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Underrail is mediocre (imo)


Oct 21, 2019
Is the Expedition expansion worth it for this game for a 1st play through?
The only potential downside that I see is it makes the game not just huge but massive so if you don't have enough time for games you might get burn out by it long before the finish line. For binge gaming thought - absolutely.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008

"Broooo come on. Why are Fallout fans amused by every little fucking innocuous thing. Jinxed is fun for a laugh, but are you really going to tell me this is an example of variance? You play through the vast majority of the game with a 95% THC for fucks sake. Whatever, sure we'll give you this one."

Because people who like fallout are generally fans of quests with multiple ways to complete objectives and general build variance. Underrail obviously has much more combat build variance but the game is essentially completely combat.

"You can literally do this in Underrail outside of having to kill Tchort. And even with that exception, going through the entire game without killing anyone is still enough to qualify as variance."

Lol. You can do 'pacifist' runs on almost any game by doing exploits basically. Underrail does occasionally allow you to use speech to avoid killing people like the crossbow guy at the beginning or the faceless but most of the game is full of enemies who attack you on siight.

"Take solving the Foundry Murders."

Thats true and the foundry murders were a great quest. Though by and large fallout quests had many more ways to complete objectives, usually offering 3-5 solutions.

"Alright bro, this must be some low effort troll. There are so many different quests in Underrail with a ton of different ways to resolve them. You haven't even used another build but you're standing here trying to tell me all this shit about how the game has no variance? When did you even finish the game? You know there has been plenty of content added in the last few years? Miss me with this shit, you're just speaking nonsense now."

I was making an (admittedly) obtuse point about the games primary 'replay ability' being the ability to kill enemies differently.

Of course there's some factions like the core city corporations or the protectorate vs the scum. My point is, it took me 74.3 hours to beat underrail + expedition. That's me exploring almost everything ( I got lazy exploring everything in the expansion) and doing almost every quest. The vast majority of that time was killing trashmobs. I understand the point of the game is pure combat in tunnels. However I thought by far the best content of underrail was in Core city and the foundry. I wish they would have focused on that type of gameplay more.

"Alright sure bro. Please cite to me where this betrayal came from. And even if he did betray Tchort, what about the rejects? Let's keep ignoring them."

This is one of those 'play it again yourself moments'. I don't take screenshots of every 'haha' moment in games. Play games and actually read the lore/story instead of making spreadsheets to kill ceiling scorpions.
I wasn't expecting underrail to have such good writing and interesting lore when I played it. You missed out.

"The first time around DC was a mixed bag, but going back it's a ton of fun now that I know where everything is and how to avoid getting tons of stacks. With the recent updates, DC can be completely super quickly with almost no back tracking, and once Tchort is eliminated, you can explore the rest of the DC in peace."

Yeah I heard they updated so you don't need to go back to the power plant 5 times or go through that fucking worm maze(which is one of the most cancerous things I've ever had to deal with). I played it before those updates though.

Strangely alot of people bitch about the mutagen puzzle. I solved that in around 5 minutes and the mutagens were all pretty easy to find so I don't consider that a big deal.

"As for me being a fanboy, this is true, but my opinions are actually good."
There is no such thing as a good or bad opinion unless morrowind and bethesda in general are concerned.

"FO:NV better than Underrail? Lmfao right."

In terms of quest design,writing, world building, exploration, absolutely. In terms of combat and encounter design obviously underrail wins due to the engine they had to use.

"This is why it's useless to engage with FO fans. The vast majority of them are middle aged, past their prime adults, who no longer have the same interest in video games (justifiably so). So of course, their first experience is going to stand out as amazing and awesome in their heads while newer games, no matter how good, won't be able to recapture that same magic. It is a fact that very few people are able to properly identify their biases and make judgements based on facts versus feelings, and that's why so many people rate FO/FO2 so highly. Not sure what I expected from someone with a FO avatar."

Most of the hardcore underrail fans seem older or the same age as fallout fans in general. Makes sense because maybe 0.0001% of zoomers are mentally competent enough to beat underrail.

