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Underrail: The Incline Awakens


Mar 16, 2015
Another issue I forgot to mention:
Enemy corpses overlay live enemies (meaning they take precedence when clicking at them).
During combat that's a problem because you sometimes have to pixelhunt for the few remaining enemy pixels that don't get overlayed if you don't want to kite them away from the pile of bodies.
I had this issue with doors or any other clickable item as well. Neither Tab or Z would help in these situations.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Doors also overlay enemies, and if those enemies happen to be stunned as well (and thus gyrating their heads and bodies, moving the hitbox around), you not only need microscopic precision to target the tiny sliver of them that's protruding, but also excellent timing to click at the precise moment.


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Doors also overlay enemies, and if those enemies happen to be stunned as well (and thus gyrating their heads and bodies, moving the hitbox around), you not only need microscopic precision to target the tiny sliver of them that's protruding, but also excellent timing to click at the precise moment.

So do shelves. Beware of Shelves to the south in melee. This is actually shitty problem. When pressing shift with attack (attack with shift will not move your character) it should also disable clickable objects as long as shift is pressed for better targeting.
Last edited:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I'd say it's just more expedient that way. Dropping an item creates a "corpse container" using the same mechanics by which enemies drop items.

Speaking of dropping items, there should definitely be a trash can function in this game, primarily because I worry that leaving random rags, psi beetle shells, mine casings, etc. scattered around the world will not only bloat save file size but also potentially lead to corrupted saves.

Excidium II

Jun 21, 2015
Third World
I'd say it's just more expedient that way. Dropping an item creates a "corpse container" using the same mechanics by which enemies drop items.
I thought the programmer just got a chuckle imagining the people that might have backtracked thinking they forgot to loot a monster.

Same with containers not having grayed out labels or something if you already searched.


Aug 17, 2014
Another issue I forgot to mention:
Enemy corpses overlay live enemies (meaning they take precedence when clicking at them).
During combat that's a problem because you sometimes have to pixelhunt for the few remaining enemy pixels that don't get overlayed if you don't want to kite them away from the pile of bodies.
I had this issue with doors or any other clickable item as well. Neither Tab or Z would help in these situations.

Are you guys sure neither Tab or Z works in those cases? One or the other should always work since they highlight interactive objects in opposite order. (btw, you can also adjust the unobscuration alpha from options to make higlighting more or less visible)

Why are dropped items called Remains anyway?

Good point. It's just an oversight, really old stuff. Early on in alpha, dying characters didn't leave corpses, they just dropped their items in those same "Remains" with that backpack graphic. Probably should be renamed.


Mar 16, 2015
Another issue I forgot to mention:
Enemy corpses overlay live enemies (meaning they take precedence when clicking at them).
During combat that's a problem because you sometimes have to pixelhunt for the few remaining enemy pixels that don't get overlayed if you don't want to kite them away from the pile of bodies.
I had this issue with doors or any other clickable item as well. Neither Tab or Z would help in these situations.

Are you guys sure neither Tab or Z works in those cases? One or the other should always work since they highlight interactive objects in opposite order. (btw, you can also adjust the unobscuration alpha from options to make higlighting more or less visible)
The highlight both door and enemy but still door is primary to click on in both cases. I don't think Z works as it should.


Jan 8, 2009
Trying out a mostly-Psi guy.


Metal armour, Juggernaut & eventually Thick Skull, otherwise Psi feats.
3 Psis, Hacking, a moderate amount of Melee / Hacking / Stealth / Intimidate, the rest on crafting.

Not really an optimal character but wanting to be the pure opposite of the stealthy sniper I played last. Working reasonably the first few levels.

You not planning to lockpick or backtrack to lockpick?

Backtrack? Fuck that shit. A huge waste of time.

Original plan was to not lockpick at all and see how it goes. It triggers the looter in you but it's not so bad. The main problem is the lack of any way to open vents. Like a moron, I put lockpick up to 25 at level 7, and then caved and just put Strength up to 9 at level 8 for the crowbar.

Not telling you what skill or attribute is required for each vent, and/or the crowbar/omnitool, is retarded in the extreme. There's lockpick difficulty on doors but not vents? Huh? I don't even know if 9 STR is enough to use crowbar on all the vents. And I can't even use the crowbar on a vent unless I equip the weapon. Sigh.

Excidium II

Jun 21, 2015
Third World
Why do you even need such high strength anyway, isn't the point of crowbars providing leverage? Strong dude should just rip it off.


May 14, 2010
A minority-white, multicultural hellscape
Trying out a mostly-Psi guy.


Metal armour, Juggernaut & eventually Thick Skull, otherwise Psi feats.
3 Psis, Hacking, a moderate amount of Melee / Hacking / Stealth / Intimidate, the rest on crafting.

