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KickStarter Underworld Ascendant Pre-Prototype Thread


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Finally some info!


Somebody's Alt
Nov 17, 2013
That idea of showcasing Looking Glass creations is smart.
As long as MCA is not one of the special guests

Doctor Sbaitso

Oct 22, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Serpent in the Staglands
That idea of showcasing Looking Glass creations is smart.
As long as MCA is not one of the special guests

Agreed. Need to entice Thief fans to get on board. As glorious as Underworld is, the mainstream would never simply pick up a 20 year old game to discover its virtues.


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Jan 28, 2011
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Kickstarter Interview – Underworld Ascendant
The original team behind Ultima Underworld is on a quest to rekindle this legendary fantasy RPG series.

Underworld Ascendant is the return of a classic RPG, Ultima Underworld. Members of the original team behind Ultima Underworld are working on this spiritual successor. Led by Paul Neurath, founder of OtherSide Entertainment, the team is hoping to Kickstart a game that is faithful to the original.

Taking place entirely in an underground cavern, the player will have to fight their way through monsters and rival factions in order to escape. The game promises a dynamic faction system in which your choices will affect your standing, as well as a “Improvisation Engine”, that allows you to solve challenges in a multitude of ways, each affecting the world.

We had a chat with OtherSide Entertainment to see how their game and Kickstarter campaign were faring.

Thumbsticks: You talk a lot about Ultima Underworld, but as someone who never played it before, what would entice me to play Underworld Ascendant?

OtherSide Entertainment: The most wonderful dungeon crawl experience you’ve ever had, and then some.

Thumbsticks: As you mentioned in your Kickstarter video, Ultima Underworld inspired a lot of developers. What kind of things are you doing to stay true to original game, while making sure you Ascendant is innovative in its own right?

Otherside: The vibe will very much be the same. Being tossed in a dark, vast and dangerous underworld. Then the arc where you go from barely surviving to mastering the subterranean world. Plus, since we can use all the IP from the original except for the Ultima brand itself, a lot of the original characters, places, monsters and such will be showing up again.

At same time, visuals and audio will be leap years ahead of originals. Also, we’ll will use a modern user interface. But what we’re jazzed about most are some of the innovations, such as a new approach to co-op play.

Thumbsticks: In that video you showed an early build prototype demo. Do you have any plans on releasing that demo to the public or is it for the studio only?

Otherside: Probably not. It’s really just test bed, and we revise it daily. But once we get to a fairly solid place with a pre-Alpha, we’ll be sharing that for sure. We’re also going to be share even earlier prototype builds with some select folks.

Thumbsticks: Since the whole game takes place underground, how difficult was it to keep the game visually interesting? We see a lot of games going for a gray/brown color palette above ground, so what kind of things are you doing to avoid that same pitfall?

Otherside: Don’t use a lot of gray and brown! We can make the underworld a more varied environment than the typical medieval landscape world that a lot of above-ground fantasy games have. Ice caverns, subterranean river systems, lava flows, necropolises, temples, mushroom forests, and much more.

Thumbsticks: I’m always interested in seeing what Kickstarter campaigns do if they go over their goal. Usually we see the game take a lot longer because the developer is adding in more than they originally planned for. Are you planning on getting more than the initial goal, and what steps are you taking to ensure the game doesn’t get bloated with new features, or get delayed?

Otherside: We’ll see where our funding comes out. If we end up funding one or more of our stretch goals then, yes, the game will be somewhat bigger and have somewhat more tech in it. This will extend the development schedule somewhat. But we not interested in pushing out that much, and so we’re keeping this in check.

Thumbsticks: Do you have any interest in making a console version?

Otherside: We’re focused on the PC version at this stage.

Thumbsticks: What made you decide to go back to the Underworld… world? Why not work on a new IP?

Otherside: I’ve been trying to get a new Underworld made for the past two decades. Only now has EA given us the opportunity to take this franchise forward as an indie studio, which is why now.

Thumbsticks: This is your first Kickstarter campaign. Did you seek advice from other industry vets who have used Kickstarter in the past, or did you simply follow your gut?