Also yes, for modern post 2012 rpgs. Atom > Underrail. There's no shame in that though. Atom was exceptional.
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Dec 20, 2005
Funny thing about Tchort, I was confused as to the proper pronunciation of the word. T-hort? T-kort? Then, just before Deep Caverns I randomly remembered Styg is a slav, just like me and it clicked. Tchort is definitely evil.
Uh, it was the first and most obvious thing about the word.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Because people who like fallout are generally fans of quests with multiple ways to complete objectives and general build variance. Underrail obviously has much more combat build variance but the game is essentially completely combat.
Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Jinxed has nothing to do with how you complete objectives/quests, and you cite build variance as if that isn't an element of combat. And even then, FO only has four fucking builds! And again, the game has so much shit that isn't combat. Underrail is two-three times as large as FO for fucks sake. You're going to tell me that FO has more things to do that aren't combat related then Underrail? That's fucking false and we can cite example for example if you want.
Lol. You can do 'pacifist' runs on almost any game by doing exploits basically. Underrail does occasionally allow you to use speech to avoid killing people like the crossbow guy at the beginning or the faceless but most of the game is full of enemies who attack you on siight.
Sneaking past enemies and using noise/sound to shift movement patterns aren't fucking exploits. And no shit, why would any enemy not attack you on sight? And that being said, I can still think of a ton of examples of enemies that don't attack you on sight. And I like how you just ignored me completely dismantling three of the four things you listed as proof of variance and went back to harping upon "MuH pAcIfIsT rUn".
Thats true and the foundry murders were a great quest. Though by and large fallout quests had many more ways to complete objectives, usually offering 3-5 solutions.
Cite another quest then, and we'll see if I can't match it. I can think of so many fucking quests and dungeons throughout Underrail that have just as many ways to deal with things as this. At most you can say FO and Underrail have similar amounts of quests with various different solutions to solve them, in which case you'll have to find another way to make the claim that FO is superior to Underrail.
I was making an (admittedly) obtuse point about the games primary 'replay ability' being the ability to kill enemies differently.

Of course there's some factions like the core city corporations or the protectorate vs the scum. My point is, it took me 74.3 hours to beat underrail + expedition. That's me exploring almost everything ( I got lazy exploring everything in the expansion) and doing almost every quest. The vast majority of that time was killing trashmobs. I understand the point of the game is pure combat in tunnels. However I thought by far the best content of underrail was in Core city and the foundry. I wish they would have focused on that type of gameplay more.
More false information. While combat is a big part of combat in Underrail, there are many quests which have nothing to do with killing mobs. The mobs are there because it makes sense within the gameworld and to facilitate the different ways of approach; many times they can be completely avoided. I can cite a ton of examples but I doubt it would change your opinion of things. Underrail has the oddity system built in so you can literally avoid combat most of the time, that's part of why it's so great. Just because you chose to blunder into every encounter doesn't mean you have to or that other people do.
I've been called out for talking out of my ass so I'm going to keep making stupid jokes/comments and ignore your other valid points.
Yeah I heard they updated so you don't need to go back to the power plant 5 times or go through that fucking worm maze(which is one of the most cancerous things I've ever had to deal with). I played it before those updates though.

Strangely alot of people bitch about the mutagen puzzle. I solved that in around 5 minutes and the mutagens were all pretty easy to find so I don't consider that a big deal.
Yeah I know, so while it might have been valid for you to complain about it then, it's changed a lot and is much improved, further adding to the game's greatness by improving on one of the few "flaws".
There is no such thing as a good or bad opinion unless morrowind and bethesda in general are concerned.

In terms of quest design,writing, world building, exploration, absolutely. In terms of combat and encounter design obviously underrail wins due to the engine they had to use.
This just goes to show why your opinion is bad. FO:NV looks like complete dogshit. Everything looks like shit smeared brown/grey. Have you seen screenshots of the strip lmfao? With all of like five NPCs walking around? FO fans are so fucking delusional it's hilarious.
Most of the hardcore underrail fans seem older or the same age as fallout fans in general. Makes sense because maybe 0.0001% of zoomers are mentally competent enough to beat underrail.

Also yes, for modern post 2012 rpgs. Atom > Underrail. There's no shame in that though. Atom was exceptional.
Which backs up what I said. "It is a fact that very few people are able to properly identify their biases and make judgements based on facts versus feelings, and that's why so many people rate FO/FO2 so highly.". The few that can enjoy Underrail are clearly more advanced then the average FO grognard whose boomer brain has deteriorated over the years.
Also yes, for modern post 2012 rpgs. Atom > Underrail. There's no shame in that though. Atom was exceptional.
Tried playing ATOM and the art style was so bad with uninspired gameplay, especially after Underrail. Whatever though, I haven't played it properly so I can't talk.

