Everything about this sounds very much up my street except for the last bit - how, uh, "gratuitous" and "tasteful" is the porn? Is it just occasional boobs as in, say, the witcher 3 or something more explicit and difficult to explain without embarassment if the wife were to walk in while I was playing?Here’s the TL;DR pitch: Vampire Gang RPG with F:NV-like factions, Battle Brothers-esque overworld gameplay, an AI DM that reacts to your decisions, and gratuitous but tasteful porn.
Yeah, like Zombra said above, I'm considering a menu option to toggle the sex stuff. By default? This is a porn game with lots of explicit porn.
Im really looking forward to this game and I hope you dont make any SJWism design changes and acquiesce to those annoying comments like " this game objectifies women because they hot "
We expecting a Vampire porn game so keep up the good work and keep posting updates on the art design. I have no issue with explicit sex