Otherside: Yes, as a team we’re pretty new to Kickstarters. We have gotten some great advice from vets, but it’s still a challenge to run a Kickstarter campaign even for the most experienced.

Underworld Ascendant’s Kickstarter has 17 days remaining and are currently less than $150,000 short of their goal. Check out their pitch video, featuring the likes of Richard Garriott, or donate via their Kickstarter page.


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Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
UPDATE: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/othersidegames/underworld-ascendant/posts/1139509

King of the Sandbox

The original Underworlds pioneered much of what today is known as ‘sandbox’ gameplay: instead of scripting a path on rails, players had the freedom to experiment and find their own path forward.

More modern games such as Deus Ex and Skyrim have taken up the banner of sandbox play. Considering the span of years since Underworld was released, the banner has been carried forward less so than one might have expected. With Underworld Ascendant our aim is to take sandbox play to a whole new level, beyond the current generation of games.

Making this all happen is the Improvisation Engine, which provides an array of sophisticated technologies for unleashing player creativity. Watch the video as Tim, Chris and Warren tell you more:

Many Solutions to Choose
In Underworld Ascendant, instead of the designers scripting a set solution path for players, theImprovisation Engine puts the problem solving in the player’s hands. Our designers lay out an encounter; setting up the monsters, traps, the physical layout, and the like. Then the world simulation is turned on. A set of fairly complex interactions and dynamics take place of their own accord. The player comes into this dynamic mix, and can permeate this situation in a whole range of ways, some of which the designers may have never imagined.

As an example, let's look at the game vignette we affectionately call, “Spiders on a Bridge” that Chris showed us in the video. We saw Chris disturbing a nest of spiders. Chris chooses to run, which, all things considered, is probably wise. There are a lot of spiders!


Prototype graphics, final will look MUCH better

Chris has lots choices. For instance, he could:
  • Turn and fight.
  • Try to run away from the spiders long enough to lose them in the tunnels.
  • Try to block the passage behind him, with a Fungal Growth spell for instance.
Instead, Chris chose to cross a wooden bridge, then destroy it behind him, cutting him off from the spiders. A clever player could come up with other ways to survive.

Let's take our example another step forward. Chris has destroyed the bridge, saving himself from the spiders. What now? That bridge was the only way across the lava chasm and now it's gone. What if there is treasure on the other side that Chris wants?


Prototype graphics, final will look MUCH better

He now has a new problem to solve. Chris might:
  • Find the right reagents to make the mushrooms of his Fungal Growth spell fireproof, and then create a spongy walkway across the lava stream.
  • Use the plentiful spider webs that are around and construct rope and grapple. Throw and secure it across the chasm and then hope his acrobatic skills are up to par.
  • Build a boat from lava bat skins to cross the lava flow. They're fireproof, right?
How you develop your Avatar will open up new possible solutions. For instance, if you develop skills in clambering and acrobatics, you’ll have more ways to maneuver around, or up and over, a foe. Refine your marksmanship with a bow and you’ll be more effective at sniping creatures before they can close with you.

Being able to develop specialized skills will mean your experience playing through the game may be quite difference from other player’s. This also makes it more fun to replay the game with different character.

Faction Influence: You Can't Please Everyone
Underworld Ascendant's sandbox design also feeds into how you interact with the Abyss’ three factions: the Dark Elves, the Dwarves, and the Shamblers.

Each faction's outlook towards you is shared by all of its members, based on your reputation and prior actions towards them. Their outlook is influenced by choices in conversation, larceny, acts of overt hostility, favors (for them or their rivals), or actions that may even seem inconsequential at first.

For example, slaying a Tunnel Trapper blocking access to the mines might put you in good with the Dwarves, but harm your reputation with the Dark Elves, who herded it there earlier to thwart the mountain folk's prospecting efforts. Likewise, the bark of the carnivorous plant known as the Ripper is highly-prized by all three factions. The Dark Elves craft it into light, sturdy mail. The Dwarves utilize it as an alchemical ingredient. The Shamblers employ it as a fertile, living bed for the growth of spores. Killing one of the creatures may provide you with valuable items to trade the Dark Elves or Dwarves, but put you out of favor with the Shamblers.