I'm done responding. It's not even that you're wrong or that I disagree with you, but it's like I'm talking past you. Can't even hold a conversation and respond to the points that are being put forth, which is an oft seen coping technique when you're getting BTFO. Too much nuka cola I guess lmfao.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008

Fallout will always be more popular then underrail among RPG fans in the great RPG pantheon. You need to come to terms with this and embrace fallouts greatness.
To me you seem like the type of guy who is only hating on fallout because of how much you love underrail. It's ok to enjoy more then 1 game lol :).

"The few that can enjoy Underrail are clearly more advanced then the average FO grognard whose boomer brain has deteriorated over the years."

Dude 95% of underrail's fanbase are 90s gamers who liked fallout/xcom/ja2 lol.

"While combat is a big part of combat in Underrail, there are many quests which have nothing to do with killing mobs"

I drew green circles around the quests which aren't focused on killing mobs or don't require you to go to X random dungeon and kill scorpions or electric spiders or rathounds. I was generous with a few, and maybe forgot a few. Infact looking at this now I forgot a few for the black eels but w/e lol.


Still most of the game is about combat. Which is OK. Most rpg players however, at least on this forum enjoy games to have multiple solutions/playstyles. Hence why fallout is KING.


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Fallout will always be more popular then underrail among RPG fans in the great RPG pantheon. You need to come to terms with this and embrace fallouts greatness.
To me you seem like the type of guy who is only hating on fallout because of how much you love underrail. It's ok to enjoy more then 1 game lol :).
I'm hating on FO because when I tried to play it I had a shit experience. Combat was ass. Easy af and mind numbing. The writing was very mediocre and I thought the world was the opposite of interesting and engaging. Finally, I hated the art style. That being said, I followed Agris's instructions and the game looks a lot better when I load it up, and I've vowed to give it another go with the proper settings, but even then, it won't be enough to change the combat and the meh writing I've seen so far.
I drew green circles around the quests which aren't focused on killing mobs or don't require you to go to X random dungeon and kill scorpions or electric spiders or rathounds. I was generous with a few, and maybe forgot a few. Infact looking at this now I forgot a few for the black eels but w/e lol.
You've missed a ton. Off the top I count over twenty quests on a quick skim where the focus isn't about killing mobs. What are you even talking about?


Feb 4, 2014
I drew green circles around the quests which aren't focused on killing mobs or don't require you to go to X random dungeon and kill scorpions or electric spiders or rathounds. I was generous with a few, and maybe forgot a few. Infact looking at this now I forgot a few for the black eels but w/e lol.


Still most of the game is about combat. Which is OK. Most rpg players however, at least on this forum enjoy games to have multiple solutions/playstyles. Hence why fallout is KING.
You forgot most of them. Most aren't social quests and instead use stealth and noise distraction to bypass combat. Stealth is the Persuasion of Underrail. The ones I list aren't "possible but unintended" but instead have ways to avoid combat placed there by the developer:
  • Find Drill Parts - combat is very optional if you go stealth + hacking/lockpicking. I've done it a few times when I played builds that don't come online until late teens. There are so so many ways to go through depA and combat is just the most obvious one.
  • Missing Merchants - talk in CS, stealth and grab the keycard in the cave (optional), talk to Cornell and let him go if you wanna. Keycard is optional, and one of the two pig areas are a bit tricky to get past without combat.
  • Save Maura is absolutely intended to be done stealthily. Multiple ways to get keys, with or without lp. There's even a failstate if you tell her to make a run for it without providing a path through airvents.
  • Get Elwood's key - pickpocket lol
  • Mysterious disk - below Dom can be done without combat, on Dom has combat, kinda. Use vents to get to the room. On Dom there's a plasma sentry in the room, so use an EMP to disable it and grab the disk. It can't open doors so close the door and wait out the combat.
  • Kill Rathound King - you did play a perception build, right? You did pick Snooping, right? No? Well, you can get 11 effective perception with base PER of 3 through gear and consumables. You can skip all of the maze with like 11 or 13 PER and then go for the diplomatic solution.
  • Kidnap Serene - you gotta throw one (1) flashbang to incap her to enable the kidnapping.
  • RC faceless quesline - I've done it without combat. To get the EMP thingy use TNT to lure the Ironheads to the other side of the map and sneak past. Inside, grab the thingy, hack the terminal to open everything, disable cameras and gtfo. Then in RC, bots will be disabled and in the cavers use TNT to lure the burrowers away from the destructible wall, then plant TNT to destroy the wall, use TNT again to lure the burrowers away from the new exit. Burrower spawn don't go back to their original positions after checking out noise, so you can herd them to some corner and forget about them. Regular Burrowers and warriors do go to their original positions.
  • Train Heist - no combat. Not even if you choose to join Protectorate, just talk to the man and go tell on them to the Protectorate NPC.
  • Med Thief - no combat, just catch him in the hospital.
  • Dude's Vision - sneak past the bot. The two Ironheads on your way there can be bypassed by taking another route.
You know what, I've only listed a few and it's already a wall of text. There's more and I cba to list them. Some have enemies on the way to the quest location, like say all quests in CS sewers, but that's not part of the quest. Some quests are pure combat like killing Balor or Coretech/Praet warehouse. Some can technically be done without combat, but they don't feel like they were intended to be done peacefully. But a lot of UR quests have obvious or hidden alternative solutions that don't require killing, you just gotta work for them. Not in a way that Fallout does it (dialogue) but instead with stealth or other checks, alternative paths, obviously provided by the developers as an alternative to combat. Styg went out of his way to do that.
Of the things to criticize UR for, quests really aren't one of them.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
I drew green circles around the quests which aren't focused on killing mobs or don't require you to go to X random dungeon and kill scorpions or electric spiders or rathounds. I was generous with a few, and maybe forgot a few. Infact looking at this now I forgot a few for the black eels but w/e lol.


