Just wondering - what actions would you consider as "actual tactics" in a single character game? (with or without cover mechanics, shouldn't matter
that much)
If you cannot think of anything particular, as single character games are relatively simple, then why the shitting on UR and AoD specifically? Just say that squad based TB games are superior, and your point will be clear.
Or, is this only about not being FORCED to act tactically, due to having a powerful build and an overabundance of OP tools? Granted, I'm saying this from limited experience (few restarts and I'm almost wrapping up my first playthrough), but it seems to be the case only if you use certain builds, know where to look for OP stuff and synergize all that with careful positioning and scouting/metaknowledge. Still quite a lot of tactical behavior.
Having a bunch of opportunities to cheese through the game, while having a theoretically unlimited source of cheese material is not the same as saying that the game doesn't need actual tactics (it
may not need a tactical approach
if you make specific choices). You can even optimize your build towards cheese exploitation, if you want. Or optimize towards an effective, but boring methodical approach. Or embrace the chaos with lower effectiveness builds. Seems like a proper RPG system to me.
I grant you this - the game does kinda funnel the player into playing through the same effective and comfortable tactics. Obviously, the more you specialize, as most players probably do, the more you are "funneled" into a certain set of actions (excluding stuff available to all characters), if you want to have the edge.
So I can see how you get the impression of UR "not having actual tactics", but it sounds like a strawman.
clearing the Ironheads doesn't really take real tactics since if you are careful
If you are actively careful, and you have tools specifically selected to synergize with your approach, all to achieve a goal, isn't this "tactics" by definition? (even if you would, for instance, silently alpha strike everyone who needs to die, and not even have a real fight)
"Really tactical" stuff is what happens in isolation, after already starting combat?