Keeping on good terms with a faction may lead to special quests, access to unique items, and even to becoming adopted into their tribe; all of which greatly affect your gameplay experience. It’s all up to your choices.

A Dynamic, Reactive World
When we say that Underworld Ascendant will be a “living, breathing world”, we mean that there's a complex ecology of flora and fauna existing around you while you play. This ecology will be self-sustaining, designed to flourish and grow.

The player can impact the ecology. For instance, killing a pack of Shadow Beasts may mean the Lurkers living in the watering hole nearby won't have a food supply. Their new home may end up being directly in the path of your next quest, or adjacent to an encampment of Dwarven allies.


Conversely, if you decide not to hunt the Shadow Beasts, their nesting habits may attract Cave Worms, who love to lay eggs in Shadow Beast feces. More Cave Worms means more Dire Faeries, who view Cave Worms as a delicacy. Suddenly this area is getting pretty dangerous!

Opportunities will arise for you to take an active hand in altering the environment. For instance, transforming a damp, humid bog into a dry, arid plain by damming a nearby stream will drive out the native species. Invite in others that favor the altered clime, and tip the area out of the Shamblers' control and into the hands of the Dwarves or Dark Elves.

The more you play, the more you'll come to understand the web of interrelated systems playing out around you, and how you can play within those systems. That's what “freedom of choice” means for Underworld Ascendant.

We have reached the halfway point of the Kickstarter campaign. Over 8,600 Backers and more than $474,000 funded! It’s been a crazy ride so far, more thrilling because of the passion our fans are sharing to help bring Underworld Ascendant to life. We are daily thankful for your support!


We are pleased as punch to announce that Denis Loubet will be contributing his legendary artistic talents to Underworld Ascendant. Denis illustrated the box covers of every classic Ultima game, including the Ultima Underworlds! He will be doing the illustration for the COLLECTOR’s EDITION of our game box, as well as other art for the game. Above is an early sketch Denis did while collaborating with us on the original Underworld box, along with a (naturally) artistic woodcut of Denis himself. Please check out Denis’ Patreon campaign (HERE), and his website (HERE ).

Not yet a week in and Underworld Ascendant has already reached the #17 spot of 1,718 games in Steam Greenlight! Huge thanks to all of you for putting in the YES votes. Keep the YES votes coming and let’s see if we can reach to the rarefied air of a top-10 spot.

Besides the Twitch session this afternoon at 3-6pm ET where we play Thief, we also wanted to highlight that this Thursday the 19th at 8pm ET we are being interviewed by Arvan Eleron on Twitch.

The Team at OtherSide
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Infinitron said:

We are pleased as punch to announce that Denis Loubet will be contributing his legendary artistic talents to Underworld Ascendant. Denis illustrated the box covers of every classic Ultima game, including the Ultima Underworlds! He will be doing the illustration for the COLLECTOR’s EDITION of our game box, as well as other art for the game. Above is an early sketch Denis did while collaborating with us on the original Underworld box, along with a (naturally) artistic woodcut of Denis himself. Please check out Denis’ Patreon campaign (HERE), and his website (HERE ).

Not yet a week in and Underworld Ascendant has already reached the #17 spot of 1,718 games in Steam Greenlight! Huge thanks to all of you for putting in the YES votes. Keep the YES votes coming and let’s see if we can reach to the rarefied air of a top-10 spot.

Besides the Twitch session this afternoon at 3-6pm ET where we play Thief, we also wanted to highlight that this Thursday the 19th at 8pm ET we are being interviewed by Arvan Eleron on Twitch.

The Team at OtherSide

:yeah: :incline:

I feel extremely tempted to go for a Collector's Edition boxed copy of the game right now.


Codex Roaming East Coast Reporter
Feb 22, 2006
Perusing his PC Museum shelves.
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Very nice update and DENIS LOUBET!!! My collector's box is gonna look sweet!!!!!

This Looking Glass semi-reunion has got me quite excited!! Much more than during the W2 KS and their pitch of "bringing the old gang back" which incidentally fell through and didn't really happen...