Still most of the game is about combat. Which is OK. Most rpg players however, at least on this forum enjoy games to have multiple solutions/playstyles. Hence why fallout is KING.
You forgot most of them. Most aren't social quests and instead use stealth and noise distraction to bypass combat. Stealth is the Persuasion of Underrail. The ones I list aren't "possible but unintended" but instead have ways to avoid combat placed there by the developer:
  • Find Drill Parts - combat is very optional if you go stealth + hacking/lockpicking. I've done it a few times when I played builds that don't come online until late teens. There are so so many ways to go through depA and combat is just the most obvious one.
  • Missing Merchants - talk in CS, stealth and grab the keycard in the cave (optional), talk to Cornell and let him go if you wanna. Keycard is optional, and one of the two pig areas are a bit tricky to get past without combat.
  • Save Maura is absolutely intended to be done stealthily. Multiple ways to get keys, with or without lp. There's even a failstate if you tell her to make a run for it without providing a path through airvents.
  • Get Elwood's key - pickpocket lol
  • Mysterious disk - below Dom can be done without combat, on Dom has combat, kinda. Use vents to get to the room. On Dom there's a plasma sentry in the room, so use an EMP to disable it and grab the disk. It can't open doors so close the door and wait out the combat.
  • Kill Rathound King - you did play a perception build, right? You did pick Snooping, right? No? Well, you can get 11 effective perception with base PER of 3 through gear and consumables. You can skip all of the maze with like 11 or 13 PER and then go for the diplomatic solution.
  • Kidnap Serene - you gotta throw one (1) flashbang to incap her to enable the kidnapping.
  • RC faceless quesline - I've done it without combat. To get the EMP thingy use TNT to lure the Ironheads to the other side of the map and sneak past. Inside, grab the thingy, hack the terminal to open everything, disable cameras and gtfo. Then in RC, bots will be disabled and in the cavers use TNT to lure the burrowers away from the destructible wall, then plant TNT to destroy the wall, use TNT again to lure the burrowers away from the new exit. Burrower spawn don't go back to their original positions after checking out noise, so you can herd them to some corner and forget about them. Regular Burrowers and warriors do go to their original positions.
  • Train Heist - no combat. Not even if you choose to join Protectorate, just talk to the man and go tell on them to the Protectorate NPC.
  • Med Thief - no combat, just catch him in the hospital.
  • Dude's Vision - sneak past the bot. The two Ironheads on your way there can be bypassed by taking another route.
You know what, I've only listed a few and it's already a wall of text. There's more and I cba to list them. Some have enemies on the way to the quest location, like say all quests in CS sewers, but that's not part of the quest. Some quests are pure combat like killing Balor or Coretech/Praet warehouse. Some can technically be done without combat, but they don't feel like they were intended to be done peacefully. But a lot of UR quests have obvious or hidden alternative solutions that don't require killing, you just gotta work for them. Not in a way that Fallout does it (dialogue) but instead with stealth or other checks, alternative paths, obviously provided by the developers as an alternative to combat. Styg went out of his way to do that.
Of the things to criticize UR for, quests really aren't one of them.

