But I have no idea what you mean by computer telling you.
If you "use"-click your radio station, in the "dialogue" menu there is an option to check stored coordinates. This gives you a cheat sheet of locations' coordinates so you don't nave to search blindly. The cheat sheet can be updated with more entries by finding transport tracking data on computer terminals at the various locations. The first is the warehouse underneath the mutants' place, the second that I found was in the Nexus, I think.
If you talk to Yahoda while she is on top of the tower, she describes in more vague terms what you can find if you explore in each direction - pirates south, red reeds east, savages north.
Yeah, I saw that, but again, you get that list of coordinates showing up on your radio very early on, with like 10-20 locations you haven't explored yet. There is no suggestion that you are supposed to use it in any way, so I mostly ignored it, and just found the locations organically, by being told by the quest givers or just stumbling on them exploring around.
There is no logical connection between anything on that list and Abyssal Station Zero or Blistering Shores (which is where the submarine I needed was). So it's very clumsy design, likely just counting on the player exploring everything and finding shit along the way, which I wouldn't have a problem with, except that every quest before ASZ told you to go somewhere, and your quest was there, but in this case, the quest location was a complete red herring. That's my issue, the stupid pattern change.
Maybe if someone has pigeon brains like you. Otherwise, not really bre.
Says the guy who cannot figure out even basic stuff (like checking other Lemurian sites for missed hints/clues in order to access another one) by himself and looks it up online. Right.
I did look up a bunch of clues along the way, but what your pigeon brained self keeps failing to grasp, is that previous to ASZ, all the clues were either in the same location as whatever you are trying to solve, or there was some logical connection between where the clues were, and where the area they were for was. But for ASZ, I still haven't heard/seen any logical connection, UNLESS you just explored every area in the game before going there, and found everything that way.
There's no way you solved that musical puzzle alone.
I didn't even try. I don't know much about music, and the description was so long and convoluted, I immediately felt like that was going to be a really dumb puzzle. Probably along the lines of the later Todd Newman "puzzle". So far, I am thinking I made the right choice.
By the way, even if you walked around L2 prior visiting Blistering shores, the hanging Subsphere there with its description was suppose to give you a hint but... then again, yeah.
Ok, I will play along. What was the clue? Cause I read it at the time, and if I recall correctly, it just said something about that thing being out of service.
Somehow it's game's fault for not holding your hand.
Not holding your hand doesn't mean anything on its own. I could tell you to go find the Holy Grail in a tampon store, and when you inevitably fail, claim you can't handle non-hand-holding instructions. Games either have elegant design where non-hand-holding means they provide you with intelligent instructions that you can apply logic to, or they just tell you some bullshit and you stumble around using trial and error and brute force to get through that shit. Underrail is actually mostly good in this regard, but the whole ASZ thing is a total clusterfuck, so stop whining like a butthurt fanboy.
Even if Oldfield would spoon-fed that all to you do you realize that you can betray Aegis anyway? Or the pirates should figure out how to get into ASZ for you as well?
They can't actually. I already killed them all way before that.
Personally I too didn't like the option to persuade Todd nor did I care about his personalities so I just ended him, yes. Going full retard from the devs would be withdrawing the killing option. Another stellar "objective" criticism example. Better bitch about fetid marsh or something.
Oh ffs, the Internet is filled with people bitching about Todd's quest. It was absolute shit design. A game can be good but still have shit parts. Styg was probably on the rag when he designed the entire ASZ portion, cause its quality is about 3-4 levels below the rest of the game.