Whitethistle, whitethistle, all in a row, in Neverwinter Woods they all grow.
That is certainly one for the connoisseurs among us.
Punishing the player for decisions they did not make is terrible one hundred percent of the time no matter what. No matter how much contempt you feel for "casuals". No matter how much you sneer at everyone who isn't yourself. It's unforgivably terrible design.
Companion permadeath is absolutely without value. It adds literally nothing but frustration. Because all it makes the player do is save more often and reload their save. It is worthless. Absolutely, utterly, categorically worthless. It has no worth. It has no value.
Characters with gameplay-unique properties or unique story content should never, ever, ever be taken away from the player at random. Taking away an ally because of their AI scripting, outside the player's control, is taking them away at random.
This is true no matter how contemptuous you feel.
It is hard to give a damn about companions when they constantly make me reload my game and constantly make me babysit their suicidal AI so that I can make progress without reloading.
Fuck your masturbatory, worthless conception of "Realism". Video games aren't realistic. There aren't a finite single-digit number of people in the real world who will be your friend. There isn't a finite number of paths through any given encounter. You aren't locked onto a single life path by virtue of the fact that if you don't do that, you aren't playing the video game you paid good money for. Stop acting like making video games more obtuse and user-hostile makes them more "realistic". You're not making anything more realistic. The world of a video game is already, unavoidably distorted, and to ignore how those distortions affect the game makes it more unrealistic, not less.
Eclectic, Lavish, Exhilarating, Xenial.what is ELEX
Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the true leader of the world.
RPG games
I cried and kept thinking about it for weeks.
Mount and Blade Warband is an empty overrated action game but at least you can play as a female warrior.