Most of those the focus is on combat lol. Using stealth to avoid combat =/= focus not on combat.

If you're really trying to tell me depot A isn't a combat area. At this point this is the biggest cope I've ever seen haha :p
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Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
Fallout will always be more popular then underrail among RPG fans in the great RPG pantheon. You need to come to terms with this and embrace fallouts greatness.
To me you seem like the type of guy who is only hating on fallout because of how much you love underrail. It's ok to enjoy more then 1 game lol :).
I'm hating on FO because when I tried to play it I had a shit experience. Combat was ass. Easy af and mind numbing. The writing was very mediocre and I thought the world was the opposite of interesting and engaging. Finally, I hated the art style. That being said, I followed Agris's instructions and the game looks a lot better when I load it up, and I've vowed to give it another go with the proper settings, but even then, it won't be enough to change the combat and the meh writing I've seen so far.
I drew green circles around the quests which aren't focused on killing mobs or don't require you to go to X random dungeon and kill scorpions or electric spiders or rathounds. I was generous with a few, and maybe forgot a few. Infact looking at this now I forgot a few for the black eels but w/e lol.
You've missed a ton. Off the top I count over twenty quests on a quick skim where the focus isn't about killing mobs. What are you even talking about?

Fallouts writing blows underrail out of the water completely.

Underrail has better writing then I expected, but compared to fallout and arcanum it's completely amateur.

Just remember. Fallout will always be the #1 or #2 rpg here.

Underrail #16. Personally i'd probably put it a few slots higher, but that's its range.



Oct 18, 2021
Underrail is a living proof that you need to work with your target audience for years for your game to be succesful. What i'm saying, i wasn't following this game and i don't know what the fuss is all about here to generate 1k posts about this otherwise mediocre game. There are quite a few of pretty damn decent games which show up here and fade into obscurity on the next day with no one to shill for them.
Yes, Underrail is a masterpiece for a game done by a handful of people.


Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
Feb 20, 2019
Insert Title Here
Fallout will always be more popular then underrail among RPG fans in the great RPG pantheon. You need to come to terms with this and embrace fallouts greatness.
To me you seem like the type of guy who is only hating on fallout because of how much you love underrail. It's ok to enjoy more then 1 game lol :).
I'm hating on FO because when I tried to play it I had a shit experience. Combat was ass. Easy af and mind numbing. The writing was very mediocre and I thought the world was the opposite of interesting and engaging. Finally, I hated the art style. That being said, I followed Agris's instructions and the game looks a lot better when I load it up, and I've vowed to give it another go with the proper settings, but even then, it won't be enough to change the combat and the meh writing I've seen so far.
Fallout is not about the combat, you shouldn’t even play the game if you mainly only care about combat. The writing is serviceable and works well with the setting they were trying to go with, it’s especially better than or at least on par with Baldur’s Gate (I’ll grant you this point barely). What makes the game great is that it’s a full package (a perfect sum of it’s parts). It doesn’t have any one particular aspect that’s outstanding, however, it’s innovative/unique for it’s time (and even now) for obvious reasons. If you aren’t sucked into the game with its great aesthetics (music, UI, graphics, style, and interesting setting) (plus an interesting plot opener), I don’t know how you can possibly like other CRPGs. Also, you can avoid tons of the combat if you dislike it so much, something you can’t do in games like Baldur’s Gate, which is why it’s a far better game.


Feb 4, 2014
Most of those the focus is on combat lol. Using stealth to avoid combat =/= focus not on combat.

If you're really trying to tell me depot A isn't a combat area. At this point this is the biggest cope I've ever seen haha :p
So, according to you, if a quest has an option for combat or any combat at all, that means it's solely combat focused, right?
Jesus, is this what storyfagging does to a motherfucker?


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
Most of those the focus is on combat lol. Using stealth to avoid combat =/= focus not on combat.

