude, I'm busy giving birth to to the babies of an ancient machine, unfortunately, one died, can't you wait? It is a sensitive moment."
Inxile narrative designer: "But I have castoffs to show you!"
Me: "Can I eat the castoffs?"
Inxile narrative designer: "No... why would you want to eat the castoffs?"
Me: "I dunno, on the previous game when you finally meet your other incarnations near the end of the game, it was to eat them, I thought you guys were aping Torment 100%. I ate that pragmatic son of a bitch with pleasure."
Inxile narrative designer: "Look, they are your sibilings, they aren't for you to eat."
Me: Why?
Inxile narrative designer: "Because they share the same plight as you, being the changing god children and all."
Me: "The plight of being a boring human without even a proper name?... Can they have mechanical babies and eat electricity?"
Inxile narrative designer: "No."
Inxile narrative designer: "The changing God was human supremacist, sorry."
Me: "I thought you guys were progressive types."
Inxile narrative designer: "We are but making them humans was easier... Please go meet them, okay?"
Me: "Okay... if you want so much, will go check them out."
A few hours later...
Inxile narrative designer: "What you think of them? Did you like them?"
Me: "Man, those guys look like they want to set up an angst emo cover band. I always wanted to eat emos on an RPG, can I eat them? You know... there are those cannibal guys, can I join them? At least they would do something useful, being food for me. You know, my name is "Last Castoff", why can't I make this literal, highlander style?"
Inxile narrative designer: "No, we are aping Planescape Torment, not Highlander."