Not really an optimal character but wanting to be the pure opposite of the stealthy sniper I played last. Working reasonably the first few levels.

You not planning to lockpick or backtrack to lockpick?

Backtrack? Fuck that shit. A huge waste of time.

Original plan was to not lockpick at all and see how it goes. It triggers the looter in you but it's not so bad. The main problem is the lack of any way to open vents. Like a moron, I put lockpick up to 25 at level 7, and then caved and just put Strength up to 9 at level 8 for the crowbar.

Not telling you what skill or attribute is required for each vent, and/or the crowbar/omnitool, is retarded in the extreme. There's lockpick difficulty on doors but not vents? Huh? I don't even know if 9 STR is enough to use crowbar on all the vents. And I can't even use the crowbar on a vent unless I equip the weapon. Sigh.

And here I thought that crowbar is just a shitty weapon.


Oct 12, 2006
I'd say it's just more expedient that way. Dropping an item creates a "corpse container" using the same mechanics by which enemies drop items.

Speaking of dropping items, there should definitely be a trash can function in this game, primarily because I worry that leaving random rags, psi beetle shells, mine casings, etc. scattered around the world will not only bloat save file size but also potentially lead to corrupted saves.
Actually, if you drop stuff in "Junkpiles" they do vanish after a while. I learned this the hard way when I tried using one as a stash while hauling Balor's hammer. (Was the one above Foundry train if it matters).


Stygian Software
Jun 10, 2015
Styg's garret
Another issue I forgot to mention:
Enemy corpses overlay live enemies (meaning they take precedence when clicking at them).
During combat that's a problem because you sometimes have to pixelhunt for the few remaining enemy pixels that don't get overlayed if you don't want to kite them away from the pile of bodies.

if you loot a human corpse completly its no longer clickable.

Doors also overlay enemies, and if those enemies happen to be stunned as well (and thus gyrating their heads and bodies, moving the hitbox around), you not only need microscopic precision to target the tiny sliver of them that's protruding, but also excellent timing to click at the precise moment.

We are working on a system for that, if we get it going that will help with this issue (we had something but it killed the game performance, so we chose to look into it post release)

Why are dropped items called Remains anyway?

if there are a lot of creatures they leave remains exactly centered at the tile, if there are multiple remains on one tile they all get merged into one "Remains"

i saw most of the feedback on this thread and read every page (yes all of the 160), surely feel free to post here, but for organisation sake its much easier to keep track in our suggestions forum, so we don't oversee something, this thread is awesome but really unorganized to be efficiently used as a feedback/bug report/review/etc.


Mar 16, 2015
i saw most of the feedback on this thread and read every page (yes all of the 160), surely feel free to post here, but for organisation sake its much easier to keep track in our suggestions forum, so we don't oversee something, this thread is awesome but really unorganized to be efficiently used as a feedback/bug report/review/etc.
Cool. So you seen my suggestion about boys and girls that take you to couple of places around bigger cities for a fee as a means of lore friendly fast travel ;)

hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
Security sure seems tight around here...

a.k.a no one can fight the cheese that are fart grenades


hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
Excuse you, that's roleplaying at its finest. Who wouldn't go on a murder spree if they knew a way to kill anyone (well, anyone not resistant to bio) and get away with it?

Hm, I wonder which plot-relevant NPCs are not bio resistant...


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I gather that the lingering environmental effects of some grenades (or at least gas grenades) don't initiate hostilities?


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
I've been putting fishing off for the entire game, because I knew I was probably going to get mad.

I'm fucking mad. DEX is my one dump stat, and does my character no good other than raising my initiative slightly. I used an Eel Sandwich to raise my Dexterity to 4.

In the five minutes that Eel Sandwich lasted, I got 22 bites, and caught 1 fish. That's a 4.5% catch rate.

Fishing mechanics are notorious in RPGs for being incredibly boring and banal, because often you just sit on your ass staring at the same screen, occasionally clicking. Underrail is right up there with the simplest and most boring, utterly banal fishing mechanics, and if you're not the right character build, the tedium is exponentially increased.

Mac_Orion Styg Drop this Dexterity requirement bullshit for fishing. It's completely and utterly retarded. The catch rate for a stare-at-the-screen-and-click fishing minigame should never be below 25%, nor should you have to wait more than 10-15 seconds between bites.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Yeah, the fishing minigame isn't incline. It's completely tedious, simplistic, annoying bullshit. When there were only Blue Eels to fish up, it was barely tolerable, and that was on a character with good DEX. Now it's like 15 different fish for an important quest and myriad medications, and is fucking intolerable.

See, folks? I'm willing to criticize Underrail after all.

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