If you're really trying to tell me depot A isn't a combat area. At this point this is the biggest cope I've ever seen haha :p
So, according to you, if a quest has an option for combat or any combat at all, that means it's solely combat focused, right?
Jesus, is this what storyfagging does to a motherfucker?

If the primary objective is either a) dealing with enemies or b) avoiding enemies in a completely hostile area then 100% yes.
So yeah I guess you can technically sneak past the 2 dozen acid spitting dogs and mutants if you are so inclined. That doesn't mean their primary focus isn't to kill you.

You can stealth past combat areas in fallout 1/2 aswell. However for example, for the end game areas you can wear robes/power armour and actually interact with end game enemies, and fool them. Turning them into genuine non combat areas.

Infact you did call me out on a few quests that are non combat, so I have no idea why you're trying to shoe horn in depot A lol.

Also I don't use reddit tier monikers.
"storyfag,combatfag,explorfag" No one in real life talks like that except virgins. When I play a game I expect ALL aspects to be good. Story/writing, worldbuilding, combat, encounter design, c&c, exploration ect.

Which aspect is most important to a person depends on the person, but this idea to dial in on 1 element is completely autistic and has lead to games like morrowind being considered top 10 rpgs for the people who enjoy walking through empty nothing for 300 hours.

There are games that can have 1 shortcoming but make up for it in other areas. I don't think the biggest arcanum fans will shill for its combat but every other aspect of the game makes up for it ten fold.

Underrails biggest problem isn't necessarily its combat. I liked the combat system in underrail for the most part. The encounter design however in a lot of places was very lacking.


Feb 4, 2014
If the primary objective is either a) dealing with enemies or b) avoiding enemies in a completely hostile area then 100% yes.
So yeah I guess you can technically sneak past the 2 dozen acid spitting dogs and mutants if you are so inclined. That doesn't mean their primary focus isn't to kill you.

You can stealth past combat areas in fallout 1/2 aswell. However for example, for the end game areas you can wear robes/power armour and actually interact with end game enemies, and fool them. Turning them into genuine non combat areas.

Infact you did call me out on a few quests that are non combat, so I have no idea why you're trying to shoe horn in depot A lol.

Also I don't use reddit tier monikers.
"storyfag,combatfag,explorfag" No one in real life talks like that except virgins. When I play a game I expect ALL aspects to be good. Story/writing, worldbuilding, combat, encounter design, c&c, exploration ect.

Which aspect is most important to a person depends on the person, but this idea to dial in on 1 element is completely autistic and has lead to games like morrowind being considered top 10 rpgs for the people who enjoy walking through empty nothing for 300 hours.

There are games that can have 1 shortcoming but make up for it in other areas. I don't think the biggest arcanum fans will shill for its combat but every other aspect of the game makes up for it ten fold.

Underrails biggest problem isn't necessarily its combat. I liked the combat system in underrail for the most part. The encounter design however in a lot of places was very lacking.
The primary objective of depA is to go get the MacGuffin, not dealing with mutants - Tanner never asks you to gather 10 mutant pelts or whatever.
And you don't have to guess, there's no "technically" in the "sneak past" part of depA. There are obvious, intended ways to avoid combat for players that want to solve the thing in a non-combat way.

Why bring up reddit out of the blue? Only virgins talk about reddit unprompted. Stop being a storyfag redditor virgin.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
If the primary objective is either a) dealing with enemies or b) avoiding enemies in a completely hostile area then 100% yes.
So yeah I guess you can technically sneak past the 2 dozen acid spitting dogs and mutants if you are so inclined. That doesn't mean their primary focus isn't to kill you.

You can stealth past combat areas in fallout 1/2 aswell. However for example, for the end game areas you can wear robes/power armour and actually interact with end game enemies, and fool them. Turning them into genuine non combat areas.

Infact you did call me out on a few quests that are non combat, so I have no idea why you're trying to shoe horn in depot A lol.

Also I don't use reddit tier monikers.
"storyfag,combatfag,explorfag" No one in real life talks like that except virgins. When I play a game I expect ALL aspects to be good. Story/writing, worldbuilding, combat, encounter design, c&c, exploration ect.

Which aspect is most important to a person depends on the person, but this idea to dial in on 1 element is completely autistic and has lead to games like morrowind being considered top 10 rpgs for the people who enjoy walking through empty nothing for 300 hours.

There are games that can have 1 shortcoming but make up for it in other areas. I don't think the biggest arcanum fans will shill for its combat but every other aspect of the game makes up for it ten fold.