Doctor Sbaitso

Oct 22, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Grab the Codex by the pussy Serpent in the Staglands
A few things I picked up from the article


Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I'm super glad to hear about the original artist of the Ultima covers coming back. These were completely awesome.

However, I'm a bit fishy about the whole "improvisation engine" thing.
In every one of their examples in the game , they say "It's not like we're presenting you with options of what to do, the world generates it, emergent gameplay etc"...
But it appears that in every single case they're just using a premade solution.


Feb 16, 2011
I think it was stated on the last page that they have additional funding, a bit like Larian with D:OS. Otherwise 600k wouldn't be enough indeed.

I've backed it as well now. I'm sceptical that they manage to deliver, but the promise of a worthy successor to UU is simply too good to let it pass.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
I was most heartened to hear Tim say, "OK, but what if your character sucks in combat?" Seriously. Implementing stealth and maneuverability as major problem-solving tools is a big deal.


Sep 4, 2013
However, I'm a bit fishy about the whole "improvisation engine" thing.
In every one of their examples in the game , they say "It's not like we're presenting you with options of what to do, the world generates it, emergent gameplay etc"...
But it appears that in every single case they're just using a premade solution.
They currently they are using premade assets and premade modules of Unity3d. And they want to customize the assets and modules, this is not inventing the wheel new, but adapt it to their needs. Don't forget this guys are MIT-lers, if you let them lose on the world, they will invent a robot that crawls through the canalisation of Moscow, and kills Putin while he takes a dump.


Mar 28, 2014
uh i love how dex is all fapping but some of those updates read like molynelux stuff.
You can destroy lifeforms foodchain ! etc.

would love to see game in state they are talking about though.


Apr 16, 2004
UPDATE: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/othersidegames/underworld-ascendant/posts/1139509

Faction Influence: You Can't Please Everyone
Underworld Ascendant's sandbox design also feeds into how you interact with the Abyss’ three factions: the Dark Elves, the Dwarves, and the Shamblers.

Each faction's outlook towards you is shared by all of its members, based on your reputation and prior actions towards them. Their outlook is influenced by choices in conversation, larceny, acts of overt hostility, favors (for them or their rivals), or actions that may even seem inconsequential at first.

For example, slaying a Tunnel Trapper blocking access to the mines might put you in good with the Dwarves, but harm your reputation with the Dark Elves, who herded it there earlier to thwart the mountain folk's prospecting efforts. Likewise, the bark of the carnivorous plant known as the Ripper is highly-prized by all three factions. The Dark Elves craft it into light, sturdy mail. The Dwarves utilize it as an alchemical ingredient. The Shamblers employ it as a fertile, living bed for the growth of spores. Killing one of the creatures may provide you with valuable items to trade the Dark Elves or Dwarves, but put you out of favor with the Shamblers.
I really hope this isn't implemented as-written. The "Kill X creature, get faction hit with Y" is a tired mechanic, and FO:NV improved it greatly by requiring a person of a faction who could affect your reputation survive the encounter for the reputation hit to kick in. If I kill a lone Tunnel Trapper and no one is around, why the fuck would the Dwarves and Dark Elves know? This is the danger of pitching your game as simulationist.. people expect the implemented rules be logic based and not gamey when convenient.

edit: this also reminds me of Skyrim's reputation system where when you successfully steal something, you get a rep hit. How the fuck would they know it's you?! I hope the Ascendant guys aren't drinking from the Bethesda fount of game design.

edit2: sorry, it was FO:NV who implemented this karma hit on stealing items. I can't remember if Skyrim did it or not.. I modded it out of both games ASAP.
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Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Faggots won't answer the tough questions. Not backing confirmed.

Infinitron confirmed to have tongue up otherside's asshole. :P



I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
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Faggots won't answer the tough questions. Not backing confirmed.

Infinitron confirmed to have tongue up otherside's asshole. :P


I think you might be overreacting to their association with Garriott.
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Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Possibly...but come on.. Garriott's web store is more thought out than his game. I don't think the association with him is a good one.


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