Underrails biggest problem isn't necessarily its combat. I liked the combat system in underrail for the most part. The encounter design however in a lot of places was very lacking.
The primary objective of depA is to go get the MacGuffin, not dealing with mutants - Tanner never asks you to gather 10 mutant pelts or whatever.
And you don't have to guess, there's no "technically" in the "sneak past" part of depA. There are obvious, intended ways to avoid combat for players that want to solve the thing in a non-combat way.

Why bring up reddit out of the blue? Only virgins talk about reddit unprompted. Stop being a storyfag redditor virgin.

Depot A is a combat area. You need to come to terms with this.

Right now you're trying to use disinformation and lies and I'm telling you it's not going to work on me.


Feb 4, 2014
Depot A is a combat area. You need to come to terms with this.

Right now you're trying to use disinformation and lies and I'm telling you it's not going to work on me.
It's not a combat area, it's a Junkyard area. Eddy will let you enter if you agree to his terms.

And I don't do lies, I eat truth and shit facts. That's a fact.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Initially I thought Underrail wasn't all that good - the interface was hard to look at, the writing could have been better, and at least back then on my first impression, the skill system was really braindead - or so I thought.

Having, much later, played it more thoroughly on Dominating as a knife thrower (before the knife throwing buffs ...) I can say that my first assessment was incorrect. Yes, the skill system could be improved - but it's the perks that make this game beautiful. Building characters in this game and theory crafting are a real joy. The writing isn't the very best - but the world is interesting, the atmosphere seeps through and the lore is mysterious in just the right way.

So when I gave it a second, longer look- it turned out to be a really fun RPG. Not one of my favorites due to the solo-Fallout vibe that's a bit lonely, but still a fun experience that I'm glad I got to have.


Dec 28, 2015
UR is not only NOT mediocre, but it is probably one of the best video games ever made.

The story is pretty great. I have defended it enough around this forums. The way the narrative is constructed and the way NPCs are characterized are top-shelf stuff. I am not talking about just gaming either.
(Note that English is not my native language. I am not talking about the line-to-line writing -which I cannot judge- but in terms of content, narrative, and characterizations.)

On the other hand, FO's story was pretty great as well. For different reasons. Where UR's story is a convoluted mystery, FO's story was simpler but extremely on point and memorable. That's not easy to do either.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Initially I thought Underrail wasn't all that good - the interface was hard to look at, the writing could have been better, and at least back then on my first impression, the skill system was really braindead - or so I thought.

Having, much later, played it more thoroughly on Dominating as a knife thrower (before the knife throwing buffs ...) I can say that my first assessment was incorrect. Yes, the skill system could be improved - but it's the perks that make this game beautiful. Building characters in this game and theory crafting are a real joy. The writing isn't the very best - but the world is interesting, the atmosphere seeps through and the lore is mysterious in just the right way.

So when I gave it a second, longer look- it turned out to be a really fun RPG. Not one of my favorites due to the solo-Fallout vibe that's a bit lonely, but still a fun experience that I'm glad I got to have.

I mostly agree with you.
My crit/energy gun build (plus some traps and stealth) felt like shooting rubber ducks.

The exploration speed has been addressed.
Still, the early game is tedious, a way to skip it and start around level 5-6 while the early quest-line and the junkyard exploration are optional would be amazing.
And of course, having companions + adding enemies and eventually having companions draining some combat xp to balance the game.
Some encounter design here and there would be nice as well.

The game is decent/good.
It's fun, up until the stealth scorpions, I killed dozens of them but it's a chore after the first dozen.


Possibly Retarded
Aug 27, 2008
If the primary objective is either a) dealing with enemies or b) avoiding enemies in a completely hostile area then 100% yes.
Okay, lets play:


Conclusion: a fucking combat-oriented game.

Most of those are flat out wrong, you just failed miserably lol.
Just to pick one. Bust the skullz. You can do it without firing a shot, either by refusing to fight which is a cop out, or by getting the girl guarding them to testify against the skulls.

Underrail fans trying to slander fallout and coping about depot A not being a combat area. Look I like underrail too, and it's fine it's a completely combat oriented game. That being said making stuff up to suit your agenda just comes off as petty.

My tchort music video. I wept as I killed him.

Some things are too beautiful for this world.

Also I played with thick skull. Deal with it.

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